Guild Emblem Editor:
(edited by Chokapik.3741)
Currently with the API we have absolutely no way to get Mystic Forge recipes.
I needed them for something I’m working on, so I went ahead and made a JSON file that contains most of the recipes.
It took me a while to get all of this data together and there might be mistakes so let me know if you find any.
The format I’m using is exactly the same as the one for the v2/recipes endpoint (except for the “name” field I added).
Feel free to copy the file, change the format, read it out loud to your pet quaggan (?), … I hope someone will do something cool with this .
Happy coding! ~
More complete and recent version by Mystic.5934: (consider reading the comments for more information on this page)
(edited by Chokapik.3741)
This is really nice and helpful, thank you
This is a really, really nice work! Thank you a lot for your effort! :-)
You’re only half done.
There’s so much more you can put in and get out from the forge. Where are the tonics? Upgrade recipes? Ascended back items?
Yeah, true. Currently working on that
This is very helpful. Thank you!
I offered to compile these in another post a few months ago but no one seemed interested at the time. Looks like that’s changed, so, ta-da!
Here’s mine I made:
without names:
with names:
This has all 793 of them: material promotion, mystic and eldritch scroll weapons, legendaries, gifts, siege, clovers, mists essences, armor set recipes, feast recipes, some misc.
I copied your format best I could.
material promotion is an average. started with estimates from Egg Baron then did my own research for T1.
For Reaper of Souls, I used item_id of ‘-1’ :P
mystic clovers are also averages, but the other way around. Thinking about it, I should probably invert those… so it gives the recipe for each time you do it, but it only products 0.3 clovers or something like that. I was going off the wiki for how many of each was required to make 1 clover.
the armor set recipes and feast recipes are mathematical estimates for how much wine, coin, and crystals are required. wiki has a range of how much is required, and I made a few at various ratings for more data points, then made a line that fit them as good as possible. let me know if you find one that’s off :P I crafted a bunch of them, but that’s way too many to confirm by hand.
Thanks for your work! I look forward to adding them to my collection. I didn’t do a single thing with minis or tonics or ascended myself – I was focused on things that could be sold on the TP.
edit: I updated the links above to include Chokapik’s recipes (now 850 recipes) as well as foraging sickle’s id and mystic clover to be the ingredients to make 1 but only output 0.31 clovers. It was quite beautiful to see our duplicates side-by side with how similar they were
(edited by Mystic.5934)
Right, this thread:
I suggested, that you’d best put it into a public repository like GitHub so that anyone could contribute.
I don’t like GitHub :*(
what you linked is fine, but most times someone links to there it’s just a folder of how-to instructions with no actual useful things. could be just bad experiences.
GitHub is super easy and super simple to use – just create a repo and play a bit with it.
Get the desktop client and a nice editor:
You will most likely never see the command line then (well, unless you really messed something up)
ID number of foraging sickle is 23025. You won’t be able to cross reference it yet, obviously.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
was that only recentlyish they added it? It was already in my database of items, but definitely wasn't when I wrote the recipe that uses it.ID number of foraging sickle is 23025. You won’t be able to cross reference it yet, obviously.
The following recipes are currently not included (you guys might be able to help me complete the list):
- Mini llamas (not in API)
- Mini Steamrider, Mini Steam Hulk, and Mini Steam Minotaur (random output)
- “Generic” recipes (for example, the one to infuse ascended rings; I can’t really add one recipe per ring. same for infusing ascended backpieces quivers/books)
- Tonics: the wiki documentation for most of the tonic recipes is incomplete, so I can’t do much with this for now. Maybe someone can help me figuring this out (there is multiple types of mystery tonics, so I don’t really understand).
- Everything related to material promotion (random output)
- Fractal Capacitors: these things are a huge mess. There is multiple stats, but the API also has a version with choosable stats (which you can’t link in-game…). I don’t know how to implement those.
- Maudrey-related recipes.
I’m feeling in the discovery mood, so I’ll start working on mawdrey and mini llama. then I’ll see what you mean about the tonics.
was that only recentlyish they added it? It was already in my database of items, but definitely wasn't when I wrote the recipe that uses it.ID number of foraging sickle is 23025. You won’t be able to cross reference it yet, obviously.
I dug it out of wiki. As far as I know, it’s still not in the API.
That’s amazing guys!
