New Faces 12.10.2013
Anything more constructive to offer? Kristen pays a lot of attention to sylvari feedback, so the more detailed you can be about what you do/don’t like, the more likely you are to get something to cater to your tastes in the future.
I love the male goatee face, and although I personally wouldn’t go for the other faces, I think they add nicely to the more ‘alien’-looking faces, which we didn’t have too many of before. Diversity for the win.
The only faces I’m not sure about are the huge-eyed noseless tiny-mouthed ones, but largely because they resemble creatures from my nightmares, haha.
I’m actually really happy with two of the three male faces. I wished for some more freaky looking faces, and the one without a nose is just perfect, for me. :> (I don’t like the one with the big eyes, though. It looks too “cute” for my tastes, and a bit out of place, even if it’s quite alien-looking.)
I love the fact that they’ve added more variety for the males.
I am unhappy with the new faces for our race please fix them.. or add better ones.. so sad so sad i was looking forward to it and they suck :<
Why would they need to fix them just because you don’t like them? Your opinion is not universal and they were not designed specifically for you.
Since you already have a Sylvari and it has a face that you have chosen I don’t see what the problem is, just stick with what you have and let other people buy the new faces if they want them.
I’m actually really happy with two of the three male faces. I wished for some more freaky looking faces, and the one without a nose is just perfect, for me. :> (I don’t like the one with the big eyes, though. It looks too “cute” for my tastes, and a bit out of place, even if it’s quite alien-looking.)
I love the fact that they’ve added more variety for the males.
This. I always imagined tree people being a bit more crude and ugly, so this sort of scarred, noseless alien-esque (i’ll stop making words I promise) face is a wonderful step in the right direction. The bark face was my favorite because it was one of the very, very few that didn’t look like a teenage boy. Now a contender arises!
Need noses or at least nose holes. XD
its amusing how the only good feedback are from the male’s faces im unahppy with the female faces 2 out of 3 look like faces we already have just changed a little then there’s the creepy huge eyed one with no nose.. that one i can understand because for female its the only one that looks NEW. I wanted something more cute looking than the current one every1 mostly uses but we got normal and odd looking faces, im not unhappy with the male faces it just feels like females did not get anything good in this update for faces. I wanted something like caithe’s face with the cool dots on the forhead but also a cute face thats not like caithes because lets face it caithe is not really cute but her dots on the forehead are sexy just saying i wanted something different than what we already had.
I like the pinecone faces. They have a nice shape to them. Except for the lack of noses. I like the stranger, more plant-like faces for Sylvari, but the complete lack of a nose just seems a little too odd to me. And it seems kind of unfitting, since I assume Sylvari can smell (or else why do all the other faces have noses?) so its kind of missing a vital organ. Also, my male Sylvari is a Mesmer so I use masks which often have nose bits to them, and it looks especially awkward with those. I dunno, maybe I’ll get used to it, but my first impression is “I wish it had a nose because it looks nice otherwise”. Just put another piece of pinecone down there and make it look like a nose.
Apparently “I like it except for X” is my theme with the pinecone things, because it applies to the pinecone hair too. I like the hairstyle except for the fact that it goes a little too deep and makes it look like you’re missing part of your head.
The 3rd female face with the bark is pretty nice. I like that the bark actually sticks out a bit on the top, and the “tree rings” on the chin and cheek are a really nice touch. I think the eyes are bugged, though. The color is all wrong, my blue eyes end up looking white, some of the purples make the eyes green, pink makes the eyes blue, ect.
That said, right now my female Sylvari uses the other bark face (the last on the original list) and I’m super happy with that one (it does really nice things with my chosen skin color), so I doubt I’ll be swapping even if I do like the new one as well. I’d be more apt to change, even temporariliy, if I didn’t need to use a whole Total Makeover Kit for it. Perhaps Anet should have created a “Facial Kit” with the same price as the Hairstyle Kit, that applies only to the face, to go along with these new faces?
The other faces are all meh to me. The 2nd male face has the same “no nose” issue as the first, and is less interesting on top of that. The 3rd male face is too human (though the glow is awesome, glowing beard!). The 1st female face is too human as well. Not that being human is nessicarily a bad thing, I’m not saying they’re bad (in fact, I’d consider them pretty good because they’re human-looking but still have prominent plant features), but they don’t appeal to me personally.
