UI: Make Destroy Item window distinct

UI: Make Destroy Item window distinct

in Suggestions

Posted by: moronwmachinegun.3815


This is a feature request to update the look of the destroy item window so it looks nothing like the Soulbind Y/N window. I lost a (minor) earring when I dragged it from my inventory to the rightmost slot, and slightly missed the slot. When that happens, the UI brings up a Destroy Item window, and I clicked Yes, expecting to see the Soulbind window.

So, just to prevent a potential bigger boo-boo in the future, requesting that the Destroy Item window be made visually distinctive as possible from the Soulbind Item window. Perhaps change the YES button to Red?

Another option would be to remove the functionality of destroying items when they are released over an invalid location, but I’m sure some people are used to that functionality being there.

Yes, I am an idiot.
Yes, the devs have better ways to spend their time.

Quaggan is not a bad calf. Quaggan is a good little calf.

UI: Make Destroy Item window distinct

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nix Vixen.1604

Nix Vixen.1604

Hey, +1. Perhaps something in RED would help… something with a distinct “you’re about to lose this item” color.

Yes, I am an idiot.
Yes, the devs have better ways to spend their time.

  1. I don’t think it’s idiotic to have this kind of mishap. A snarky answer would expose a player’s own goof history.
  2. The best way the devs can spend their time, in my opinion: bug fixes, power balances, UI improvements—especially with a view to player items.

+1 for this.

“…you ran from skri-i-itt!”