Sylvari Names

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: SummerRaine.2975


My Sylvari Necromancer is named Gwenwyna Eiddew which is Welsh for poison ivy and a Mesmer, Ceibhfhionn, named after the Irish goddess of inspiration.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Llethander.3972


I just went with my usual “Llethander”. It’s unique, I like it and my friends all know it’s me when they see the name.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Pixels.6532


The welsh concept is pretty cool for sylvari names, but I didn’t use it.

My main is a sylvari named Fungus (necromancer). I was going to run a sylvari female thief named Lichen, but it was taken right after I made fungus…

Sanctum of Rall

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: righteousxjames.3480


I use the same name I always use for RPG’s, D&D etc… “Narrloth” (normally spelled “Narloth” but that was already taken, strangely…) I invented the name when I was real young by putting together a couple simple Sindarin (one of Tolkien’s Elvish languages) words. Since Tolkien apparently based Sindarin on Welsh, it works pretty well.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


I went with naming all my sylvari from a alien race from a book I read years ago. Since the sylvari reminds me of them.

Abriel Lafiel, is the name I did.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


I called my Sylvari Mesmer “Trirl”. It just came to me suddenly and I liked it.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

I created a Sylvari Ranger in beta with the slightest build and shortest height and called her “Thwisp”. It wasn’t a lore friendly name but she looked like a wind could take her anywhere. Creativity works just as well as naming conventions in some cases.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


I love the plant anemome leveillei (woodland anemome), so I chose Leveillei. Besides, it is such a sweet sounding name

I wish I could have white anenome flowers on my Sylvari but ah well

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: aikiakane.1058


I really liked the Celtic feel to the Sylvari names, so I tried to stay within that for my own characters.

My main is my Elementalist, Lewelyth. It’s a Welsh name that means either ‘fire’ or ‘bright/shining’, which is perfect as I spend most of my time in Fire spec.

My other Sylvari is my Necromancer, who I named Cù Sith. That is aScottish Gaelic phrase meaning ‘barrow hound’; pretty fitting for a dagger-bearing hero from the Cycle of Night.

Rule of Wrist [Row] — Order of the Bee [BEES]

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Johnny Boi.4980

Johnny Boi.4980

My mains (sylvari mesmer) name is Svenial

I chose it because it sounds young, mature, ready to explore and shy. Which is who my sylvari is :> Also sounds nature-y!

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I played around with words in google translate… looking at Irish, Welsh, and Gaelic. I ended choosing Alainnglas, which means “beautiful green”.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: direpath.4712


I had poured over gaelic and celtic names coming up with something good. Ended up making my Mesmer a human hehe. I just started a Sylvari Ranger alt and ended up naming him Sprigley. Definitely plant sounding, not too blatant that it couldn’t be a normal name. Is it celtic/gaelic, not directly, but it works for me and doesn’t make me feel like I’m breaking anyones RP or immersion by picking it. I like it.

Kali Verholme -Ezra Sarona – Sigaard Wolfson – Jumi Sprigleaf
Legacy of Elijah (LoE) – Sanctum of Rall

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Phenona.9457


My user name is my sylvari name as well. I been using this name for almost 10yrs and put it on my favorite character . Now to start thinking of a new one for my soon to be warrior or thief.

Phenona-Ranger, Somaina-Mes, Shaleo-Theif, Chrytheena-Ele, Milphina-Engi, Purpleppleater Yum- Mes.
Running [Lost] in IoJ

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: OrangeSbr.9374


I didn’t really follow the convention too closely with my Sylvari Guardian. Her name is Alydril, which I actually derived from a Drow name generator. I also kind of made her look Drow-like, so I really liked it.

From what I understand, her name translates to something like “Legendary Sword.” Try and guess what my favorite weapons are ;P

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: HumaCarrionEater.8254


Can’t you just see some of the more childlike Sylvari naming themselves stuff like Rayven Bloodrain Palemoon? I think that would be adorable. Or like, Pear Tastyfruit. (where did you get that from? Well…it’s my favorite dessert.)

