The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sevenfoot Sativa.2491

Sevenfoot Sativa.2491

Reset traits like in sPvP. If we can’t change them, then it isn’t really a customizable game where anyone can swap their roles on the fly. It would be like if in GW1 a monk got Smiting Prayers and was stuck with Smite attributes forever, unless they paid a fee at some remote NPC.

Free travel was also in GW1, but everyone loves money sinks apparently and not everything is an outpost in GW2.

No armor damage from WvW would be great, paying over 1 silver per death(and dying happens a lot in WvW) at lvl80 is worse than paying to travel everywhere in PvE.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DomDeuce.7896


WvWvW Loot bags are now given to players in the chest queue above the minimap and can be opened from there at the players convenience.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: StarlightGamer.9560


1. Equipment drops have been reduced by 95%. Chests drop rare crafting materials now instead of cruddy blues.
2. Crafting material drops are now a bit more balanced. Bags no longer drop huge amounts of butter and chocolate, and blue crafting materials are more common as drops from monsters that drop them (scales from drakes, etc.). Most herbs (Sage, Rosemary, etc.) drop one additional unit per harvest.
3. Crafting professions are now account-bound instead of character-bound. No more making four characters to have every crafting profession simultaneously.
4. Equipment decay has been reworked in order to provide a more permanent item and equipment sink, as well as encourage community interaction.
4a.Out in the field, weapons will degrade by attacking and armor will degrade by being hit. Heavy armor degrades more slowly than cloth armor to account for soldiers being hit more often. Items degrade less quickly the higher their rarity.
4b. Slowly, as equipment decays, it’ll lose stats. At 75%, the item is slightly damaged and loses 5% stats. At 50%, 15%. At 75%, 33%. When the item reaches 100% durability loss, the item is broken. The player is amply warned each time an item passes one of these thresholds.
4c. Death imparts a not-insignificant amount of damage on the item with the highest durability.
4d. Repair NPCs have been removed from the game. In order to repair an item, you must bring your item and an ingredient to a player crafter of at least the profession level required to make the item. They can then repair the item using the damaged item and the ingredient from the item’s creation recipe. We’ve designed a system where crafters can repair items without actually obtaining them, so nobody has to worry about getting scammed.
4e. When a normal item is fully broken, it cannot be repaired. It must be salvaged or sold to a vendor. We might add a gem-based item to repair broken equipment. Equipment obtained from dungeons can be repaired by using a mystic forge recipe by putting your broken armor in the forge along with a certain amount of dungeon tokens (a fraction of what it would take to get a new piece).
5. We’ve reworked most of the personal storyline to be less difficult: no throwing half a dozen enemies at you at a time. Additionally, the end reward has been fixed and properly gives an exotic item.
6. Toughness has been buffed. Now maybe people spec’d for toughness won’t still get two-shotted.
7. In order to encourage everybody to enjoy the gameplay changes we’ve made that significantly alter every facet of gameplay, we’ve done a partial wipe. Your characters are back to level one with no money, no items, no crafting learned and just beginning on their personal story again.
7a. Just kidding. But I wouldn’t mind seeing a wipe happen once they make the huge amount of changes necessary. And no, it doesn’t mean anything if only I start my characters over.


Guided missile technology has been mostly removed from the game. Ranged attacks by NPCs that are “in the air” will now MISS if the target moves out of the flight path. This should allow players to survive if more than one ranged attacker decides its their time to die because, yeah, you’re basically toast right now if that’s the case. And we’re really, really sorry we EVER put this one in the game considering the insane spawn times, health pools and damage output of some mobs.

Oh god, that too. Perfect.

(edited by StarlightGamer.9560)

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DomDeuce.7896


We have swapped button placement of Delete All and Take All for Inventory Overflow popups. So that Delete All coincides with user’s learned behavior of Cancel operations across all platforms. We have also added a confirmation for Delete All.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


New Feature: Inspecting
Players may now inspect each other’s achievements, equipment, rank and traits in the Heart of the Mists. Inspecting equipment in PvE remains disabled.

Please no, Arenanet. No inspecting. If this is ever added then I at least want an option to block people from inspecting me.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChyldeMyst.5098


- “Undelete Last” button for in-game e-mails

- Remove auto-switch between town clothes and armour upon taking damage (it makes me CRAZY when I’m running around in town clothes, fall off a bridge, and stand up wearing my armour)

- More varieties of town clothing available from karma vendors, or craftable by tailors/leatherworkers/armoursmiths

- Short “bio” section where you can write a bio/description for your character, which will be visible to people who inspect you (this obviously would require the proposed /inspect function)

I’m too tired to think of anything else right now.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChyldeMyst.5098


New Feature: Inspecting
Players may now inspect each other’s achievements, equipment, rank and traits in the Heart of the Mists. Inspecting equipment in PvE remains disabled.

Please no, Arenanet. No inspecting. If this is ever added then I at least want an option to block people from inspecting me.

LotRO has an option in your character screen to be “anonymous”, which prevents other players from inspecting you. I don’t see why we couldn’t ask for that here. ^.^

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Syphenion.5064


Almost forgot.


  • You can now roll x number of dice with y sides with the /roll x y command.
  • Mail now has the following tabs: Inbox and Sent mail.
¸.•´¸.¤•*´¨) ¸.•*¨”˜`”°ºooº°””˜`”°ºooº°””˜`
(¸.•´ (¸.•Alloy~ Piken Square Roleplayer~

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


Yes, inspecting is nice, and block inspect is great too, if u have your secret build :P

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lewzephyr.5281


• One alternate build slot.  To allow a PvE and a WvW build.
• Waypoint and Armor Repair cost reduction or some variant of that. If I’m down leveled and earning down leveled cash / loot, it should not cost me more to travel in those areas. Or increase rewards to down leveled players.
• Inspecting other players.
• Option to appear offline to guilds you are not representing. i.e. on an alt I want to be in another guild, but don’t want to be visible to guild of my main.
• /who for the zone.
• Plastic surgery (for gems) allow revamp of characters face / hair choices.
• Vendor item filter. On by default. If I cannot use it because of profession (not level), do not show it. No point. Especially on Karma vendors. Oh yes, I have double clicked on the wrong item a couple of times.
• Telegraph circles (NPC target circle) needs to be more visible.
• Left over heart quest items: (stuff left in inventory after you complete quest.. nothing else for them)  Let me vendor as trash or salvage.
• Wiki: /wiki command open in game window (not external)
? Recently encountered enemies, skills, recipes, etc. list where clicking opens wiki link in game.
• Allow use of utility skill in Elite slot.
• Ability to customize order of weapon skills on skillbar.
• Ability to customize the order of the F1, F2, F3, F4 abilities.
• Double click from Inventory to bank should automatically stack like items.
• Graphics: Option to turn on / off or reduce spell effects for different groups. i.e. Enemy, Group, Self, etc
• Ability to sell back a incorrectly bought item… especially from Karma vendors.

Keyboard Functions:
• Key Bind  3 Different key binds for Loot, Resurrect and Interact. Sometimes I want to resurrect rather than looking an item or chopping a tree etc.
• Separate key binds per character, with ability to copy from one char to another to get to a default
• Toggle to show items in environment, rather than having to hold down ctrl.
• Remove Esc from stopping you running.
• Slider to increase turning speed from keyboard, similar to mouse sensitivity.

Chat / Communications:
• Ability to link everything to chat. Gear, Recipes, Skills, from Preview Pane as well.
• Alliance chat / Custom chat channels.

• Mouse Zoom / FOV change.  Let me zoom out and in more (all the way to first person please)… and increase the FOV… My eyes are hurting
• Allow First Person View

• Allow movement of UI elements. i.e. put self health and target health near each other.
• Option for self health bar above / below target heath bar.
• Casting / Charge bar below target bar. (ability to see when target is casting)
• Within range indicator below 1-5 buttons is inaccurate.
• Target of Target display
• World Map: Turn on / off items from legend. Would help trying to locate that last POI or Vista for a zone that you just cant seem to locate.
• An apply button for trait points, as well as a minus, so you can work on a build prior to applying it.
• Display actual HP instead of percentage.
• Self Health bar instead of bubble.
• Character Screen: Zoom ability, Dye screen center character as well.
• Pop-up windows (your in queue, or confirmation box for equipping an item) should not interfere with game controls… i.e right mouse click to turn etc.
• Pop-up windows: Ability to respond via keyboard. Spacebar / Enter for Ok, Y or N or Yes or No.