In the long run, I agree that it would be nice to have it on github or something like that, especially if more recipes are added to the game. That’s not mandatory though. Nice work, Mystic!
Edit: I just cleaned up the original post, added Mystic’s urls and put the id of the Foraging Sickle in my file (it recently made it in the v2/items endpoint).
(edited by Chokapik.3741)
what’s the reason for removing names from the file? just not necessary? I find it helps a ton for identifying what you are working with
anyone know the data_id of mini lavish llama?
this post describes how to get the item id from the chat code, but it gave me item id 1048850. pretty sure that’s wrong :P
(edited by Mystic.5934)
did mawdrey and mini llama. had to use output_item_id of -1 for mini lavish llama, at least until someone provides me with it’s id
attached is a text file of just these, I’ll update the two files I did before with them.
(edited by Mystic.5934)
this post describes how to get the item id from the chat code, but it gave me item id 1048850. pretty sure that’s wrong :P
Try this:
It’s based on Poke’s JS version which works on the Wiki to decode chatcodes in the search, but mine also decodes a whole item stack (item+upgrades).
anyone know the data_id of mini lavish llama?
this post describes how to get the item id from the chat code, but it gave me item id 1048850. pretty sure that’s wrong :P
Wiki has it as 69650
Quick tip: if wiki is showing the chat code, you can get the id number if you click on the Edit link and check out the page code.
You can also use and to reverse lookup IDs and chatcodes (well, as long as the items are / or were at one point in the API )
(edited by smiley.1438)
{"text":“no such id”}
well, at least it makes sense (elegant is 69649)
(edited by Mystic.5934)
turns out only the ‘smells like singed fur and feathers’ mystery tonic (crystalline dust + vicious claw + vicious fang + water = 5 of them at artificer) is able to go in the mystic forge. that makes it so easy
I updated the json file above
attached is a text file with a json for just the tonic recipes
I did Mini Steamrider, Mini Steam Hulk, and Mini Steam Minotaur. just made it 3 different recipes, all with the same ingredients. no idea how we should notate them as possible options. normal API doesn’t have this problem :P
will post those in a sec… want to finish fractal capacitors first.
omg what a mess. 5 different items x 2 infusion slots (offensive/defensive), yet somehow beta and glowy have 20 different data_id instead of 10.
I have found to be invaluable.
what’s the difference between 37039 ([&AgGvkAAA]) and 49381 ([&AgHlwAAA])? and which one turns into 37049 ([&AgG5kAAA]) and which 49391 ([&AgHvwAAA])? Is it as obvious as it looks? what’s the difference between them? only the last of these 4 am I able to link in game.
also, what’s the difference between 37020 and 37025? I expect 37025 to be the real one, but then what is 37020 all about?
oh well, it’s at least close enough :P I just put both of those options in there
updated the json above
text file with just Mini Steamrider, Mini Steam Hulk, Mini Steam Minotaur, fractal capacitors:
note: Chokapik already had 2 of them, so be careful of duplicates. I think output_item_id 37035 (soldiers) differs from what I just produced… should probably have 37025 (soldiers) as an ingredient instead of 37029 (berserker). I had wayyy too much time on my hands :P
(edited by Mystic.5934)
I can help.
what’s the difference between 37039 ([&AgGvkAAA]) and 49381 ([&AgHlwAAA])?
The first has a built in +5 agony infusion. This used to be the norm.
and which one turns into 37049 ([&AgG5kAAA]) and which 49391 ([&AgHvwAAA])? Is it as obvious as it looks? what’s the difference between them?
The difference here is the same. I couldn’t tell you if you could actually make 37049 any more. Whatever combination is in place to handle the legacy item may or may not have been updated to point to the replacement for its original product.
also, what’s the difference between 37020 and 37025? I expect 37025 to be the real one, but then what is 37020 all about?
These appear to be functionally identical, so I’ll draw your attention to a couple of other things. 37020 only appeared in the API within the last couple of months, while the rest have been around for more than a year. The capacitors are grouped in blocks of 5; 37020 starts off a block of 5 that is otherwise unviewable. There are similar blocks of 5 items of unviewable data in between blocks of capacitors. What you probably have here is some item data that somehow got exposed that shouldn’t have been. Maybe it has something to do with the beta, but I think it can be safely ignored for now.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
I just updated the post again, I think we’re very close to having all of the recipes now. Cool!
the armor set recipes and feast recipes are mathematical estimates for how much wine, coin, and crystals are required. wiki has a range of how much is required, and I made a few at various ratings for more data points, then made a line that fit them as good as possible. let me know if you find one that’s off :P I crafted a bunch of them, but that’s way too many to confirm by hand.
