Please move the camera up from my character's backside.
Honestly, GW2 camera is one of the worst I ever seen in a game. When you are in close space you get mad. T_T
Even Baldur’s Gate cameta was better… and it was a 2d game. :P
Agree, as a option.
As there is a “left to right” slider for camera, they should add a “down to up” slider too
It also needs to be in front with a full forward mouse wheel. I have a Norn character and there are so many times I can’t even see where I’m jumping etc or when I’m in tight areas. Make an improvemtn on the cam system as mentioned.
Please move the camera up from my character's backside.
in Suggestions
Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957
There’s a thread compilating lots of camera issues. This included:
To me is one of the worst things the camera does. Whenever I get close to a wall I end up seeing my character’s head or back, instead what’s in front of them.
If behind me there is a tree, or a rock or somethingelse, the camera stuck to it and i can see just it! T_T
completely agree, The camera pivot point in this game is horrible. give us an option to set it to " normal" at the very least.
also don’t like the camera smoothing the game does when you simply look around. You guys must have been confused into think you where not making a PC game. please add an option to turn that off.