HEADS UP: rate limiting is coming

HEADS UP: rate limiting is coming

in API Development

Posted by: Neural.1824


Thank you. This explains some things, like when I place an order and the price info doesn’t show up when expected (I thought prices and transactions were both 1 minute).

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

HEADS UP: rate limiting is coming

in API Development

Posted by: Karasu.9483


For the actual limit, the current number I’m thinking of is 600 requests/minute. I think that’s enough to pull all of the trading post listings every 30 seconds (which is how long they’re cached for). The limit is a rolling limit, so if an application makes 600 requests, then waits for 30 seconds, it should be able to make another 300 requests without going over.

/v2/commerce/listings is updated every ~30 seconds and takes ~150 requests to pull all the data from.

How often is data from the Trading Post updated such that it can be obtained via API?

/v2/commerce/listings is every 20 minutes.
/v2/commerce/prices is every 2 minutes.
/v2/commerce/transactions is every 1 minute.

These change on occasion, refer to the Cache-Control and Expires headers.

Did listings expiration change from 30 seconds to 20 minutes? I’m a bit confused