Today, while playing in WvW, I read this exact line in /team chat: “they took god”.
Now, neither my real-life religious beliefs, nor anyone else’s for that matter, are anyone’s business. And being offended by the politically incorrect, wrong, or “in-vain” use of the word “God” definitely does not compare with the wrong use of any other random word like “apple” or whatever.
The lowercasing of the word “God” to focus on it being a “noun” like any noun—rather than also a “name” in the real word—is not appreciated to begin with; and I’ve been there and done that and had long etymological debates about this already. However, the pivotal point of such debates is always the practical, actual use of the word “God” in the real world, regardless to how you want to etymologically trace it or linguistically debate it. No matter what you say or argue with, the fact of the matter is: three major real-life religions use the word “God” as the name of the deity they worship; and nothing is going to change that, especially not any Hebrew, Aramaic, or Arabic names you flash to try and claim that that’s the name of the deity worshipped in the real world. For billions of English-speaking religious people, they just know “God”, and they don’t know Him by any other “name”; I hope that makes enough sense.
Now imagine how it feels for some of the more religious among them to read you writing or saying “a god” or “god this and god that”, in other words, using the name in vain. I assure you it isn’t a pleasant feeling.
You can call someone like me oversensitive or crazy or whatever as much as you want; I’m not writing all this from an emotional perspective so you can rightfully flash those subjective opinions about my person, or for any insults or mockery of my supposed feelings to be relevant for that matter.
With all that preparation for any hateful counter-arguments, to hopefully save the time for would-be responding people, I can simply make my important points:
1. The game is already following a cultural trend of disrespecting the real-life use of “God”, and lowercasing the word and misusing it, by disregarding the existence of the perfectly valid and much better alternative word “deity” when you want to refer to “a deity” or to “deities”. Some religious people are silent and giving a blind eye to this, as it is not just an issue with the writers in ArenaNet, but a cultural and media issue being pushed by many other companies, developers, and publishers. Please realize that some religious people are already being tolerant and patient, although it would’ve been much better to avoid any lowercase “god” and use “deity” instead.
2. The least you can do is to please avoid a name for a PvP spot, like “Godsword”, because we all know that with time, people tend to shorten such names, and it is extremely jarring, detrimental to immersion and fun, and offensive, when I am trying to have fun and play a game with religious folks and atheists alike, to be interrupted by a comment in public chat like “they took god”. And you can imagine the kinds of much worse comments that some immature atheists would love to come up with, just to purposefully hurt the feelings of religious players, then smirk with a sense of self-admiration and victory for practicing sociopathy against religious people, and hiding behind a farce of talking about “Godsword” camp.
3. If any developer or decision maker is reading, I’d like to let you know that using “deity” instead of the lowercased “God” would be very much appreciated. I love this game very much already, and love the sense of cooperation and team spirit and caring community that you are promoting with the very game mechanics; now I hope that you can extend all those lovely decisions to accommodate religious people who believe in God and love Him, and also love this game and are happy to play it with anyone regardless to religious beliefs. If you can show some respect, or at least politeness and consideration for our real-life beliefs, and change the way you write and name things in the game, I would have no complaints or problems at all with this lovely game.
Thank you.