Titles Don't Feel Important.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rethmar Stokestrike.1927

Rethmar Stokestrike.1927

I’ve accumulated quite a few titles in this game, titles I’ve worked hard for. However, I don’t use a single one of them. The only reason I have them is to boost my accumulative amount of achievements. That’s pretty much it.

I’d love to use some of my titles, but it’s not like anyone is going to see them, so why bother using them at all? The problem here is that a player’s title doesn’t show above their name at all. The only way to tell if another player has a title is only when you click on their name. Even then, their title is a small, gray, and overall unnoticeable group of letters below their name.

Why have players work very hard for something, only to make what they worked hard for mean absolutely nothing? I’ve noticed you guys (ANet) have done this in many ways throughout the game. Additionally I’ve noticed you guys have developed some parts of the game to (seemingly) troll the living daylights out of your customers. That’s another issue , though, best saved for another thread. And trust me, I have plenty of SS’s and scenario stories validating this claim.

In most other MMOs, titles are meant to “ooo and ahh” other players. They’re meant to be astonishingly visible. Above all; everyone who passes a player with a title should be able to notice it immediately. I have no idea what you guys were thinking when you decided to make most of peoples achievements completely worthless, but one thing is for certain: you need to rethink the importance of customer dedication.

Thank you for reading. I hope to see some change in the near future, if possible.

GS Berzerker Builds: Making Wammo style Warriors cry since 2012.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


One thing id like to see them do with the titles is give appropriate stat bonuses.

For example:

Combat Healer could have:

  • Increased Healing Power, Vitality and Toughness

Gladiator could have:

  • Increased Power, Toughness, Vitality

etc etc…

Gives us more of an incentive to have the titles assigned in the first place.

And yea I do agree the title name should be a little more revealing. The font is too small to notice. It’s kind of hidden along with the character name and doesn’t really shine in that boring grey text.

Maybe a change in Font and colour could solve this minor problem.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darknass.1903


Titles are cosmetic, as will many things in this game. End of story.

HoD – Ranger, Ele, Guard, Engie.

“The best defense is a strong offense.”

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


That doesn’t explain the reward of achieving a title.

So your supporting the fact that grinding countless hours to achieve one title is just for show? That its only there to be visible? That it’s just some useless ‘cosmetic’?

Kind of pointless. And a waste of data space.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rethmar Stokestrike.1927

Rethmar Stokestrike.1927

Yes, titles should be cosmetic only. There’s absolutely no need to have a stat bonus for using a title. There’s plenty of appropriate ways of giving players boosts in both PvE and PvP other than through achievement based gains.

The reward of getting a title is to know that others will ogle over it because they know that you did something difficult to obtain it. The problem is that no one can ogle over it if it’s not very visible when it should be.

Not everything has to have a stat benefit. If your logic was used in its’ entirety, then players would get stat bonuses for completing their personal story, naming their characters, 100% world exploration, and so on.

Much like every video game out there; completion isn’t about material gratification. It’s about personal gratification that you’d like other people to see. Otherwise…what’s the point of gaming at all.

I rest my case.

GS Berzerker Builds: Making Wammo style Warriors cry since 2012.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


That doesn’t explain the reward of achieving a title.

So your supporting the fact that grinding countless hours to achieve one title is just for show? That its only there to be visible? That it’s just some useless ‘cosmetic’?

Kind of pointless. And a waste of data space.

This is exactly how titles have been in previous MMOs and, in my opinion, how they should stay. Giving them any sort of stat bonus just makes them a requirement for PvP/PvE and creates a gulf between players. Just imagine being turned away from a dungeon group because you don’t have the appropriate title for the role you wish to play.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


To the point that the stats make a big difference? That’s not what im here to argue about. If you had read carefully, I mentioned that ‘It gave “Appropriate” bonuses’. Appropriate meaning reasonable amounts. Not to a point where it makes a huge difference in gameplay.

It’s to simply put some incentive to have the title assigned in the first place. A reward for having to grind all those hours just to achieve one tiny little title.

So your fine with just attaining a random title with no extra benefits? Ok. In my opinion that’s just plain boring and quite frankly a waste of time.

No incentive to have the title in the first place. No motivation to assign it since it has no benefits (only to show off as a means to get some pride).

It’s not even clearly visible… As was my main point, agreeing with the OP.

So I return to my previous post. This needs to be addressed. Just minor tweaks. That’s all it needs.

I don’t care if the titles don’t get stat bonuses implemented. It was just an Idea for Anet to ponder upon their future expansions, along with a few fixes of the titles system.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Any sort of bonus, significant or otherwise, will be picked up as players as “required”. That, or they’ll complain that they’re not significant enough to bother, and they’ll ask for it to be adjusted again and again and again.

