So, the real problem emerges...
I still go along if someone says “Teq Up” in Guild Chat to try and get the achievements so that I never have to go back.
10 × 15 minutes in overflows of certain people telling everyone how they are the only ones on the entire map that have a clue and that we all suck (in full caps). Dead afk’s everywhere and a pathetic 80 copper reward for time spent is not a fun event for me.
(edited by Paul.4081)
I have beaten Tequatl 4 times, all of them organized by the people of Desolation and led by Decimus Maximus (thank you guys you are awesome). Since I am from Aurora Glade, one of those wins happened in overflow, two on Ruins of Surmia and one on Fissure of Woe.
I got my title on the second day of the event release but I still keep on coming back because the fight is fun and I do my best to help out. So far the most epic fight we had was my final win – Tequatl spawned too early, we weren’t ready, everyone was far away from the battlefield. When we arrived, 3 minutes were already lost. Everyone focused, the stress was insane and somehow we managed to beat it with over 1 minute left on the timer.
Yes, the rewards are bad and so far the best loot I have gotten from Tequatl has been light exotic berserker shoulders lvl 78.
I think the rewards should be significantly improved to keep people coming back to the event. As it is today, getting to participate in an organized event is too much of a hassle to only be rewarded with some rares and greens. Many times I am out of guests, other times the server is too full so I have to wait out the next attempt etc. All that time spent needs to be rewarded.
This boss in my opinion really shows off the problems the " Open World " approach has.
Without a system put in place to restrict and filter through the people participating in this encounter – the whole thing is a mess.
People akitteng and not even going to wp when they are dead are taking slots from people who would actually love to participate and give it their best.
The issue here is that as a whole – the tet fight is too dependent on the actions of others. This should have been an instance.
Just my 2 cents….
I think the real problem with this kind of content is the absence of a real tool/interface/whatever to coordinate, organize and dispatch order among a lot of casual people getting there. The ingame chat channels are quite useless and external Team Speak is quite demanding…
I really don’t know what can be of help here and sure there’s many other imortant issuses that must be addressed by ANet pointed out countless time in countless post here and there in the forum, but for what i see nobody has pointed out this simple thing: ANet wants to deliver content that require coorinated and organized effort by lot of players, good!, but gives players way to coordinate and organize quickly and efficiently
Better rewards would mean more people would stick around and keep doing it. The risk versus reward for this event is not balanced when compared to other events in the game.
Better rewards would mean more people would stick around and keep doing it. The risk versus reward for this event is not balanced when compared to other events in the game.
Which would in turn perpetuate the most annoying things about it. Unfortunately this encounter may be designed for a lot of people, but it isn’t designed for GW2’s open world.
If this was instanced and my chances of a decent reward was increased, id say that I would spent the hours needed to help the others with it, but currently, due to afkers at south/east turrets, and folks that dont listen and dont understand turrets, its like banging your head against a brick wall full of nails.
I get what the OP is stating and respect it alot, however, I dont share the view of not changing it, they most certainly need to change it, this is supposed to bring the community together, and since this game doesnt have a built in teamspeak, it means this encounter should be doable by in game chat system, and since 95% of successes was due to teamspeak, that tells me that its to hard.
Content like this that require teamspeak belong in an instance with raid like rewards.
I actually think the fight is pretty fun but it could certainly use some refinement and additional balancing.
I agree with the OP’s remark about the real problem. I wish I could give some real feedback for the Tequatl event itself, but I’ve only had one kind of experience with it, which involves at least 1/4 of the players AFK, 1/4 perma-dead, and usually half the turrets down. I’ve never been able to leave the 10th circle of hell otherwise known as Overflow.
I have a friend who keeps telling me, “You should try again. Join [ insert Tequatl specialty guild ] and they’ll help you win and it’s fun!” Then she goes on to explain the whole process of “taking over” either another server’s home-zone or an overflow… and the importance of getting in 1-3 hours early so you can actually get in to the right zone/overflow… and sitting through the organisational process which is comparable to hosting a real-life community expo or competition. Installing TS is optional, apparently, as long as most of said specialty guild has the majority on it. At that point, I realised just how broken the mechanics are for this event (including the AFK, trolls, basic overflow limitations, etc.).
Maybe the Tequatl fight is fun but I haven’t experienced any of that yet and I don’t like feeling that my only choice to experience this “success” and “fun” is to join a specialty guild for what is open world content and devote 1-3 hours of my free time to waiting. This is like standing in line for 1-3 hours just to go to a ‘B’ movie, read a book, play disc golf, or any other activity that’s supposed to be fun and easy to access.
Notice how I never mentioned difficulty. I can’t even complain about how “hard” it is or isn’t since I’ve never experienced anything other than Tequatl battles with, at best, 50% of players present actually participating.