• Auto-Loot bags. Miss them all the time, they contribute to lag as well.
• Queue for all 4 WvW areas.
• Show what battleground I am queued for when queued for only one.
• Show Queue time.  Time I have been queued and estimate to join.
• Ability to see WvW score when in overflow.
• No armor damage on death by another character (death by falling or npc should cause damage)
• World Map: Option for transparency as well as resizable (not take up whole screen)
• World Map: Show guild members on map (different color / icon if they are not in your party) or allow larger party’s for PvE world events.

Putting the laughter back into Slaughter!!!!!

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lewzephyr.5281


• Capture the Flag map
• Queuing as a group for both PvP and WvW
• Dueling
• 2v2, 3v3 Arenas
• Smaller Scale mass combat. 15v15, 25v25 mini campaigns to support WvW

Mail / Trading:
• Remember last person sent to.
• COD (Cash on Delivery)
• Player to player trading in person.

Trading Post:
• More filters when searching: i.e. Types of Armor
• Preview items
• Font scaling on TP when using small UI. Unreadable. Jagged etc.
• Notification ! When item sells at trading post.
• Get all transactions button.

• More contrast showing what recipe is selected.
• Remember collection tab’s settings. I.e. keep food tab collapsed.
• Option to re-order the collection tabs. i.e. put food at the bottom.
• Karma vendors for various trophies (small fangs etc.) or ways to upgrade / downgrade a surplus of one line to another. i.e. salvage Fangs to Small Fangs to Tiny Fangs.
• Allow salvage on all items. Especially Heart vendor items that I bought with karma.
• Mystic Forge: All Items Bind on Equip, or at worst Bind to Account. No need to make equipment I cant even use or trade.
• More filtering options. i.e. your skill level is 400 but you want to make a level 30 warhorn for a buddie. Need filter for making certain level range of gear to include the parts for it and the bonus pieces.
• Increase stack size beyond 250

• Display pet life
• Pet Control: Ability to call off pets or send to attack. Pet also just runs off in random direction killing mobs way away from me.
• Consistent healing out of combat: sometimes they heal sometimes they don’t.
• Pet Names do not stay.
• Pet Stay on Target button. Pet does not need to change target when I do.
• Display turret life on UI
• Turret name to display personal tag to tell between others.
• Alternate Keybind for picking up Turret (sucks to pickup turret when you just want to loot or revive someone.
• Combat log does not show turret damage.

Putting the laughter back into Slaughter!!!!!

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Notorious Dog.1043

Notorious Dog.1043

I just wanna say that there are already some REALLY good idea`s in here (not necessarily all original, but good nevertheless) And im looking forward to adding some of my own, when they come to mind.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caramel Ham.4891

Caramel Ham.4891

- Classes are finally balanced and skills arent broken.
-All DE’s have increased in frequency and added new DE’s.
-Instanced mission board added that requires 2-10 players depending on difficulty of mission
-Fixed all broken DE’s and hearts.

-New pvp mode added that is in between spvp and WvW. 60 players max. Attack and defend.


-PvP and PvE stats and skills have finally been separated for improved class balance and fun.


-Has been redesigned to actually have a point.


-Added more activities other than Keg Brawl.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: vinak.3497


Monks have returned to Tyria
All classes can now fully customize their skill sets

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I like your dynamic event changes to Orr, I’d just take it further and apply it everywhere (in particular on chaining events and world bosses):

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermod.2643


Adding this would be great:

As for the rest, I have faith that the devs know what they are doing.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: vengeance.7529


Personal Story:
– Removed Trehearne

Vengeancee ~ LVL80 Elementalist
In theTop 70 to reach lvl 80 :)

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Syphenion.5064


Forums: More categories should be added, like in-game roleplaying and forum roleplaying.

¸.•´¸.¤•*´¨) ¸.•*¨”˜`”°ºooº°””˜`”°ºooº°””˜`
(¸.•´ (¸.•Alloy~ Piken Square Roleplayer~