Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ron Burgundy.5843

Ron Burgundy.5843

Nice content. According to the other groups who have defeated Tequatl they’re using about 30 just for the turrets. Even if we get 60 people we have 30 doing damage. If Blackgate has 150 they have 120 doing damage. 4x the damage. Yet they beat him with like 2 mins left. Cool. There isn’t even any skill involved. It’s just zerging and herding baddies.

Not only this but higher population servers have enough committed players to push out the casuals. The more commited ones get in and the less committed go into overflow because they aren’t going to wait hours just to do a boss. So higher population servers get a much higher percentage of usable players and lower population gets less. Not that it matters for low population servers when they aren’t even pushing into overflow (not even close). Compounded by the fact we’re doing at most half the damage of these other servers just due to logistics. Does nobody notice these things? What do you think this will do to already low population servers?

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Hexin.5603


So let me get this straight… you want to open a topic about how much better you are, as you can do 50% of the high pop servers with 1/4 the manpower? Or at least noting, high pop servers got him down … cool your still no skillz bro?

Or are you saying you do not want to recruit more to your server, because they are twice as bad, or do not wish to waste timeand still want an avenue to play this content.

Does it really feel good to write stuff like this on the internet – some self inflating ego. A better way to phrase this would be … okay .. here are the stats devs – AR has done Teq x/x times and here is the population results from each time x -1, y -2 and the percent we got him too.

Followed by … as you can see its a deterent to our servers based on the quantity of players showing up now. it’s virtually impossible, so this impact will ‘likely’ result in transfers leaving to high pop servers… which in turn kitten es off the higher pop servers as they can’t even get into there own maps as is.

Or you could say – hey come do teq with us once. Just so I can get the achievo – then back to wvw/pvp well whatever your flavor is.

And how exactly do we push out casuals? With our pointy sticks? magic wands, Once a casual is in, they are in. Cool story bro, but I have no idea what your trying to say outside of …

*the last line. *

There rest is like trying to interpret the QB of a varsity team talk about financials.

Do you want help, open a thread, do you want devs to know there is an issue, provide some data without over inflating your already over powered server … because if your too OP already , there is no need to nerf it right?

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: mojowalker.3798


I was at it last night around 10:30/11 CST and there were maybe 60 or 70 there at the most, and I would think that’d be considered closer to prime-time? We got it’s health bar down MAYBE a quarter of an inch …

With the weekend coming, I suppose there’s a possibility we could see a higher population at it, but the 80 player minimum is going to be a challenge to muster, and then, of course, it’s the question of getting those same 80+ people to hang around and repeat the event because it’ll take a few runs of trial and error to get the mechanics down. And based on what I’ve been reading here on the forums, it seems like 80 players would have as much of a chance at winning as would 8. Well, maybe SLIGHTLY higher odds.

But, that being said, I’ll still likely show up whenever it pops up just to check it out … it’s not like a Scarlet invasion where I have to check the clock and wonder if I want to devote the next 45 minutes to zerging …

“If you can’t beat them, get a bigger stick.”
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Suzu.4193


Hexin kitten.

WALL OF TEXT for something that has nothing to do with what he wrote,
as i can surmise, hes saying this battle is not fair for under populated servers, i.e anvil.

Anvil was the pvp server, but we know how great thats gotten LMAO.

Any way im also an anvil i feel your pain homie, had to go to TC to finnaly kill the dragon.

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


I think he is angry because only 26 people showed up at AR. I personalty don’t care, I know that my server will never be able to beat it, so I just do my daily and go do other stuff, after I’ll get my wings I’ll never do Tequatl fight again, because it’s pointless and I’m OK with it, I’ll just go do other content, there’s plenty of it.

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Does it matter what server you beat him on? Guesting is free I think.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ron Burgundy.5843

Ron Burgundy.5843

So let me get this straight… you want to open a topic about how much better you are, as you can do 50% of the high pop servers with 1/4 the manpower? Or at least noting, high pop servers got him down … cool your still no skillz bro?

Or are you saying you do not want to recruit more to your server, because they are twice as bad, or do not wish to waste timeand still want an avenue to play this content.

