Why no mounts?
Far superior to mounts would be pairs of coconuts, complete with sound effects.
This would be pure epic.
Large mounts are a eyesore.
I do like the idea of small cosmetic mounts. With a temp speed boost at the fastest normal swiftness. They could have costume brawl abilities and new emotions.
Cosmetic mount racing game with costume brawl abilities.
Why are mounts an absolute NO?
They add something to the world… I miss galloping around on my horse in other RPGs..yet.. gw2 is my favorite game. I wish I could do it here.
Stop. Making. These. Threads.
The topic is dead. It’s been addressed. It’s kicked the bucket, it’s passed on, if it were buried it’d be pushing up daisies, but Nooooh~, you gravediggers won’t let it rest in peace, will you?! Of course you won’t! Dam you all, dam you to Black Citadel!
Hi everyone,
The mounts topic has been addressed many times and in many threads. So far, the last statement was that mounts are not planned. When we have any further news to provide you we will be happy to do so. If you wish to provide us with any feedback, there are a number of threads you might find of interest – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Game-Improvement-Suggestions/page/33 this, per instance – where you can post so that we can keep all suggestions and feedback organized and readily available.
Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed.