"Maguuma" gets Teq down to 1-3%

"Maguuma" gets Teq down to 1-3%

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cletus Van Damme.2795

Cletus Van Damme.2795

An FA guild guested to Maguuma and got him down to around 1-3% (Hard to tell with painterly Health Bar) Usually Maguuma has about 15-20 people doing it around prime time which the scaling doesn’t account for so they were a big help. Afterwards they went back to FA or more likely found an empty Overflow. Next Teq we got down to around 96% which I think is 1% better than usual so I guess they rubbed off a little.

Magumer Ranger

"Maguuma" gets Teq down to 1-3%

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Yeah cause we were trying to organize and avoid afkers. As for Mag you guys just need to get a bunch of people and organize really good and you can get it down. Either way good luck.