So, I went ahead and confirmed by hand :P not all of them, but I put 1 or 2 in the forge at every rating 0-400 and wrote down how many coin, wine, and crystal would be required, then updated all the recipes to the correct values. like 50% were correct, most of rest were off by 1, a few were off by up to 4. I updated the json files, they’re the same link as above:
with names:
without names:
If you’re interested in these numbers:
box/satchel of armors:
rating / coin / wine / crystal
0 / 2 / 1 / 4
25 / 5 / 1 / 5
50 / 8 / 1 / 6
75 / 11 / 1 / 7
100 / 14 / 2 / 8
125 / 17 / 2 / 9
150 / 20 / 2 / 10
175 / 23 / 2 / 11
200 / 26 / 3 / 12
225 / 29 / 3 / 13
250 / 32 / 3 / 14
275 / 35 / 3 / 15
300 / 38 / 4 / 16
325 / 41 / 4 / 17
350 / 44 / 4 / 18
375 / 47 / 4 / 19
400 / 50 / 5 / 20
feast/tray/pot/giant of food:
rating / coin / wine / crystal
75 / 17 / 6 / 9
100 / 17 / 6 / 9
125 / 17 / 6 / 9
150 / 26 / 9 / 12
175 / 26 / 9 / 12
200 / 26 / 9 / 12
225 / 35 / 10 / 15
250 / 35 / 12 / 15
275 / 35 / 12 / 15
300 / 47 / 16 / 19
325 / 47 / 16 / 19
350 / 47 / 16 / 19
375 / 47 / 16 / 19
400 / 50 / 17 / 20
Point 1: thx to all the great guys for work!
2. Seems like it does not contain Halloween recipes, is that right? Any chances to see them added soon enough?
3. I’m not sure if setting output to zero for low-chance recipes is a nice idea. Maybe multiply ingredients appropriately? (right now it is impossible to calculate statistically possible profit for such recipes)
For example it does not contain any recipes using item 36059 (Plastic Fangs):
(edited by DarkMagister.7429)
Thank you for all the work you put in here.
Just as a note, “Unspoken Curse” is not crafted with greatsword blades, but sword blades.
I added a couple recipes to my json files above (added nightfury) and corrected the unspoken curse error and mystic clover output_item_count (THANKS! any other bugs?), but moved the json files to a new location:
without names:
with names:
In a few hours (gym time!), I’ll add the recipes to convert between halloween currencies from are there any other halloween recipes to add?
what recipe has an output of 0? lowest I see is an output of 0.31 for clovers. ohhhhhh, it was rounding. 1 sec…. fixed!
(edited by Mystic.5934)
k, added a few more:
convert chattering skull, nougat center and plastic fangs to each other. 6 recipes for each, different amounts for each recipe.
candy corn cob from chattering skull, nougat center and plastic fangs and mini gwynefyrdd (lol)
recipe: major/superior rune of mad king/sigil of night, 3 versions of each, for the different discipline weights
also, I changed the format of the ingredients to have item_id first, then count. that makes more sense to me. it shouldn’t affect anything if you use json_decode, but thought I’d mention it.
>convert chattering skull, nougat center and plastic fangs to each other. 6 recipes for each, different amounts for each recipe.
Just docced those over the weekend. They’ve been around for at least a year, but as you can imagine, there’s not a lot of interest in a low yield recipe for a common item ;D
But if, come springtime, people get curious what a salvage kit is good for in the forge, now they’ll know.
Thank you very much.
Then it was a single case with 0 output? My bad I haven’t checked it right away.
Now I’ll have to switch from integers, hope no surprises (( (I’ve merged usual and MF recipes to one list, hence some problems)
Halloween recipes confirmed working, will notify if anything is missing.
the 0 output was the 1x mystic clover recipe. for some reason when I first put that together I thought it would be good to round the output amounts, so 0.31 rounded to 0. and the 10x recipe rounded 3.12 to 3. took that out and it works fine. just like the material promotions, the clover output is an average.
