Sigh, Is it just me getting annoyed now?
Hey, at least it makes the other races really stand out.
“inserts typical sarcastic inflammatory comment about middle aged men with no lives playing human females”
The armor skins reveal all (pun might have been intended)…
Why does it matter what other people are playing? Play what you want to play and don’t worry about it. Let people enjoy the game how they want to.
WHOA WHOA WHOA ProphetSword! This is General Discussions, specifically a ‘moan thread’. There is NO room for that “logic” stuff around here.
Get with the program and start whining about how other people choose to play the game, or go find some other place to be nice and non-argumentative.
Actually, what I said might be considered harsh anyway. Let me try again:
Don’t worry about what other people are playing. Play what you want to play. I’m sorry it bothers you.
If it helps, I will try to only log on with a male Asura when you’re in the area.
i doubt it was ALL human females… could have been short female norns!
Hahaha, no room for logic stuff indeed.
ANet released statistics a month or so ago and, actually, there are more male characters in-game than female by a sizable amount. Anyway, “I was running through LA” is a pretty huge sampling bias; you encountered what, one millionth of the total population of the game, if even? :P
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