Generally the names seem to have an Irish Gaelic flair, so it’s a safe bet to go with something like that. But I think you could get away with quite a few choices. I like to name my characters Persian names or names with Persian or Arabic sounds. My necromancer is named Hanifa. My Elementalist is Ashaed. (Aash aye eed) One character had her name already from a different game, so her name is Aerdeth. (which is Jewish, spelled differently)

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Gallian.7630


I usually see any sorts of naming around for most Sylvari characters I see, most of which having nothing to do with nature or foliage haha. But, one name I do remember for a Sylvari I noticed was Argyranthem I believe it was… I’m not sure if I typed it correctly but yeah.

So, that name I immediately noticed was almost identical to “Argyranthemum”, which is the scientific (genus) naming for the “marguerite” flowering plants. I messaged that player and asked him (or her, don’t know) if it was indeed based on that, and sure enough it was. He (or she) said that he wanted to use either family or genus names of flowering plants to name his Sylvari characters, which I thought was quite original.

That in itself isn’t necessarily “lore friendly” though, it wasn’t the goal either. But when it comes to trying to find “original enough” names for our beloved ambulant plants I thought that it was better than just going with “Walkingplant Guy”.

As a side note, I do not know anything about plants, but I just googled that character’s name since I thought it sounded cool, and I then stumbled upon some articles of plants and marguerite, then I figured out that guy’s inspiration for his Sylvari toon name.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Lantyssa.6723


So far I’ve used a mixture of idea to pick names.

Siobhan Starcatcher is a gaelic name plus a tie to my GW1 Ranger. I have the image of a newly awakened Sylvari running around the Grove trying to catch pollen floating about.

Xanthoria Flutterby is a genus name of a lichenized algae plus the original name of butterflies, which seemed appropriate for a Mesmer.

My Necromancer is Amaryl Lidaceae. Spider lilies are from the family amaryllidaceae. I’ve seen an Amaryl NPC somewhere.

Although they don’t have family names, I don’t see why Sylvari couldn’t take double names, or choose a descriptive name in addition to their self-given name. In a realm of people with a single name, it quickly makes sense for Bob to take the epithet Bob the Stout if it helps people differentiate him from Bob (the Fish-Feeder).

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: imbalancedhero.3968


<——— Imbalanced hero, duh, obviously your character was born to save tyria right? and judging by the Zhaitan battle difficulty you must be pretty imbalanced XD

Also, having every other player in the game refer to you as hero (because nobody wants to type imbalanced hero in chat since its too long) is awesome.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: TheCelt.1394


I believe their names take inspiration from the Celtic families. They also don’t have last names unless emulating humans. This is only as I understand it though, and is not based on some grand knowledge. I chose Broin as it fits this theme.

<- – - ;-P

Maelcoluim Donnchad, Fearghus Dhommnuil, Seanna Brothaigh, and Rhianwynn Leodaich were the names I came up with for my Sylvari. I added last names because I wanted to.

“It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument”. -William G. McAdoo

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Tayledras.1604


I decided I wanted one of every race (though I dread the day I go Asura…) and started playing with the Sylvari in character creation. Quickly figured out I could make a really good looking one and just rolled with it. Knowing nothing really about them…I named him Syrris Embervine.

Now that I know the naming protocol though…still not changing it. I like it :-)

Syrris= I have no idea…it popped into my head and sounded good.
Embervine= He’s an elementalist…fire centric. Less a last name and more a nickname or title, like my main characters “Lionheart” last name. My main is played as an orphan with no known last name so this one was “given”…same could be said I suppose for my Sylvari.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Unfortunately I made my Sylvari before learning that their names have Irish/Gaelic influences. Still, I think “Ishyal” sounds soft/planty enough that it shouldn’t stand out from other Sylvari names. I kept her name to just one word as per keeping with the lore of most Sylvari having only a single name.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Hermann.1537


I recently made a new Sylvari alt, and I guess I got inspired by Trahearne from my personal story on my charr, so I called him Fahearn. Not very original, but at least I now didn’t have to try a billion times to find a name that wasn’t taken!


Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kambria.1430


Guardian named Kyrasae

Kyrasae – Sylvari Guardian
Tarnished Coast

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: RawkFist.1935


Just got it a few minutes after launch. No rhyme or reason other than it’s a plant name.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: leftharted.7102


My mesmer is ‘Kemis Tree’, and my girlfriends ranger is ‘Poet Tree’


Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

My Sylvari Guardian is called Cathaír and is based on a Gaelic name which means ‘battle man’.

I must say that I really like the Sylvari in both lore and aesthetics. The Cultural Armor and Weapons are great as well.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Fobik.5908


I simply named my female sylvaris Neried Luvian and Blighted Thorn ,lol

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Riptide.3012


My sylvari thief was first going to be Riptide but that was taken, then Anaklusmos (Ancient Greek I think), that was taken as well so I settled on Katoptris.The whole Celtic naming convention thing wasn’t as cool for me because if my nationality.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Estel.5701


Gaelic origin for my ign. We are meant to kill dragons and since always a fan of irony….

Daeron Locien – which means mighty dragon.

Daeron Locien – Ranger

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


I named my sylvari Tomorga, which is Irish Gaelic for “golden bush”. I chose his hair and bioluminescence colours to match his name.

And I’m not Irish. I spent a few hours on translation websites so I would be ready to reserve the name on the first day of pre-launch.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Electro.4173


For my first Sylvari I hadn’t really reached the point where I cared about proper racial naming conventions (it was my second character and made only a couple days after I started playing the game) so I just kind of winged it with a play on plant appearence. Since I used the mushroom “hair” I started trying to have something based off mushrooms without being completely obvious (So no Fungai or anything like that) and eventually decided on Shiitar as a vague play on kittenake. The extra “i” I added so that it would be pronounced “Shee” and not like another word for crap. Then I just started thinking up cool sounding last names, and picked Fellstream just for sounding cool and somewhat nature-related, not realizing at the time that Sylvari don’t have last names.

For my second character I actually wanted a fitting Sylvari cultural name. I went to a website of baby names, clicked the Celtic / Gaelic (can’t remember which exactly) filter on, and just searched a bit until I found a name I liked.

Settled on Florina because that way I can have a flowery name while still fitting the Sylvari naming scheme, so 2 birds with 1 stone. But I couldn’t find any variation of the name that wasn’t already taken, tried Y instead of I, double consonants, ect. Double vowels looked bad and would change the pronounciation, so thats a no-go. So I decided to change a consonant, changed the N to an S, still sounds pretty nice. But that name was also taken, so I had to also change the I to a Y, and finally ended up with Florysa. And maybe its just because I’ve gotten used to it or something, but I actually think I like it better than Florina.

I know little about celtic / gaelic naming conventions, so for all I know I’ve completely altered the name to the point where it doesn’t even properly fit those, but whatever.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I just gave mine a two part name. Autumnbright. I had Autumndawn, then I realised that I would have two characters that had dawn in their name. I tried to get both Autumnglow and Autumnsong, but they were taken. It’s not a totally lore-accurate name, but both her and my Asura are alts, so I didn’t really mind.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: radicaldreamer.4638


I did not know nor care about “Celtic” theming, but I do wanted to have a name with a meaning I would like.

I wanted to play an Elementalist, so “Ash” was the “obvious” choice, as it is both a kind of tree and a final result of fire magic
I was so accustomed to GW1 naming style that I decided to throw in a nickname describing the profession – a “winter flame”, a nice-sounding combination of opposite elements.

And thus, the Ash Winterflame was born.

Linux user.

(edited by radicaldreamer.4638)

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

Mine is Mostresticator.

TC Thief

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


my sylavari is called Pentacus Flareblade… because he was my fifth character, and is a dagger wielding elementalist… go imagination :P

when they release name changes, I may change it to something more celtic and remove the second name, since I hadn’t realized sylvari don’t have second names, so mine’s been a title instead of a name.