I really like that most faces don’t look very human but I’m not sure about the eyes, they just seem too big compared to older faces, almost ridiculous.
Personally I like all 3 of the female faces. Reasons….
- is a nice “human” face that is different from the previous “human” face. Since the old one have vines/markings going out from the nose in all directions and was symmetrical, the new one is going out to the forehead and has a nice asymmetrical touch to it.
- I just find adorable, but that’s my opinion. It just looks nice and plantly and is like a chibi. If the eye size bothers you though you can always make them smaller. The no nose part well why does a plant need a nose anyway?!? Again I love the asymmetrical look of the pine cones and the face that it goes high up to the forehead, since a lot of hairstyles make sylvari look blading.
- Another pretty face with an asymmetrical twist. I like how the bark/vines on the chin isn’t as noticeable as old the pretty faces, I just never liked having lines down the center of the lips and chin this is nice though. Lastly the dark “eyelash/liner” looks amazingly done.
Now for the males…
- I like how they decided to make a male version on the chibi pinecone face. Afterall if there is going to be an odd ball out-there look it should be available for both genders.
- I would love this face so much more if it had a nose. I know I just said why do plants need noses, but still it seems like something is missing on this one. The cracked look of wood as scars looks sooo bada**
- Eyes look different that’s for sure, I could probably tweak it to get it more to my liking/style so no big deal. The knot on the bread was done very nicely and is a great addition. Plus it is a nice basic “human” face for the males which they didn’t have before.
Overall I love all the new female faces and I’m going to probably switch one of my sylvari to a new face and use the others down the road when I create more alts. I’m a female and I don’t play male characters, so I won’t be using any of the new male faces, but I love the new variety they are adding. Keep up the good work =D
(edited by Shades.4572)
I saved a makeover kit just for the male face from the live stream and I’m not disappointed one bit! They all have their charms and although I admit 2 male faces with no nose is a bit much they both look well placed. Unusual and controversial it seems the noseless faces seem to be a love them or hate them type thing with few people on the fence.
But when they are designed they are designed knowing that some people will love them and some will hate them. I think they are good additions to the roster and add a lot more choice. Keep up the good work
I actually like the noseless female one, though I wish that it wasn’t tied to the pinecone hair. Doesn’t really look right with any other hair because of the scales that are incorporated into the face.
looks like…omg i need to spell his name…voldemort
the 3rd male face is really really cool
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
I like all of them! The lack of noses was a little disconcerting at first but the look grew on me. I think the pinecone face is cute on females and males but it only looks like it matches with the pinecone hair, I’m not sure how much you can edit the eye size but it seems like it’d be difficult to make a character that doesn’t look completely “kawaii” so unless your going for that look I guess the pinecone look isn’t for you. I think the rest are all incredible as well, I think Kristen got a perfect balance with planty-weirdness and more normal faces. The 1st female face is somewhat generic pretty but it still has that plantlike asymmetry and the 3rd face is wonderful and the glow pattern is gorgeous. The 2nd male face is very cool it has a serpentine/voldemort appearance and it’s a great menacing look for a sylvari. The final male face is great and the carved out look is really neat, familiar but still recognizably sylvari.
I really really like all the male faces.
I am not that crazy about the female faces because they remind me a bit too much of various aspects of the Sieran face.
A bit generic compared to the male versions.
This is just personal taste and I think Kirsten did a great job- I am sure I will use one of them as soon as I decide what class my next Sylvari is going to be
I LOVE the new faces. Especially the noseless ones. They help accentuate the Sylvari’s alien nature, and not just be human faces with a few bumps or thorns.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
I really like the new faces. I use one of the male nose-less ones (the one with smaller eyes) and it really suits the way I wanted to change my Sylvari. My only suggestion is that since they don’t have a nose, maybe they could use the nose size sliders to modify something else? Like additional tree-like extensions somewhere on the face that would have been hidden if the sliders were at the lowest point and only visible if you wanted them to be, and controlled with the nose sliders. Just an idea
looks like…omg i need to spell his name…voldemort
the 3rd male face is really really cool
now that you mention that one of them looks like him, I just made a new Necromancer Sylvari, whose name is “My Name Is Taboo” just so I can use the Voldemort Face.
