Hi, I’ve currently been dabbling in PHP to create my own guild “armory”. I’m storing the API keys back-end and the website is being used as “man in the middle” to expose character equipment to guild members.
Is there a way to accurately store character information on the back-end? /v2/characters seems to only return their names and names can be changed in this game. There’s no way for me to update changes on my site.
I’d like to also retrieve the stats on a character and so far I’ve pretty much iterated through all equipment and added up the stats (keeping in mind not to add up the aqua breather, underwater weapons and unequipped weapons; A1/A2 or B1/B2)
I’ve iterated through all infusions, runes and upgrades but I can’t help but feel the API is a bit difficult to dabble with. When querying the API for my ascended ring I can see that it returns.. among other things.. an array like this:
‘infix_upgrade’ =>
array (
‘buff’ =>
array (
‘skill_id’ => 15742,
‘description’ => ‘+32 Power
+18 Ferocity
+18 Precision’,
‘attributes’ =>
array (
0 =>
array (
‘attribute’ => ‘Power’,
‘modifier’ => 78,
1 =>
array (
‘attribute’ => ‘Precision’,
‘modifier’ => 56,
2 =>
array (
‘attribute’ => ‘CritDamage’,
‘modifier’ => 56,
‘secondary_suffix_item_id’ => ’’,
I made the mistake of relying solely on the “attributes” array and ended up with incorrect stats on the accessories because of this.
“infix_upgrade” contains an array named “buff” which has its own attributes in it… It looks like in order to get the stats on the site to match up to this, I’ll have to add those two arrays together… It looks as though I’ll have to write something to parse this out..
Because it’s one string I’ll have to split it by the newline character, then split only the first space (since some stats contain spaces like “Agony Resistance”) and then I’ll have to add these together to calculate their stat totals. Just a lot of stuff involved…
The API does not seem to return the stats on back pieces. I have limited data, does this maybe have to do with the “double click to choose stats” items? /v2/characters feels as though it covers most personalized equipment information while /v2/items covers the “base” equipment. It’d be great to see /v2/characters also return chosen stat numbers.
As it currently stands I have to query /v2/characters, retrieve the equipment.. build a query string to return /v2/items and then build another query string to return /v2/skins. It’d be cool to see an API addition that takes some of the steps out.
I’m loving the work you guys have put into the API so far.
(edited by Aderic.6028)