I also have a mesmer called pentacus nightshade, with nightshade acting as a stage name :P

it’s also as a homage to my GW1 character “Pentus Blazescythe” who was my fifth character and was an ele/dervish… actually, come to think of it, that would be an awesome name for a charr if they ever bring back dervishes

(edited by Calcifire.1864)

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


I went with the incredibly Celtic and impossible-to-spell “Scoithniamhe.” I did take the most complicated spelling of it and then add an “e” to the end, though.

… It means brilliant blossom, so it fits a Sylvari very well!

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Advent.6193


The ones I ended up are mostly cribbed from the Arthurian bit:

Malegryne [Mesmer, and general main char.]
Gorlois [Guardian, and the ‘new kid’]

My Ele [Maeve Windcaller] is more of a general ‘Celtic-style’ name, I had to add a secondary nameset due to the first being swiped. It works, considering she’s an Air/Water/Arcane user [mainly].

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zionka.6897


I don’t like making names that look like they’d be hard to pronounce, but feel it’s important to make the name fit the character.

My sylvari ele is named Althea of the Reeds. Althea sounded like a good water name, and she is tall and willowy like a reed, which can also be associated with water.

~Jade Quarry Server~

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kill.3458


My sylvari is a thief by the name Forenzo, I think why I chose this name was because he was born in the cycle of night and I was in the mindset that as a thief, I live for the night where my abilities truly are at their best.

Something along the lines of “Forever of the night” thus forenzo was born

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Trei.5203


My sylvari is a… lol… engineer, with a disturbing penchant for the flamethrower.

He is black as coal, with ember glowies and sun yellow eyes, and his name is Feuaile

Irony ftw!

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Martacus.4085


I picked Saprophaed…like Saprophyte…because he’s a mushroom.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Peandragon.3921


Mine I have used since GW1 (as Jimmy Peandragon) and I was excited that I only had to have 1 name—Peandragon. It is Authurian with a slightly different spelling.

Peandragon @ Tarnished Coast

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Ralistu.1965


Im all for having one of every race. Sadly tho, with how much i enjoy the sylvari they’re going to be the 4th or 5th i level. Charr was suppose to be 5th but i made him a thief and well, thats a fun class to balance out my mesmer and ele lol. I could always pay some money to “fix it”.. anyways as i trail off….

sylvari name is iiri ventari. iiri being a play on eerie and ventari being homage to gw1. place holder name atm. i did have a ranger in the 20’s then an eng to the teens and now she’s a warrior. shes so confused >_< lol

The Tyrians (TT) – Darkhaven (U.S.)
Ralistu (Mesmer)/Ikotag (Thief)/Shonek Alcazia (Ele)

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Vane.2387


Named my Sylvari: Turnip The Beet

Dreadscar – Norn Warrior [ICoa] Blackgate
Vanbrandt – Norn Elementalist [ICoa] Blackgate

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: KrakenAZ.9367


As a couple people have pointed out, the primary inspiration for sylvari names is gaelic, Ree Soesbee even said as much in one of her interviews somewhere that I read. If you intend to keep to that theme at this point you need to be a bit creative. Just 1 month after release I tried a large number of gaelic names that I googled up, and none of them were available. I ended up taking one I liked the most, then just adding a couple of letters and switching a couple others.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Named my Sylvari: Turnip The Beet

+5 for you!

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Noir.3204


Sylvari Necromancer: Nyx Noir

Sylvari Mesmer: Dahlia Dreamweaver

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Fransson.7910


It wasn’t that hard, with necro’s rendering your enemy in a state bleeding heavily added with their ability to poison your foe the name Ormtjusarinnan (swedish for snakecharmer) appeared on it’s own

There is no waypoint rezzing in real life,
but there are people who will help you get back up when you are downed
- PalwaJoko

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


Wanted to go with: Faxanadu (an NES game that took place in the World Tree) but it was taken. =oT

So went with: Ghöstory (non accent one was taken too) for my mesmer


Merry Nightmare: for my ele.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Mine is Treelover. It was my Night Elf Druid’s name for the longest time before I server transferred (sniff). I thought it was fitting, although not necessarily loretastic.