better WvWvW and Dungeons

better WvWvW and Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


1. Ranking Points

WvWvW will never be a real PvP area until it has personal rankings and guild rankings. So it should give players some kind of ranking points that can even be used to buy new gear. (New gear, specially and newly designed)

You earn ranking points by killing invaders, helping capture a territory, helping other warriors of your server by reviving them etc. Pretty much the same idea that you earn experience points in PvE.

Also, personal ranking points could be similar to influence points and used to rank guilds. There could be different guild upgrades purchased with (only) ranking points as well. That would encourage guilds to join WvWvW.

Ranking points would be another way of getting progress. Right now, WvWvW has no feature for personal progress so adding a new feature that would allow personal progress would encourage people to join WvWvW.

2. Real Reward

WvWvW should also give karma and gold for each invader killed, each territory captured, each warrior of your server helped -same idea as #1-

Currently, WvWvW is pointless for most of the players. You can win boons for your server but those boons are not really necessary. Winning boons is not the actual reason people participate in WvWvW. There are also badges, but what if I don’t like invader armor set or I don’t want to craft legendaries? Would I need badges? No.

You can buy a full set of cultural armors by farming crafting materials and selling them for a month, if you’re playing at least 5 hours a day. Let us earn that gold by participating WvWvW, killing invaders, capturing territories and such. It would be much more fun.

Same thing could also be applied to dungeons. Right now, dungeons mean nothing but crafting materials for legendaries and endless wipes. However, if every action you do in a dungeon gave you karma and gold, people would feel more like they are actually having progress.

Most of these are posted before but I wanted to organize them with my ideas and write in a single post.

If I must farm gold for months to achieve something I want, that’s fine but at least let me do that in an enjoyable way rather than just farming crafting materials.

(edited by Valkyrie.2678)