Triple Trouble Anniversary - NA Servers

Triple Trouble Anniversary - NA Servers

in In-game Events

Posted by: merforga.4731


Hello! My name is Merforga, head of TTS. This weekend marks the one year anniversary of our very first TT kill. Our community has been hosting attempts and kills on TT every day since, multiple times a day. We’ve lost track of the number of TT kills we’ve managed to snag for our members and broader player base but it would be around the 1,000 mark.

So, with that being said, after this post went up the other day, we saw an influx of new players during our NA Wurm attempt that day. Enough for three maps (we typically only run two as of the last few weeks). So we thought, what the hell, why not and ran all three and eventually got all three kills for all three maps (2 and 3 failed the first time very marginally!).

As such, to celebrate our one year anniversary with TT, I’d like to formally invite you our Super Duper Awesome Triple Trouble Multi Monster Kill event (name subject to change). We are going to aim for 4 maps, and depending on resources available, possibly more.

We would love to offer the opportunity of a kill to as many people as possible and share the adrenaline and challenge of TT to as many people as possible. Everyone is invited, new players, returning players, devs, your pet! Details below!

Gather on Teamspeak at 11:30PM, Friday 6th February UTC
Begin setup at reset, 12:00AM, Saturday 7th February UTC
Wurm spawns, 1:00AM, Saturday 7th February UTC

Yes I know it’s a bit early, but given the number of maps we need to run, the briefing and training for people new to the specialist teams. We’ll also need to find suitable maps to attempt the kills on which can take some time during this period. We’ll pop Tequatl afterwards for all attendees to get your daily Teq kill

For those that don’t know how to convert server time, if you are in NA, it will be Friday afternoon/night for you. If you are in OCE / Asia, it will be Saturday day, and for EU, it will be basically the times above.

While we are providing an invite to everyone to attend and pushing our resources to the limit, we do ask that you please do some preparation in advance to help make your life, and our lives easier.

  • Read up on the Triple Trouble guide so you are somewhat familiar with the fight. Most notably, consumables and personal buffs. Setup methods may differ from map to map depending on the commander in charge
  • Download Teamspeak. The mechanics of the TT fight are extremely basic and easy to grasp. The challenge comes with mass coordination and Teamspeak is the best way to do this. Our TS address is
  • Understand the Taxi system and how it works. This is most critical in ensuring you are able to get into the right map and to participate. We have a basic guide here

Basic rules and etiquette
While we’re pretty easy going, we do ask for a few things for attendees to make this event as fun, accessible and successful for as many people as possible.

  • Please don’t AFK at setup, there is plenty of time before, and after to do it. If everything goes smoothly and quickly, commanders will generally provide a window for going AFK.
  • Please listen on teamspeak. As mentioned above, coordination is key. Most of our commanders and team leads have significant experience at killing TT.