Does it really feel good to write stuff like this on the internet – some self inflating ego. A better way to phrase this would be … okay .. here are the stats devs – AR has done Teq x/x times and here is the population results from each time x -1, y -2 and the percent we got him too.

Followed by … as you can see its a deterent to our servers based on the quantity of players showing up now. it’s virtually impossible, so this impact will ‘likely’ result in transfers leaving to high pop servers… which in turn kitten es off the higher pop servers as they can’t even get into there own maps as is.

Or you could say – hey come do teq with us once. Just so I can get the achievo – then back to wvw/pvp well whatever your flavor is.

And how exactly do we push out casuals? With our pointy sticks? magic wands, Once a casual is in, they are in. Cool story bro, but I have no idea what your trying to say outside of …

*the last line. *

There rest is like trying to interpret the QB of a varsity team talk about financials.

Do you want help, open a thread, do you want devs to know there is an issue, provide some data without over inflating your already over powered server … because if your too OP already , there is no need to nerf it right?

You lack reading comprehension. You’re repeating many of the points I made back at me presenting it as an argument.

To answer your first paragraph we don’t do “half the damage” and that obviously wasn’t the point I was making. When you argue you push the statistics in favour of the people you’re arguing against just because your point is so strong you can, and make it apparent you are doing this (hence why I said in the same post we are technically going to be doing 1/4 (even less after my other points about no organisation) which means they can’t argue against you in terms of the statistics being incorrect. Whether AR can do 25% or 50% of blackgates damage doesn’t matter, it’s still obviously impossible. So, my point evidently is not “look at our mad skills”, it is “look at the impossibility of the event”, yet you presented that same point at me as an argument. Learn to understand before you attack, it makes you look pathetic.

Obviously we aren’t going to be recruiting to our server, seeing as they’re all guesting away shows where they’d rather be (and for good reason).

I don’t have perfect stats for AR Tequatl. It’s irrelevant because the numbers are far too low to actually think it’s necessary.

Your next paragraph presents the argument I made back at me as if you’re making the argument to refute me. Obviously my point was this event is destroying low population servers.

I don’t care about the achievement. I care about the server and don’t like seeing such a badly implemented system so I don’t want some charity Tequatl kill.

You push out casuals with time obviously. Casuals won’t wait 5+ hours spamming a join button. People who do will listen or will probably be part of the committed guilds already. Common sense.

What I want is people to see the obvious flaws in the system. If you can’t see this it’s not my problem. You’re a terrible reader.

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


Does it matter what server you beat him on? Guesting is free I think.

Guesting is intended if you f.e. wanted to play/meet-up with your friends from different server, encouraging guesting, to be able to complete the raid is a horrible practice – highly populated servers become even more populated and low pop servers turn into deserts, I will not guest out of sheer principle.

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ron Burgundy.5843

Ron Burgundy.5843

Does it matter what server you beat him on? Guesting is free I think.

Guesting is intended if you f.e. wanted to play/meet-up with your friends from different server, encouraging guesting, to be able to complete the raid is a horrible practice – highly populated servers become even more populated and low pop servers turn into deserts, I will not guest out of sheer principle.

Exactly. This game already encourages server stacking. For WvW and just a more enjoyable PvE/social experience. With all the hype over Tequatl and people seeing the “greener grass”, I foresee these problems becoming even worse. What did 50%+ of the servers get? An impossible boss and an even more deserted server.

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: XenusTEHG.1965


You say it like there is no overflows

sorry for my poor english

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ron Burgundy.5843

Ron Burgundy.5843

You say it like there is no overflows

They’d rather be spamming join in overflows than stay at Anvil Rock enjoying no overflows (ever). Says it all really.

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


You say it like there is no overflows

Which makes situation even worse, as population from low pop servers are not only shifting into high pop servers, but they’re now also afk’ing in overflows, waiting for their chance, preventing people from getting into event on their own server, while low pop servers are left EMPTY.

Anvil Rock Just Had 26 Against Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Does it matter what server you beat him on? Guesting is free I think.

Guesting is intended if you f.e. wanted to play/meet-up with your friends from different server, encouraging guesting, to be able to complete the raid is a horrible practice – highly populated servers become even more populated and low pop servers turn into deserts, I will not guest out of sheer principle.

Fair enough. I’m just afraid this will not be on a high priority list because guesting exists.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”