Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khronus.8370


Look, I don’t mind any of these things because I haven’t had to deal with this issue fully. However, when thinking about a mesmer dying near a gate, waiting 10 minutes to rez and portal his team into a keep without even killing the gate seems really stupid.

I came up with a great way to fix this issue. In WVW, when a player dies (fully dead), they should have a timer (decided by Arena Net). Let’s use 1 minute as an example. You kill a mesmer by the gate. The 1 minute timer counts down. Once it hits 0, you die and are forced to choose a waypoint to spawn on. This fixes the portal issue entirely.

1 minute to corpse spy. Hurts, but eliminates the issue completely.

For those who disagree, When someone is being revived from fully dead, the timer is paused. Knockbacks can start the timer again just in case there are multiple players trying to revive the dead (even though they shouldn’t be)

Let me know your thoughts, I think this idea is brilliant.

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


I don’t get what you’re saying. How would the dead mesmer be able to bring his team inside?

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khronus.8370


Ok, you defend against a wave of 30. The mesmer dies RIGHT on the other side of the gate. His team can come back in 10 minutes and rez him THROUGH the gate. Thus allowing the mesmer to create a portal and bring everyone to the other side of the wall. Grant it, this works when the team doesn’t stay to defend, which they usually don’t, or they have very little there defending.

So bam, you now have a full health gate, 30 players teleporting to the other side, stealing the keep and confusing the kitten out of the defending team. Unlimited DEAD time. If there was a 1 minute GTFO timer, this would never work again.

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


better solution, fix the obvious bug if this is really happening?

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khronus.8370


well it isn’t really a bug if you think about it. So you can rez someone on the other side of the wall. It is based on a certain range, being able to revive. Without having to do major coding and fixes to prevent reviving through the doors, just add the timer and we are golden.

I mean think about it. The main FLAW here is the fact that you can sit dead and still see everything around you. Corpse camping is a serious issue for top tier WVW. This issue hasn’t been “exploited” because it really isn’t an exploit.

BUT, this 1 minute timer would fix everything and still have the exact same feeling as it should be in WVW. I wouldn’t mind a death timer throughout the entire game but PVE players will begin to cry about having to run through the dungeon every time they die. This works for WVW brilliantly.

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


A better solution would be making PvE and PvP versions of certain skills like they did in GW 1 . this would allow them to change how portal and other skills work in PvP without screwing over PvEers and visa versa

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khronus.8370


That was cool in GW1 bu it isn’t necessary here to be honest. That is the same mentallity as wow players wanting things from WOW implemented. This is GW2, think of ways to fix it going forward.

BUT, my point that nobody is hitting on is the 1 minute timer. Someone tell me why this would be a bad idea. I haven’t come up with many amazing ideas to be implemented in the MMO’s I have played but I truly feel that this would be GREAT. No more sitting dead for 10 minutes until someone revives you just because you don’t want to run the map again. FORCE movement, FORCE PLAY with this simple addition to WVW. Someone tell me it sucks with a valid point. Or agree with me and get Arena Net to give me their thoughts.

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


I’m not saying a timer is a bad idea don’t get me wrong but your treating the symptom not the disease. Changing how portal works in PvP cures the disease.

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Troggdor.7324


This could be solved by a blur filter when completely down

Simple fix to corpse spying/mesmer portals in WVW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kKagari.6804


They should force you to respawn at a waypoint after a while regardless.

When two armies battle, and one wins; none of the loser’s efforts matter because the winner’s army will easily rez everyone up again. Zero loss of momentum.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.