I made an update.
first, the old one ( is still there without any changes. it will only output forge recipes, and only the id and count and ingredients [and name if included]
But I added a v2:
this one will always output the name, and also the type and disciplines (as well as id, count, and ingredients). sorry, no more ‘?include=name’, you’ll just have to ignore it if you don’t want it.
type is the type of the item it produces
disciplines is how that recipe is produced. current disciplines include ‘Mystic Forge’ and ‘Double Click’ and ‘SS Node’. ‘Mystic Forge’ means that recipe is made in the forge. ‘Double Click’ means that recipe is made by having ingredients in your inventory and you double click it and it will combine into the output (ex: Mawdrey and Mordrem Lodestone). ‘SS Node’ is for combining 10 Quartz Crystal into 1 Charge Quartz Crystal at a SP node
also, v2 is searchable:,19699 returns the recipes that make output_item_id’s 19698 and 19699 (limited to 100 ids) Ore,Mithril Ore returns the recipes that make the items named ‘Platinum Ore’ and ‘Mithril Ore’ (limited to 100 names) returns the recipes that make items with type ‘CraftingMaterial’ (there is also ‘Back’, ‘MiniPet’, ‘Greatsword’, ‘Unlock’, ‘Trophy’, etc.) (limited to 100 types)
these can also be combined: Ore
To make it look pretty, I added an option:
I also added all the rest of the Mawdrey items (the ‘Double Click’ ones, plus a few forge ones I was missing). for situations such as Mawdrey and Mawdrey II (where 1 recipe makes 2 outputs), I just made 2 recipes with the 2 different outputs.
I also added the Mordrem and Evergreen ‘Double Click’ promotions
I’m sure I’m missing some ‘Double Click’ recipes, any idea which? also, there has to be a better word to use in disciplines to describe those and the SS node :P ideas?
(edited by Mystic.5934)
Bugreport time (please dont hit me)!
There are quite a few items that have their item id in the “count” field, namely…
31056 > Eye of Rodgort
1x 20852 19976x 0 24295x 0 31081x 031088 > Ignus Fatuus
1x 20852 19976x 0 19721x 0 12998x 031103 > Mirage
1x 20852 19976x 0 19721x 0 13004x 031079 > Mjölnir
1x 20852 19976x 0 19639x 0 24305x 070010 > Mystic Forge Conduit
1x 35735 19976x 0 35734x 0 35729x 036323 > Chainsaw the Skeleton
1x 36317 36321x 0 36319x 0 36041x 038047 > Foostivoo the Merry
1x 38046 38048x 0 38049x 0 38301x 038047 > Foostivoo the Merry
1x 38046 38048x 0 38049x 0 38450x 042956 > Mini Armored Scarlet Briar
1x 42953 42954x 0 42955x 0 49950x 049294 > Mini Dolyak Calf
1x 49291 49293x 0 49292x 0 38448x 049294 > Mini Dolyak Calf
1x 49291 49293x 0 49292x 0 38450x 049294 > Mini Dolyak Calf
1x 49291 49293x 0 49292x 0 38449x 048741 > Mini Ghost Carlotta
1x 48754 48755x 0 48753x 0 47909x 043428 > Mini Holographic Colossus
1x 43427 43426x 0 43425x 0 43429x 046653 > Mini Princess Miya
1x 46654 46644x 0 46646x 0 46645x 047844 > Mini Risen Abomination
1x 47842 47841x 0 47843x 0 47908x 046497 > Mini Super Assassin
1x 46494 46496x 0 46495x 0 41824x 038455 > Plush Griffon
1x 38305 38300x 0 38301x 0 38302x 038451 > Princess Doll
1x 38303 38300x 0 38301x 0 38302x 038454 > Toy Golem
1x 38307 38300x 0 38301x 0 38302x 038453 > Toy Soldier
1x 38304 38300x 0 38301x 0 38302x 038452 > Toy Ventari
1x 38306 38300x 0 38301x 0 38302x 039341 > Triforge Pendant
