Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

in Community Creations

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Hi Revenants! I recently fought a Rev in WvW who was using a rare build that I’ve never seen before him at the 7min 10 sec mark in the video.

Most I fight use Glint and Shiro legends but this Rev was roaming and dueling with a yellow legend that dropped a lot of green shiny things on the floor.

He gave me less offensive pressure compared to the others that I’ve fought but he seemed to be able to clear condi better?

Could a pro Rev share more on how his build works and the pros and cons to his build?


Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Pros: alittle bit of healing, amd more condi remoVE

Cons: your damage is poopoo.

That thing is the tablet, it the centaur stance. It has only healing capabilities, the ult has a knock back but the rest is just healing and condi clear. Only usedul if you invest in healing power. Which then reduces your damage.. i like the stance but i find it hard to use. Also staff has condi clear which he was using, not sure about his secondsrg he dropped too fast. Im assuming he was running a regular build but with the centaur stance because the healing on his tablet was very low. Hes nothing to worry about. Just watch out for the demon stances out there

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

in Community Creations

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Pros: alittle bit of healing, amd more condi remoVE

Cons: your damage is poopoo.

That thing is the tablet, it the centaur stance. It has only healing capabilities, the ult has a knock back but the rest is just healing and condi clear. Only usedul if you invest in healing power. Which then reduces your damage.. i like the stance but i find it hard to use. Also staff has condi clear which he was using, not sure about his secondsrg he dropped too fast. Im assuming he was running a regular build but with the centaur stance because the healing on his tablet was very low. Hes nothing to worry about. Just watch out for the demon stances out there

Thanks! that was very helpful.

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Yea if you see him in centaur form, he is either healing, or removing condis. He can still deal damage obviously with his weapon, but his skills are purely defensive, id put a few condis on him so he wastes his energy removing them, then apply heavy pressure after. You won the fight so you did fine. I have seen people switch to centaur just to fake the heals, and instead they start to burst you down but thats some mind trick stuff, and most people dont pay attention or they dont play rev to know what hes doing. I main thief but ive made it a habit to get the pvp titles for each class. This helped me learn what each class does and how their builds work.

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

in Community Creations

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Yea if you see him in centaur form, he is either healing, or removing condis. He can still deal damage obviously with his weapon, but his skills are purely defensive, id put a few condis on him so he wastes his energy removing them, then apply heavy pressure after. You won the fight so you did fine. I have seen people switch to centaur just to fake the heals, and instead they start to burst you down but thats some mind trick stuff, and most people dont pay attention or they dont play rev to know what hes doing. I main thief but ive made it a habit to get the pvp titles for each class. This helped me learn what each class does and how their builds work.

That’s cool. I never thought of learning via the PvP titles as a form of gating. I mostly went to learn about a class via wiki and other youtube streamers and the forums (like yourself who helped). I’ll definitely consider that though especially since my friend has been bugging me recently to join him in the PvP season lol. Says it is more fun than WvW -_-

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Taobella.6597


tablet has strong con removal but it reason he running tablet + glint is you need boon to roam so you take glint but demon tablet is 1000x time stronger.

he also should of been running over his healing orb he probably could of beat you if he did .

Fought a Rev Roamer using a Rare build.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Pvp is fustrating because of all of the quitters and people who bm. As for the tablet, it takes so much energy to use, it leaves very little for skills on weapons to be used, not only do your weapons skills have cds but they also consume energy, and if your energy is too low from using your utilities then your screwed.

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)