fix the camera if youre going to make jumping games

fix the camera if youre going to make jumping games

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

the underwold clock tower game should be really fun. but im just wondering if anet wanted the camera to be part of the challenge. more often than not i jump blind after the first phase as my camera inexplicably decides to go from distant to close in an instant. so close it usually clips my own character.

all im asking for is if youre going to do an event like that make it a fixed camera or at least give us the option to allow the camera to go through walls.

i like the game and i like the idea… but i cant play it because the camer makes skill something beyond mine. and thus what should be fun isnt.

another thing with that event is griefing. i play as an asura and other players were summoning druids and elementals to block the veiw. and having large human norn and char characters blocked me and the jumps i was trying to make. even with the broken camera i might have made it a few times were it not for griefing. maybe separate the races next time so large and small races remain seperate. something tells me a lot more people will play asura then.

serioysly though fun game idea reminds me of a fusion frenzy minigame.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.

fix the camera if youre going to make jumping games

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


The improvements to camera smoothing and the beta option for the FOV change are steps in the right direction, but the camera is still terrible. You hate being covered by Charr and Norn characters, but rest assured, it’s no picnic for us, either…our characters and camera get snagged on geometry and flip out far more often than they do when playing the smaller races. Also, 99% of the Charr and Norn running the tower aren’t doing it to intentionally grief you — the reward is soulbound rather than account bound, so we’re stuck running with the character we want it for.

Anyway, I know where you’re coming from. Fighting the camera while jumping is bad enough in a 3rd-person platformer with a console controller…it’s far worse in an MMO game engine that has no real physics to speak of and obviously wasn’t made with precision mobility in mind.