1x 23095 19721x 0 19976x 0 24277x 037127 > Mighty Infusion
50x 20796 19976x 0 36731x 0 24295x 037128 > Precise Infusion
50x 20796 19976x 0 36731x 0 24351x 037129 > Malign Infusion
50x 20796 19976x 0 36731x 0 24283x 037133 > Resilient Infusion
50x 20796 19976x 0 37897x 0 24289x 037134 > Vital Infusion
1x 20796 19976x 0 37897x 0 24358x 037123 > Healing Infusion
50x 20796 19976x 0 37897x 0 24300x 037136 > Versatile Vital Infusion
100x 20796 19976x 0 37907x 0 24358x 037130 > Versatile Malign Infusion
100x 20796 19976x 0 37907x 0 24283x 037135 > Versatile Resilient Infusion
100x 20796 19976x 0 37907x 0 24289x 037132 > Versatile Precise Infusion
100x 20796 19976x 0 37907x 0 24351x 037125 > Versatile Healing Infusion
100x 20796 19976x 0 37907x 0 24300x 037131 > Versatile Mighty Infusion
100x 20796 19976x 0 37907x 0 24295x 042425 > Sclerite Karka Shell
1x 42426 19721x 0 37897x 0 37907x 037009 > Book of Secrets
1x 38014 20799x 0 19721x 0 24295x 037001 > Koss on Koss
1x 38014 20799x 0 19721x 0 24357x 037005 > Symon’s History of Ascalon
1x 38014 20799x 0 19721x 0 24289x 037003 > There with Yakkington: A Traveler’s Tale
1x 38014 20799x 0 19721x 0 24351x 037007 > Tome of the Rubicon
1x 38014 20799x 0 19721x 0 24358x 037006 > Bowyer’s Delight
1x 38014 20796x 0 19721x 0 24357x 037004 > Endless Quiver
1x 38014 20796x 0 19721x 0 24358x 037000 > Quiver of a Thousand Arrows
1x 38014 20796x 0 19721x 0 24351x 037008 > Quiver of Swift Flight
1x 38014 20796x 0 19721x 0 24295x 037002 > Sights Be True
1x 38014 20796x 0 19721x 0 24289x 050060 > Spinal Blade Pack
1x 50079 50025x 0 24274x 0 19683x 050061 > Twin Spinal Blades
1x 50060 50025x 0 24275x 0 19688x 050062 > Quad Spinal Blades
1x 50061 50025x 0 24276x 0 19684x 050063 > Advanced Spinal Blades
1x 50062 50025x 0 24277x 0 19685x 050064 > Tempered Spinal Blades
1x 50063 50025x 0 46746x 0 50065x 050050 > Tempered Spinal Blades (Infused)
1x 50064 37070x 0 38023x 0 19721x 066168 > Light of Dwayna (Infused)
1x 49478 37070x 0 38023x 0 19721x 066166 > Shadow of Grenth (Infused)
1x 49479 37070x 0 38023x 0 19721x 066167 > Chaos of Lyssa (Infused)
1x 66169 37070x 0 38023x 0 19721x 0
uhhhh, what a weird bug. I’m so sorry, how embarrasing. no need to fear hitting, I appreciate bug reports, it lets me fix stuff.
it should be fixed now (at least all the items I’ve checked look good)
edit: WAIT! not fixed yet!
edit2: ok, now it’s fixed
(edited by Mystic.5934)
Thank you, that was fast!
Also thanks again for doing this, much appreciated (esp. that you did Mawdrew was awesome).
[X] vote for GitHub repo!
Another bug report: Mordrem and Evergreen Sliver → Lodestone have the Madrew components in them.
Another bug report: Mordrem and Evergreen Sliver -> Lodestone have the Madrew components in them.
fixed! always clean up your variables, kids!
[X] vote for GitHub repo!
I have no good answer to this GitHub isn’t my go-to place to do anything, and it just seems out of the way – an extra step to take (the v2 json above is all automated from my database).
Even so, if you want to set one up, I’ll add to it. I have no experience with GitHub, so anything I create there would likely be undesired :P
(edited by Mystic.5934)
Aaand some more things. Something seems to be going very wrong. Most items that were buggy before (e.g. Spinal Blade pack using Chocolate Cherry Cake) now have wrong ingredients.
