PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZNICK.8537


My character is level 30-something… but almost level 16 in sPvP. I love my guild, but the people in it don’t PvP much, and many are level 80.

I may never hit level 80 because I like to PvP. When I leave to go to guild meetings/events, they’re all in their lev 80 gear they’ve earned, and I’m in my level 28 studded leather… and look like crap. Heck, I can’t even wear it (cosmetically) in WvW!!

I’ve put in just as much time as they have, I deserve to at least “look” good when outside of the Mists. Heck, even in the Mists when I go into a game it’s blue or red.

PLEASE vote and bump this thread up and ask for us to let us transmute our sPvP gear! I don’t want the stats, just the look…

If the offside is each of our characters has its own PvP locker so I can’t feed good looking armor to my leve 2 alt, sobeit… or if that’s a problem, make us have to be level 60 to transmute it in the “outer world”, but PLEASE give us some option!


13 Years of Gaming As a Guild

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zhala.5284


This will never happen my friend.
As for you spending just as much time in game as your guild mates and looking like crap compared to them because they have earned their gear in WvWvW/PvE.

Put the shoe on the other foot.

You have earned your cool looking gear in sPvP so when they come in sPvP they look like crap compared to you.

You cant have it all ways, if you wanna look good outside of sPvP then you need to invest the time.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZNICK.8537


This will never happen my friend.
As for you spending just as much time in game as your guild mates and looking like crap compared to them because they have earned their gear in WvWvW/PvE.

Put the shoe on the other foot.

You have earned your cool looking gear in sPvP so when they come in sPvP they look like crap compared to you.

You cant have it all ways, if you wanna look good outside of sPvP then you need to invest the time.

The shoe shouldn’t have to be put on the other foot… and you CAN have it both ways. I’ve already “invested the time”, I have more hours played than most the level 80’s in this game.

The people who earn gear in WvW or PvE SHOULD be allowed to wear it in the Mists… cosmetically. Gear you earn should be able to be worn ANYWHERE, there shouldn’t be two sets of gear for two different places.

It’s ridiculous and has never been done on another game. It’s taking the genre backwards a step.


PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jewel.1457


I really would like this… not actually wearing the gear as in for the stats but being able to transmute it over the top of another piece. It would have been so much easier to just have a wardrobe function.

Gamey Blog: Healing the Masses - with the soul of thine enemy
Eriena of JQ-warrior forever

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: OneKlicKill.4285


Well, I don’t see why it could not be an option like the town gear. When in town you can equip your town gear, when in the mist you can equip your Pve/WvW gear. Problem solved both ways and it’s left purely cosmetic.

Please skill/trait split and give control to the PvP team. Karl is fucking killing us

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elle.8064


It’s probably because ANet has made it rather clear that the two game modes are meant to be completely separate. You work hard for you PvP gear so other PvPers can see your achievements and know what it means. The same works for those who have done PvE. Work hard for you PvE achievements and it is displayed for those in the PvE environment. While it would be nice to show off each of these to the “other side,” it’s just not how it was meant to be played.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carrioncrow.6872


Isn’t there a token out there that you can get to Get the stats of one type of armor and combine it with the appearance of another type of armor?

It’s out there, you just have to work at getting it. no?

Sides I might wait until I hit 80 for that shtuff.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dungfish.7509


I think it is a bit silly to have the main reward for PvP be completely aesthetic and then make you unable to wear it anywhere else but the 5ft x 5ft PvP lobby where everyone is either AFK or staring at a merchant.

If I could just show my gear outside of combat (Like town gear) in PvE areas so that I can sit around Divinities Reach and show it off it would make the idea of grinding mykitten off in sPvP a lot more appealing.


PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shroom Mage.9410

Shroom Mage.9410

Just go buy the level 35 cultural set. It isn’t very expensive but it looks good enough to transmute to 80.

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shukran.4851


arent there some knod of consumable which let you modify aesthetics of armors? but if you are not lvl 80 it will be a waste of resouce.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Karthus.9841


it should be possible, a pvp gear that underline you passion for the pvp.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mastodon.6012


signed – let us wear it outside

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: kShade.8259


I think it is a bit silly to have the main reward for PvP be completely aesthetic and then make you unable to wear it anywhere else but the 5ft x 5ft PvP lobby where everyone is either AFK or staring at a merchant.

If I could just show my gear outside of combat (Like town gear) in PvE areas so that I can sit around Divinities Reach and show it off it would make the idea of grinding mykitten off in sPvP a lot more appealing.

So basically you are upset that you can’t show off to your guild mates and have them validate your existence by telling you how cool you look. Is that about right?

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: milo.6942


Dungfish, if you are grinding yourkitten off in pvp for skins I hate to say it but I think you’re doing it wrong. Maybe they will at some point allow some way to have some pvp armor rewards cross over into pve, but judging from gw1 it’s not going to happen. Play pvp because you like it, not because you feel it should be a means to get rewards. Relax a little man, don’t worry so much about what people will think of you.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rika.7249


I don’t see the issue here.

Play PvP and get PvP rewards. Play PvE and get PvE rewards.
Is this an issue? Really?

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489



First of all, it takes an absurd amount of time to get the equivalent PvP sets (as opposed to the PvE sets) for some reason. Secondly, you can wear the PvE sets in cities, during events and in WvW pvp – basically most of the very large world. You can only wear the sPvP sets in the extremely tiny sPvP lobby, not even in WvW. It does not feel equal at all. So basically you have to work several times harder to get armor that you can only wear in 1% of the world. AND then it gets painted over with Blue or Red colors during sPvP matches as well, so there’s zero individuality there.