I’m sorry that you don’t like the title setup, but it’s simply another achievement. Titles just happen to show that you completed said achievement. And all achievements are, you guessed it, a “waste of time”.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TravisTrout.6803


No stats for titles. It doesn’t matter how slight the bonuses are; if they exist then they will become mandatory in some contexts as the other posters have mentioned.

However, I wouldn’t mind seeing them become more prominent on the nameplate. It is a badge after all. The reason we put trophies in glass cases is so that other people will see them, as we bask in the vanity of it all.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


This thread clearly states “Titles don’t feel Important”

The reason that they should have some bonuses is so that it gives some ‘Importance’ to the varieties of titles. It makes each and every single title unique and different. Why can’t you guys understand that.

What good is a title if it provides no benefit? What good is a title if the only distinguishable factor to differentiate each title is just the name it provides? Pride? Vanity?

To say that the titles will be hand picked by the other players telling you that that’s the best way to benefit from its bonuses, is completely narrow minded.

Who grinded countless hours to achieve such amazing titles? You.
Who put the effort in attaining such amazing titles? You.
Who has the power to assign the titles? You.

No one else can tell you otherwise what titles you can use, simple because they want to benefit the most in their gameplay experiences.

Like I have said and will continue to say it a million times, the bonuses should not affect highly on the gameplay of Guild Wars. It should only be a minor difference, not to a point where it means the difference between life or death. No title should have that amount of power. That would be stupid.

Titles need to be independent as they should be, whilst at the same time be unique.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by YumCHA.8706)

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rich.9503


I’ve never really placed any great importance or merit on achievements and titles myself. Its more a personal thing rather than a badge of success to show off to everyone else. Maybe Arenanet thinks the same way as i do. Although i understand that some other people do place an importance on these things but im not sure i would want titles appearing above other characters heads everywhere i go without any option to disable the feature like you can with names.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


Titles are for self-satisfaction.
If you can’t even see your own nameplate, that makes it sound pointless.
I am supposed to have a star on myself for 100% map completion but I never saw it and I have even forgotten that I have a star sticking on myself nowadays.

So, why can’t we see our own nameplates? What’s the reason behind this ArenaNet’s concept of “You don’t want to see your nameplate”. Anyone knows?

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Titles here are exactly the same as they are in other mmos too. Cosmetic and only meaningful for yourself if even that. Except that they need much more work to get here. Do you really think that titles in other mmos really cause that “ooh and aah” reaction to other players?

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I agree with the OP. When I first noticed that titles were only visible when you clicked on someone I was like “huh? Whose idea was that?”. Titles are there to be seen by others, and yourself. But in this game you can’t even see your own name and your title is only visible if someone clicks on you. So ever since that day I lost all interest in titles even though in other games I loved them.

I think they should make titles visible above your name so that people can see them all the time. Otherwise what’s the point?

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


In my opinion titles don’t feel important because they -aren’t- important. At least, they aren’t important to anyone else but the person who has one. The title is a personal reward. I don’t know of any mature player that goes “ooOOoooo, that player has X title. I’m so humbled and unworthy of them!” It’s strictly supposed to be for the players own satisfaction not to stand in the middle of the market in the hopes others pay homage. :P

But hey, as long as titles come with the ability to toggle them off so I’m not forced to see them on anyone else or myself…it’s all good. Then everyone is happy. I have name plates turned off because I want to see the game not everyone’s name, guild, and title….even my own, if it comes to it.

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TravisTrout.6803


What good is a title if it provides no benefit? What good is a title if the only distinguishable factor to differentiate each title is just the name it provides? Pride? Vanity?

Yes, and yes; exactly like everything else in this game.

Why bother grinding dungeon tokens to acquire a set of armor when you can just craft or buy a set with exactly the same stats? Why use rare and expensive dyes to color it? And why would anyone go down the long, painful path of obtaining a legendary weapon when you can craft or buy an exotic weapon with exactly the same stats?

This entire game is about style, and pride, and vanity.

Titles are their own reward. Just like armor sets, just like dyes, just like weapons, titles are another way to say, “Look at me. I decided a particular goal or bit of style was important to me and this is the visual representation of my success.”

That’s all titles are and that’s all they need to be; just another bit of customizable visual representation. This is my character, this is how it looks, this is where it’s been, this is what I’ve done with it.

So with all that in mind we have an excellent case for making titles just as visible as every other part of the nameplate; or more to the point, just as visible as every other aspect of you distinct visual presence. You also have the basis for understanding why titles should never come with stats. If a legendary weapon doesn’t give you better stats, why on Earth would a title?

(edited by TravisTrout.6803)

Titles Don't Feel Important.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Travis hits the nail on the head.

That said, just so it’s clear, I’m not against making titles more visible — so long as it’s an option. Beyond that, though, titles do not need to confer any sort of benefit, none at all. They are fine as is.