Suggestion for more sPvP modes

Suggestion for more sPvP modes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trifuerza.5427


Hi all!

It seems like sPvP is starting to be more competitive with paid tournaments, but I think that PvP players we need more from sPvP to take busy. In GW1 you could play PvP and not play PvE because you had a lot of PvP types, we can’t said that on Guild Wars 2 because sPvP is not diverse (but we must know that the game is just 2 month old).

I want to create this post to discuss what things we can change about sPvP to make a better PvP mode.

My opinion:

- Short time (1-2 months)
2 new maps to the actual sPvP system. It is needed to make a tournament rotation of maps.

- Medium time (2-4months)
Spectator mode (they are working on it)

- Long time (4months + or expansions)
- Alternative sPvP mode to conquest of points
- Arena sPvP mode like GW1, just a survival mode, the last team on live, win.
- An exclusive ranked Guild PvP mode with mundial or continental Ranking.

I like to open a disscusion with another players to get new ideas to improve the sPvP, with positive opinions to improve this beautiful feature of the game, the sPvP.


P.S. : Sorry about my bad English, I am just studyng it now