Once you’ve earned armor in sPvP you should be able to at least transmute it onto regular armor in AT LEAST WvW – that’s all I’m asking for.

I understand why Arenanet wants to keep sPvP and PvE gameplay separate but I don’t understand why they want to so completely sever the link between them to this extent.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morkai.7645


I support this thread. No harm done allowing us to use pvp armor skins outside mists. Its a feature I might even pay for if need be.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infidel.8412


Lol what? They made it like this so you feel like you are working towards something in sPvP other than just a rank. What rewards are you getting for ranking up otherwise?

This is basically what I am hearing, “let me have my pvp gear so I can stand in town all day, and have people stare at me.” Really?

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: spoodigity.4321


I think they should let us wear PVP gear cosmetically outside PVP as well. That way you’re still defined as a PVPer. You only really get to look how you want to in the mists, since you’re color is defined in matches.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

I COMPLETELY agree, was about to make a topic about this but you beat me to it.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nyota.7062


Wearing it outside would be strange and outright wrong imo.

Now only if the login screen would show your character in the equip/state, you logged out of – that would be nice.

Dolyak Engineer/Thief – Kodash (EU)

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: dutchy.2987


just wondering.. if you like PvP so much… go play WvWvW… thats the REAL PvP

structured PvP is arena’s as in WoW or Scenario’s in Warhammer.. Thats fun but the REAL battles are in WvWvW

(edited by dutchy.2987)

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revelstoke.8924


“I think it is a bit silly to have the main reward for PvP be completely aesthetic and then make you unable to wear it anywhere else but the 5ft x 5ft PvP lobby where everyone is either AFK or staring at a merchant.”


Youre literally spending COUNTLESS hours playing the same maps to get different aesthetic gear…that you can only wear in the PvP lobby that…no ones ever in.

I see no reason why someone should not be able to transmute a piece of PvE gear onto a PvP piece for cosmetic purposes only, and visa-versa. There’s zero harm in that and lets ‘both sides of the fence’ reflect the hours and dedication they’ve put in.

Shrubfelty – 80 Ele
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


it will be unfair to PvE-rs. PvE-rs devote much time and effort getting the best armor in game and PvP-ers just kill noobs with ease to get the best PvP armor in game.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Art.9367


I can see the division of appearances on both fronts. I do, however, think that you should be able to display your sPvP gear in WvW as an option. For all the work that is needed to be put into such amazing sets, you can only use it in .001% of the game space (i.e. Heart of the Mists and sPvP maps).

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Geff.1930


Who cares about the outside world? A true PvPer never leaves the mists. Tell your guild to grow some balls and join you in the mists.

After hitting lvl 80 I have never left the mists because the outside world is full of silly people fighting A.I. pointlessly forever to no end. I’m not talking good A.I that responds to your actions, but stupid A.I that does the same things over and over again. Would you rather defeat that stupid A.I. or an intelligent human? Which would bring more satisfaction?

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: BAMFZILLA.1850


This will never happen my friend.
As for you spending just as much time in game as your guild mates and looking like crap compared to them because they have earned their gear in WvWvW/PvE.

Put the shoe on the other foot.

You have earned your cool looking gear in sPvP so when they come in sPvP they look like crap compared to you.

You cant have it all ways, if you wanna look good outside of sPvP then you need to invest the time.

The shoe shouldn’t have to be put on the other foot… and you CAN have it both ways. I’ve already “invested the time”, I have more hours played than most the level 80’s in this game.

The people who earn gear in WvW or PvE SHOULD be allowed to wear it in the Mists… cosmetically. Gear you earn should be able to be worn ANYWHERE, there shouldn’t be two sets of gear for two different places.

It’s ridiculous and has never been done on another game. It’s taking the genre backwards a step.


This is the problem with america these days. I DESERVE EVERYTHING FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER. Seems to be translating over to mmos as well….strange…..

Go earn your pve gear like they did. Then they can earn sPVP gear whenever they come to play sPVP.

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sjach Darasv.3729

Sjach Darasv.3729

It doesn’t honestly change much between the two. It’s not like your PvP gear is going to be different from what people see with their PvE gear, they are in fact, all the same skins. I really don’t see what the problem is either way, it’s not really “showing off” anything considering the PvErs have see the PvE equivalent skin of the PvP skin, which they are all trade offs. The dry bones PvP light armor set = karma bought light armor from level 15-35 zones from what i read on one of the forums or wikis.

~Lone Shadow~

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


just wondering.. if you like PvP so much… go play WvWvW… thats the REAL PvP

structured PvP is arena’s as in WoW or Scenario’s in Warhammer.. Thats fun but the REAL battles are in WvWvW

Well too bad the pvp gear rewards for WvW are horrendous as well then. It does not feel like Arenanet thought this PvP reward system through very well.

My only choice of progressing in PvP is to either spend an absurd amount of time in the mists on the same 3 dull maps (it’d take me months) to get the same armor PvErs get but only get to wear it in a lobby OR I can run around WvW trying to gather up literally THOUSANDS of seals to buy one set of terrible looking WvW armor. That’s it. That is all there is

(edited by Zzulu.5489)