Items that need another look taken at (aka have < 4 ingredients atm):
Goblet of Kings
Charged Quartz Crystal
Eye of Rodgort
Ignus Fatuus
Mystic Forge Conduit
Chainsaw the Skeleton
Foostivoo the Merry
Foostivoo the Merry
Mini Armored Scarlet Briar
Mini Dolyak Calf
Mini Dolyak Calf
Mini Dolyak Calf
Mini Ghost Carlotta
Mini Holographic Colossus
Mini Princess Miya
Mini Risen Abomination
Mini Super Assassin
Plush Griffon
Princess Doll
Toy Golem
Toy Soldier
Toy Ventari
Triforge Pendant
Mighty Infusion
Precise Infusion
Malign Infusion
Resilient Infusion
Vital Infusion
Healing Infusion
Versatile Vital Infusion
Versatile Malign Infusion
Versatile Resilient Infusion
Versatile Precise Infusion
Versatile Healing Infusion
Versatile Mighty Infusion
Sclerite Karka Shell
Book of Secrets
Koss on Koss
Symon’s History of Ascalon
There with Yakkington: A Traveler’s Tale
Tome of the Rubicon
Bowyer’s Delight
Endless Quiver
Quiver of a Thousand Arrows
Quiver of Swift Flight
Sights Be True
Spinal Blade Pack
Twin Spinal Blades
Quad Spinal Blades
Advanced Spinal Blades
Tempered Spinal Blades
Tempered Spinal Blades (Infused)
Light of Dwayna (Infused)
Shadow of Grenth (Infused)
Chaos of Lyssa (Infused)
Mini Fancy Llama
Mini Elegant Llama
Mini Lavish Llama
Mysterious Seedling
Mysterious Sprout
Mysterious Vine
Cultivated Seed
Cultivated Seedling
Cultivated Sprout
Cultivated Shoot
Cultivated Vine
Pet Seed
Pet Seedling
Pet Sprout
Pet Shoot
Pet Plantling
Mawdrey II
Github (or git in general) just helps with versioning, that’s how I saw that the change you made instantly.
Aaand some more things. Something seems to be going very wrong. Most items that were buggy before (e.g. Spinal Blade pack using Chocolate Cherry Cake) now have wrong ingredients.
uhhhh, I have no idea how that happened (my recipes for most of those were formatted differently).
most are now fixed (except first 2 and last 18 which seem to have a different problem)
Goblet of kings… there are 8 different Bag of Jewels that all seem to be identical (9257-9262,67262,75690:,9258,9259,9260,9261,9262,67262,75690). I’ll just go with 9257 for now :P (I think I just left it blank when I first made it)
Charged Quartz Crystal should only have 1 ingredient
llama and Mawdrey stuff should only have 2 ingredients
Thanks, that seems to fix everything
More things!
- Colored Spinal Blades (
- Endless Gift Dolyak Tonic
- Giant Wintersday Gift
- Mistforged Weapon Ugrades
- Superior Rune of Snowfall & Superior Sigil of Mischief
ahhh! thought those were more bugs!
duuuuuuuude, you can make wintersday gifts in the forge!
THIS sounds like a job for……. tomorrow!
[X] vote for GitHub repo!
I have no good answer to this GitHub isn’t my go-to place to do anything, and it just seems out of the way – an extra step to take (the v2 json above is all automated from my database).
Even so, if you want to set one up, I’ll add to it. I have no experience with GitHub, so anything I create there would likely be undesired :P
I have an answer: just try it! How can you say it’s so much extra work if you haven’t even tried it? Once configured, it’s just one more mouseclick (along entering a commit message) in your workflow. Nothing to even think about!
Just compare the current workflow for me now: i have to download & copy the json manually, check if it’s different to the one i already had, maybe squash dupes again… I doubt that this way is any simpler than just an automated `git -pull`.
I mentioned already above that with a good editor it’s effortless to manage GitHub. If you want an IDE instead of just an advanced text editor, go and try Jetbrains’ WebStorm or PHPStorm, both of which have full git support (like any Jetbrains IDE) and make it a pleasure to work with!
Just give it a shot!
(edited by smiley.1438)
Also – sorry for being annoying – what do you think about adding “salvage” items as well?
An example would be salvaging the new precursors into their crafting items. With that it would be easy generating recipe trees for the precursor crafting
And I quickly made this repo. Basically, it auto-updates from your data to show diffs when stuff changes. Maybe this is a compromise? You could still update via your database and we would have diffs. If it’s a dumb idea I can delete it again no problem, only took a few minutes.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.