Travelling to LA with no fee

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dobi.4168


Go to the mists. Enter the Asura Gate to LA. Everyone does it, because it’s free. But could you make the travelling to LA free? It would be much faster.

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Or maybe add a “Recall” spell that returns you to a waypoint of your choice for free and have a 30 minutes cooldown. You know, just like in one other game >_>

EU Aurora Glade

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


It would be really cool if they let us port to any (or even just our own) home city for free too. LA always has a ton of people in it but the other home cities tend to be much more dead. I think this has a lot to do with the free port there.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It would be really cool if they let us port to any (or even just our own) home city for free too. LA always has a ton of people in it but the other home cities tend to be much more dead. I think this has a lot to do with the free port there.

It’s a central hub with just about every portal going to it and where people can spam for dungeons. To be honest, making teleports to the home cities free will not change anything.

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Traveling to LA should always be free. Because indeed, everyone is just teleporting to the Mists now, and then taking the free LA portal. In fact, why not make traveling to any of the large cities free?

Lion’s Arch, Divinities Reach, Hoelbrak, The Grove, Black Citadel, Ebonhawk, Ratasum. All of these should have free travel costs. It already is free if you travel through the Mists, then to LA, and then through a gateway of your choice.

Please save us those three loading screens and just make it free by default.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


It would be really cool if they let us port to any (or even just our own) home city for free too. LA always has a ton of people in it but the other home cities tend to be much more dead. I think this has a lot to do with the free port there.

It’s a central hub with just about every portal going to it and where people can spam for dungeons. To be honest, making teleports to the home cities free will not change anything.

Exactly, make all city waypoints free no matter how far away you are.

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: BaconCatTheGreasy.9542


Or, make it so you can’t do that at all. Make it so you have to spend at least 10 mins in the Hearts or WvW to use the LA Gate.

Free travel to LA is nothing short of an Exploit in my eyes.

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: BaconCatTheGreasy.9542


This thread is the total opposite of that thread. That thread wants to legitimize the exploit, this one wants to fix it.

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


This thread is the total opposite of that thread. That thread wants to legitimize the exploit, this one wants to fix it.

I think you got the wrong thread

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


If I was a designer that didn’t intend on having people go to LA from the mists, then I would simply not have the gate exist in the first place and replace it with a gate that always takes you to where ever you zoned in from. This would work sort of how the Hall of Monument stone works where you just find yourself back at your starting point. They have the capability of doing that but didn’t for the Mists (that I’ve noticed), so I feel it may be working as intended.

Knowledge is power.

Travelling to LA with no fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


Just get rid of the waypoint fees. Simple as that.

Together we stand in the face of evil!