People need to realize that...

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lord.6497


“low population put up a notice on a forum”

Pierre Arborea, the lowest populated french server, is doing it. Not sure why the english community refuse to do it.

Because putting up a notice on the forums = people magically appear. Your point is that open world content should be design so that an individual has to go to the forums and recruit 149 other people to do it. Not saying there is anything wrong necessarily with 150 person content, but it shouldn’t be open world. Open world implies that it can be done by members of the open world. On low population servers that is just not very feasible.

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Revamping Tequatl to be impossible is fine, but don’t we need something from the Jormag vendor for our legendaries? What if your server never downs Tequatl? What if your server never downs Jormag 2.0? No more legendaries on the entire server, EVER?

Many servers never open Balthazar’s Temple and have many legendaries, they guest.

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


To heck with Teq!
The Shatterer don’t matter(er)!
The Claw’s a Flaw!

I am SO done with the dragons. This content is no longer for me. It was dull before but at least it was reliably doable if I felt like jumping in, and it was not too tedious. Now? Meh. And meh. And meh to the meh power. But fret not! I won’t be there taking up a spot from someone who actually likes this stuff.

Unless I happen to be in the zone for some other reason. In which case, meh.

The table is a fable.

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Coulter.2315


“low population put up a notice on a forum”

Pierre Arborea, the lowest populated french server, is doing it. Not sure why the english community refuse to do it.

Because putting up a notice on the forums = people magically appear. Your point is that open world content should be design so that an individual has to go to the forums and recruit 149 other people to do it. Not saying there is anything wrong necessarily with 150 person content, but it shouldn’t be open world. Open world implies that it can be done by members of the open world. On low population servers that is just not very feasible.

No the point is that THIS open world content needs you to more than just turn up. THIS single piece of content requires you to do it, no other Open World event does, deal with it or don’t do it.

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


actually agree this event is good, but still lack some polish and still has issue to be addressed.

Wasn’t this a given? Overflows and build diversity for example are two issues, for example.

Screaming “NURRRRRF EEEEEEEEEEEEET” isn’t gonna help with said issues.

Also to quote you “We are all happy that we got a Tequila kill, but unless we all realize this event is pure bullkitten in its current state, then the quality of the game won’t improve”… so is it pure bullkitten or a good event that needs polishing. Form your opinion already.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Wolfheart.1938)

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Kelly.5293


Well I for one enjoy hard content with mechanics and not just showing up to win. But this is very broken. I guess you are only considered a “hardcore player” if you are on a very high populated server. . . .

This is no longer about my personal skill as a player. I loved the Liadri/ Queens G. content. It was based on MY performance.

I cant control other people standing around doing nothing or not using WP when dead. I cant control 6 people badly using turrets and ruining the event for over 80 people. I also cant control that my server looks like they have given up and less and less people show. I cant control that i wait for hours to get into a populated organized server and still end up in overflows that fail.

I’m pretty much fed up with this living story content and just hope they don’t destroy the rest of the world events.

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


To my budys who want this type of content in there MMO, who left cause even 5man instances here are lame:

Guys they finally added raid type content into GW2. Ya’s should come back N play!

Oh yeh, no it’s not instanced. So people who don’t like this do sort of AFK on the turrets so others can’t do it. Oh yeh, you can’t do it with me/guildys because of Map Full.

Oh yeh, still can’t use Condi specs in PvE due to cap, objects still don’t take condi kitten
o no, still can’t CC most the monsters. Oh yeh, support roles have a hard time doing enough ‘damage’ to get loot. Yeh, they also added immune to crit, so those builds/gears also don’t work here.

But there’s a small chance to win a mini-pet! Oh yeh, it can be sold to someone who hasn’t been to the map. Oh yeh, mini-pets still take bag slots and have to be put in speashal bags or they get thrown in collections. Oh yeh, you got to go thru your bags cause there’s no bar to put it on screen. Oh yeh, they still despawn when you sneeze.

But there’s achievements! Oh yeh, the ‘daily’ one still counts to overall points so no it’s still a terrible representation of ‘playerscore’. They did finally do a awesome job on reward skins with achievement stuff tho. Oh no, the reward wings, they didn’t add them to it, it’s the old crappy 1 toon or PvE or PvP set only, yeh I know it’s account wide to do the actual thing…

No no, Im sure they know Rift is free to play and a MMO clone of WoW, with raids that tho bad, actually work. Yeh yeh, I’m sure they know other MMO’s were doing this without the total stupidity 10 or so years ago. Yeh yeh, I’m sure the’ll have all the basic fundamental flaws fixed before the next wave of sexy looking MMO’s are out…

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lord.6497


No the point is that THIS open world content needs you to more than just turn up. THIS single piece of content requires you to do it, no other Open World event does, deal with it or don’t do it.

No, this single piece of content requires you and your closest 149 friends to do it. I would love to do it, but sadly I can’t find 149 friends. My point is that I would love them to keep the same level of challenge (actually I think it should be made harder, lets be honest its really not hard at all), but reduce a) make it so that it doesn’t require 150 people, thus allowing low pop servers to have a chance, and b) the need to rely on 6 turret people to not be failures.

TL;DR: Make the content harder, but make it scale to size of group just like all other open world content.