Steam Punk Armor

Steam Punk Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuri Wurm.2496

Nuri Wurm.2496

I like the new steam punk armor you introduced and was transmuting some of my weapons to the steam weapon skins to match. I notice the weapon icons look better than the actual weapons which often look unfinished having a rather dull finish vs the shiny on on the icon. I think you should spruce up the steam weapon looks. For example the axe make it shiny like the icon.


Steam Punk Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Not a bad idea but keep in mind that those steampunk weapons are charr cultural weapons. they are mass produced and not as big into prettying their tools up as some of the other races are.

Maybe if we could dye the weapons that would be good.