- unable to move existing “windows” like chat window. I had to be on the bottom, or on the top of th eleft edge. Dragging on top makes party window go down. Interesting chain reaction which could be removed.
- unable to resize freely, except minimap (kudos)
- unable to HIDE certain items, like personal story progress, or even event/task messages. Maybe a player doesn’t care about those if he’s playing a 6th alt character
Requested features:
- enable different key binds for “USE”, “LOOT”, “ACTIVATE” and so on. It doesn’t ALL have to be one key (ie. accidental turret pickup while trying to loot on the fly)
- enable free resize
- enable hide individual windows
- unchain windows like party and chat
- could use more advanced chat features
- add multiple monitor support. I know this is a BIG one, but it would be amazing! Here’s a topic on the matter, real good ideas