Ranger 80 | Elementalist 30 | Guardian 29 | Necromancer 21
Can anybody who has changed to a new face show me how they glow? I have a male and a female Sylvari that might need a make-over but it depends greatly on the glow.
Can anybody who has changed to a new face show me how they glow? I have a male and a female Sylvari that might need a make-over but it depends greatly on the glow.
You have the option to turn off/on light in the Makeover kit, exactely for that reason.
I’d be more interested in seeing a vid showing how they animate tho.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
I love a lot of the design choices made for the Sylvari, including most of the new hairstyles and some of these new faces. I adore the first female face, which looks like a softer version of the “branchy” face my Ele has, and I like the third male face because Sylvari males really need more beard choices.
However, I think the noseless faces look more like the faces of cliché sci-fi aliens than the natural, elegant Sylvari (see attachment), especially with the oversized eyes. And, from a biological standpoint, it seems a little odd for those faces to speak with the same vocal tone and intonation as the others.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
I like the first and third female faces although I think the eyes are weird but I’m not a big fan of anime style art. I like the third new male face. Although it has potential, the chunk of bark on the cheek is not particularly well done. The new faces without nostrils are, in my opinion, hideous but they do give people options to make more mutant looking Sylvari (shudder). I tend to agree with the OP regarding the overall quality of the new faces – all in all, pretty disappointing.
I’ll chime in that I love these new faces. Honestly, I think some of the faces for the other races are meh, but these really add more of what people were asking for, IMO, which was more and different options. The pinecone faces and the noseless faces really bring that in spades.
Some people have said that the new female faces are too plain looking, and there should be more unique-looking styles available, but if you look at the most used faces from it’s pretty clear that a lot of people go for the more basic ones, rather than the ones covered in spines or bark or what have you. It seems to me that Kristen et al (if there are any ‘al’) did well with the female faces.
I also like the male faces, and I’m thinking about going ‘voldemort’ on my warrior =)
Lastly, I’ll just say that even though I wouldn’t choose one of the pinecone faces for myself, it would almost be worth burning a makeover kit just to see those faces on my toon in the personal story cutscenes. I think it will be unreal to see them talk, seeing as how at first glance it seems like the only sounds that should be coming out of them are odd chirping or clicking noises.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
^ I love the nose less faces because they are so unique ^
my Necro rocks the thorn face
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
I didn’t have a sylvari before as i found most of the faces and hairstyles boring after some time…it felt like i wanted something more unique.I really loved the race and WANTED a sylvari badly but could not decide for a look that would satisfy me for a longer time.
After i saw the news, i got a Total makeover kit to try out the new faces.And i fell in love with the new sylvari faces ,especially the one without the nose aaand the one with the ‘’dark eyes’‘(its nr. 3 out of the 3new faces).
I’m not really wealthy ingame so i could only get one Kit. I will make a necro in the near future…hopefully with the other face (3rd one). x3
Ok i think that was enough for now.What i wanted to say is that i love the new faces.
Here are some pics that made me fall in love with my little sylvari guardian Cerenty even more. :P
Also don’t know if my eyes were just playing tricks on me but i could swear that there is a minimal ‘’height difference or difference in depth’’ between the nose and the rest of the face. (Talking about the female face without a nose.) o-o
(edited by Nimarrna.5924)
I adore the new faces and I am now one step closer to be completely satisfied with my main. Still need a “hair” style I truly love.
And here is showing how the glow is on my chosen face, as per request.
Can anybody who has changed to a new face show me how they glow? I have a male and a female Sylvari that might need a make-over but it depends greatly on the glow.
Here’s how mine glows :
(He’s smiling because I was dancing, by the way.)
I bought a makeover kit and used it to get the new top left female sylvari face!!!!
Great work Kristen!
I like the new faces, it’s nice to have different options.
Great work Kristen, as always. I really appreciate the effort you put into your work and that you also listen to the community.
Thank you!
It feels like one of the female faces was done somewhat because of the requests for Caithe’s face— it’s not exactly like hers but it’s got a similar look, pretty but without much floof.
Tarnished Coast