The Consortium Brings you: Guild Halls

The Consortium Brings you: Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falkor.7932


I feel I should mention this is a suggestion, since it looks sort of like patch notes.

In November, the Consortium brought us The Fractals of the Mists; “stabilized” chunks of reality within the Mists. (The Mists, of course, also being the setting for player versus player). The Consortium, being the capitalists that they are, would surely like to sell their new- and likely infinite, real estate.

New Guild Unlock: Consortium Guild Hall Contract

  • Architecture Rank V Required
  • Cost of Merits & Influence (should be fairly expensive yet reasonably obtainable by smaller guilds)
  • Once complete, the guild hall contract can be activated, asking the player to choose a theme. 5 themes to start with: Human, Norn, Charr, Sylvari, and Asura. Construction of your guild hall would reflect architecture of the race you choose.

Accessing A Guild Hall

  • For your own hall, A new button would be added to the main screen of your guild tab, allowing you to enter your guild hall at will.
  • A new teleporter in The Consortium area, which upon communicating with a golem, you could choose to either teleport to your own guild hall, or view a list of “Open” guild halls.
  • Once created, Guilds would be allowed to list their Hall as “Open” which would allow anyone to visit your guild hall. (through the method listed above)

Construction and Upgrades

  • When you first enter your guild hall, it might look rather plain. This would be to allow you to build upgrades like furniture, extra merchants, and even additional buildings.
  • Guild Supply would be a new Guild-based Currency, which would increase by depositing materials like Wood, Ore, Cloth, etc. into the guild. Higher tier materials would give more supply. This currency would be used to build things in your guild hall. (there would have to be some way for sPvPers to gain supply too, perhaps by spending glory)
  • A separate version of the hall would be accessible by those with permissions where you could edit your guild hall before saving it. This would be where furnishings and upgrades would be used.
  • Furnishings would be stored with regular upgrades. Activating them would give you a bundle, that would be placed in a similar manner to siege weaponry, which could then be turned, or picked back up as a bundle. (eg: skill 1 rotate clockwise, skill 2 pick up, skill 3 rotate counter-clockwise, and Esc to leave it alone)
  • Once Saved, people inside the guild hall would likely have to reload to see the changes, so a Notification in chat inside the guild hall would be a good way to notify occupants that there is a new version of the hall.

Services Available Inside Guild Halls

  • Guild Bank, Guild Armorer, Weaponsmith, Commendation Trader, Guild Registrar, perhaps a small bar in the Hall where a Guild Promoter would reside.
  • Upgrades could be personal storage, Salvage/mining tool merchants, Mystic forge, Crafting stations, or black lion pickup. (All of these things area already freely available by heading to your world’s borderland, so I see no issue with giving them to guild halls, especially as an upgrade)

Gem Store Opportunities

  • Theme Resets/expansions, Granting you the ability to reset your guild hall (furnishings should be saved), and giving additional options, such as a “Minor Races of Tyria” pack that would include skritt scratches, Ogre Kraals, and Hylek villages. (Quaggan villages and Grawl caves would be harder to implement, I would love Dredge myself) These items could also make the resident npcs of your guild hall of that race.

Guild Vs Guild
Undoubtedly what you are all reading for, Guild vs Guild has been highly demanded since beta. With the idea that these are giant chunks of mass floating around, it’s not impossible that these “Guild Hall Fractals” could collide. The idea would be the same as GW1, (which I have not experienced, but from what I’ve read is to “capture” the other guild’s hall) perhaps with a land mass between the halls for a more expansive fight, depending on how big guild halls end up being.

TL;DR, Guild halls based on The Fractals of the Mists technology, smash them together for GvG.

That’s all I’ve come up with for now, I’ll post more if and when I think of it.

“One time! I slightly blew some of us up one time, and you won’t let it go.”
- Explorer Bekk

(edited by Falkor.7932)

The Consortium Brings you: Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: pikpikbak.9207


Easily the best guild hall idea I’ve seen posted, I love how everything’s really well-put and thought out!

I’m particularly fond of the GVG idea, since it gives people a reason to /want/ one of the things, outside of it just bein’ cool.

The Consortium Brings you: Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I don’t like this idea at all, except for the bit about the guild halls. The rest is terrible.
Please keep the Consortium out of this.

The Consortium Brings you: Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drakenvold.9761



also we cpuld “buy” or unlock npcs that would grant small boons for a specific amount of time,just soit doenst feel like and empty hall

The Consortium Brings you: Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: SoulCrystal.5207


All i want are Guild Halls just like in Guild Wars. Themed Guild Halls either based on the various regions of Tyria (Maguuma, Ascalon, Shiverpeaks etc) or traditional themes (Dark citadels for evil characters, A traditional fort looking guild hall, or even a Sylvari inspired guild hall) I want a place where my guild and I can hang out and goof off when we don’t really feel like ‘doing’ anything in the world, but we still want to play GW.