Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


I really like the new achievement chests, a nice way to reward players for completing the achievements more than just building up points. But I noticed that atleast from one of the chests, I and others seemed to get a TON of badges of honor. I didn’t pay attention to exactly how many badges I received, or whether it was the same amount for other people, but I do know I went from something like 80 badges to having two stacks of badges from JUST my chest rewards. I have also seen people linking whole stacks of 250 badges in either map or whisper chat and asking “what do I do with these?”

Now, I think that awarding some badges in achievement chests is good because there are WvW achievements and it’s a nice incentive…But I think that rewarding such large amounts is really just not fair. I mean in the past, you really had to earn your badges and as a casual WvWer, it could take quite a while to get a stack of 250. (Not sure about hardcore WvWers because I am not one myself). I don’t really feel that it’s fair to people who earn them that people who may have never even set foot in WvW can now get such large amounts of badges so easily. Not to mention, in order to create a legendary weapon you are required to buy a Gift of Battle for 500 badges. Which, again, for anyone less than hardcore all-the-time WvW, could take some time and effort. I spent atleast a month casually working up to my 500 badges, but I did have to actually go earn those. Now if people are just given so many badges, it may take 2-4 chests for them to have enough to buy that Gift of Battle..Which seems really unproportionate to the amount of work that is required for pretty much every other aspect of creating a legendary weapon.

So I’m just suggesting that maybe the number of badges rewarded in Achievement chests is reduced to something around maybe 10-25 badges per chest. I think they’re a nice reward, especially for people who complete a lot of WvW achievements, but I don’t think it’s really necessary or fair to hand out really big stacks of badges for something that doesn’t actually require any WvW participation.

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayvan.2345


I wouldn’t worry about it too much, it’s a one time thing. If the chests had been in since launch then the badges would have rolled in more gradually. Over the next 7 days lots will be introduced at once but then it will subside.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

It doesn’t matter how casual or hardcore you are at wvw, you’re still going to get roughly the same number of badges per hour. It also doesn’t take very long to get a stack of badges.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


.But I think that rewarding such large amounts is really just not fair. I mean in the past, you really had to earn your badges and as a casual WvWer, it could take quite a while to get a stack of 250.

“In the past, my great grandma had to walk to the nearest water place to wash all of her clothes by hand, so it’s not really fair that people get washing machines these days”

Life is not fair. Deal with it. We move forward, we progress. Things get better.

That said, these are one time rewards. You’re getting a lot of them now because, like most people, the system just came out and, fortunately, works retroactively, so most of us have quite a pile up of achievement points to cash in. Once you catch up to your current AP you won’t be getting these daily.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


.But I think that rewarding such large amounts is really just not fair. I mean in the past, you really had to earn your badges and as a casual WvWer, it could take quite a while to get a stack of 250.

“In the past, my great grandma had to walk to the nearest water place to wash all of her clothes by hand, so it’s not really fair that people get washing machines these days”

Life is not fair. Deal with it. We move forward, we progress. Things get better.

That said, these are one time rewards. You’re getting a lot of them now because, like most people, the system just came out and, fortunately, works retroactively, so most of us have quite a pile up of achievement points to cash in. Once you catch up to your current AP you won’t be getting these daily.

Well the thing is, they are things you’re generally supposed to work towards. And like I said I think it’s good to give out badges from the chests, but is a whole stack really necessary? Especially when it only takes 2 stacks to buy the Gift of Battle?

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darabolok.1803


I agree, the amount of badge seems a bit much. I don’t wvw much, only ever set foot there to do the monthly kills required earlier before the selectable monthlies, and to get the gift of battle. It was not hard, but took a few hour. It was an item on the to do list for legendaries. Now that item is stroked through. We are at the 1500 chest currently, and got 400 already. I bet the next chest will again contain at least 100, so now if you want a legendary, you will need 2000 AP. There is no way you don’t gather that much while you do the other things for your legendary.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

.But I think that rewarding such large amounts is really just not fair. I mean in the past, you really had to earn your badges and as a casual WvWer, it could take quite a while to get a stack of 250.

“In the past, my great grandma had to walk to the nearest water place to wash all of her clothes by hand, so it’s not really fair that people get washing machines these days”

Life is not fair. Deal with it. We move forward, we progress. Things get better.

That said, these are one time rewards. You’re getting a lot of them now because, like most people, the system just came out and, fortunately, works retroactively, so most of us have quite a pile up of achievement points to cash in. Once you catch up to your current AP you won’t be getting these daily.

How is that an even partially reasonable argument? One way or another your granny still has to do the laundry, one way takes less work, but it still involves interacting with things relevant to laundry.

I have not set foot in WvW since I finished map completion, short of a quick stop to get ot he the JP for Aether and Kite Achievements. I barely had half a stack of badges. I know have a Gift of Battle thanks to random reward in the chests. Do I deserve it? No, I absolutely do not, I didn’t do a single thing in the world to earn it. But I got it for free, just cause.

To repair your little argument. “When my Grandma was older she had to walk to the nearest water place to scrub her laundry by hand for hours. Now some random person delivers her brand new clothes every day for free.”

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheus.7284



Because a lot of people don’t like WvW. Which is why most Legendary makers farmed EB JP’s back in the day.

Don’t think of Gift of Battle as some kind of golden star award because it is not, it is only 500 Badges and is only a fraction of the easiest-to-obtain component (Gift of Mastery) of a legendary. Note that people need Badges for WvW Armor Skins and etc too.

ALSO, try getting 500 achievement points when you are already done with most easy achievements or purchaseable ones (entropy, emperor), I bet I can get stacks of Badges of Honor in skillless, effortless zerg battles by tapping enemy zergs before you can even get 250 achievement points.

TL:DR: Some people here seem to think Badges of Honor is some kinda hard to obtain prestige relics…it is not. It’s kinda as common as Heavy Mold Bags from Orr if you actually bother to WvW.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

As a hardcore WvW, I had 5k badges before the new WvW Laurel vendor popped up. I’m down to 1.5k now, which can now be transformed into siege and sold. I don’t mind that other people get badges even though they don’t play WvW, if the badges bring people into “check out” WvW to see what the hell those things do, if 5% of those people turn into players would start to come out every day and understand tactics and builds… I’m all for it.

Just the same that I’m not mad that I get tPvP gear in my achievement chests now. It’s a nice bonus and incentive to play different types of game styles.

@ Player Character – No. A hardcore and a casual will NOT get the same number of badges. I’ve yet to see a “casual” WvW with anywhere close to the number of badges that my guildies and I have accumulated over the last 10 months.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Reduce Badges from Achievement Chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darabolok.1803



Because a lot of people don’t like WvW. Which is why most Legendary makers farmed EB JP’s back in the day.

I have to admit, you have a point there. With the easily obtainable achievement badges, no one is forced to set foot in wvw who is not interested, and not taking up spots from actual defenders.