iOS GW2 WebApi

iOS GW2 WebApi

in API Development

Posted by: Coody.4076


Hello ~
First, I have to say that I speak poor English, because I come from Taiwan.
I wrote basic test case and policy for WebApi & Request, but I am a beginner in iOS developer. Maybe some developers can use English to write this webapi’s informations like how to use or fix code in English.

Here is my github:


iOS GW2 WebApi

in API Development

Posted by: Coody.4076


For example , you can use " GW2_Request_Gems " class to send any gems number u want , and get exchange coins easily.

#import “GW2_Request_Gems.h”
second, add
< GW2_Request_Gems_Protocol >
third, create object
GW2_Request_Gems *testRequest = [[GW2_Request_Gems alloc] initWithDelegate:self];

and call send function:
[testRequest sendRequest];

and don’t forget to implement delegate methods.