Join us in Ehmry Bay!

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


We’ve got him down to 50% past couple times and are improving each time. Join my party if you need help getting in from overflow.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by RLHawk.3290)

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


Didn’t make it this time, but I want to say to the ANET dev who joined — Thank you so so much! You totally made my day!

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


We’ll be trying again as soon as he spawns. Feel free to join!

EDIT: Removed TS info at request of owner.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by RLHawk.3290)

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: xBuffx.2964


come join. there is no overflow and lots of people and commanders on.

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


Ehmry Bay is full atm, but you can still get in if you join my party. My in game name is Elvendir. Should be spawning in next 20 mins.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I’ve only managed to make it into the Ehmry Bay server once or twice. Unless I sit around trying to get in for hours, it doesn’t seem likely to happen anytime soon. I’ve never seen it without an overflow since the update on Tuesday.

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


You can join me now.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by RLHawk.3290)

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: cyborG.3026


all about SoS.. only getting him to 50%, still, LOL

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


YAHOO!!! We got him to 26%!

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


Go Ehmry Bay! We’re gonna get this!

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by RLHawk.3290)

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


Ehmry Bay got him down today! Sadly, I missed it. I was on for the next fight though and we got him down to 1%. We’re going to get him!

Let me know if you want a party invite to get in!

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JawjuhJoker.4956


Please DO NOT join us in Ehmry Bay …. please go back to your own server so the actual players on EB can get out of overflow.

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RLHawk.3290



I posed it also for the people in Ehmry Bay so they’d have someone to join. So exciting!

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: xBuffx.2964


yep got lucky with like a few seconds left. which was dumb cause he had no health at the 7 second mark.

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


yep got lucky with like a few seconds left. which was dumb cause he had no health at the 7 second mark.

Probably would have helped our time and DPS if the southern turrets weren’t dying all the time due to lackluster defenses. I’m pretty sure you saw me screaming on map chat for the southern turret defenders to aim for both the eastern and southern mobs, and not just the southern ones. I was left alone with the eastern ones and died numerous times…because all 10 of the other defenders were aiming for the southern mobs exclusively like fools.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ikaros.7219


every time i try to join i get kicked to overflow… -.-

“Raw overwhelming power. He who has it, rules. He who doesn’t, begs.”

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: clutchpro.6742


We came together as a server and finally beat tequatl twice today.

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: xBuffx.2964


yep got lucky with like a few seconds left. which was dumb cause he had no health at the 7 second mark.

Probably would have helped our time and DPS if the southern turrets weren’t dying all the time due to lackluster defenses. I’m pretty sure you saw me screaming on map chat for the southern turret defenders to aim for both the eastern and southern mobs, and not just the southern ones. I was left alone with the eastern ones and died numerous times…because all 10 of the other defenders were aiming for the southern mobs exclusively like fools.

i was there on southern defense, but ya no one was really organizing together to kill the mobs. like you i died a lot because of it.

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


yep got lucky with like a few seconds left. which was dumb cause he had no health at the 7 second mark.

Probably would have helped our time and DPS if the southern turrets weren’t dying all the time due to lackluster defenses. I’m pretty sure you saw me screaming on map chat for the southern turret defenders to aim for both the eastern and southern mobs, and not just the southern ones. I was left alone with the eastern ones and died numerous times…because all 10 of the other defenders were aiming for the southern mobs exclusively like fools.

i was there on southern defense, but ya no one was really organizing together to kill the mobs. like you i died a lot because of it.

Which is a real shame. It doesn’t even require any real orders to coordinate on that. You only need 3-4 watching one group while the others watch the other group. That’s the sad part, it should have never been that bad.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Gildan Bladeborn.2198

Gildan Bladeborn.2198

I really wish people wouldn’t post things like this – that Tequatl kill and very nearly kill? Yeah, I got to spend that entire block of time in overflow, unable to get in and therefore accomplish ANYTHING. No overflow group I’ve ever been present for has even got him down to 75%, and even before we had any publicized success, if you weren’t already in the zone long before Tequatl showed up, you weren’t getting in until there was no point leaving overflow anyways, as the main server’s event would be over by the time you get the prompt to leave.

Now we can wait for literal hours on end, seeing multiple iterations of the dragon come and go, content in the knowledge that a spot on the main server will never open up and we can’t ever leave overflow hell, where your time is always wasted for no reward whatsoever, because that prompt just does not appear.

Stay on your servers please, we have too many people already.

Ceia Mirschail is my mesmer, and I am one of [SLVR]’s overachievers.
Ehmry Bay for life!

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: kittkat.9450


Hah! I was there for our first win, didn’t see myself in the video though. Too busy throwing down heals for the north turrets crew with Kiki.

I feel bad for those that didn’t make it, whether they just weren’t on at the time or were stuck in overflow. This was definitely the result of several days efforts in planning and practicing, and I wish everyone that’s been there throughout could’ve been with us during the actual victory.

As to those that were stuck and continue to find themselves stuck in overflow, remember to check and see if you have a friend/guildie that made it onto the main map so they can help you out. Baring that, be on the server teamspeak! A lot of coordination has been going on there, and if you speak/type up those in the main could possibly help you out. I know that’s not an ideal solution to overflow issues, but that’s what we’ve got to work with. So work it!

Mena Fowler – Ranger || Jezza – Engineer || Cailet Ambrose – Elementalist

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: BladeNinja.4671


Just had to be at work when we beat him… been there since day 1. oh well gratz EBay!

Aura Slicer X Thief. Pvp svr 007 Oh wait! i’m not suppose to tell you that!