Hypothetical Living Story: Bandits of Brisban

Hypothetical Living Story: Bandits of Brisban

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Opening Scene: Going West

— Countess Anise is in the Seraph Headquarters standing across from Logan at the desk.

[Logan Thackeray]: Is it possible you’re over-reacting, Countess?

[Countess Anise]: Captain Thackeray, is it possible you’re not taking this seriously enough?

[Logan Thackeray]: Bandits in the Brisban Wildlands is hardly something new to consider. I’ve had Seraph looking into the matter for years now and never really gotten anywhere with it. It’s simply too far from Fort Salma to get much done. Even the Lionguard don’t have anything-

[Countess Anise]: Allow me to stop you right there. I received a missive from an anonymous source which requires at least some investigation. It states there is something going on in the Wildlands between members of the Inquest, the Nightmare Court, and the White Mantle.

[Logan Thackeray]: The White Mantle?

[Countess Anise]: I take it I have your attention now. I’ve sent an investigator of my own to the area, and I hope I can convince you to send someone of your own.

[Logan Thackeray]: As I said before, Countess, it’s not close to any support. In case there is something serious happening, there’s nowhere for any help to come from. The closest is Fort Salma, and that’s not very close. However, it seems I have another option which just walked in the door.

— Cutscene ends.

NPC Dialogue:

(If human)
[Countess Anise]: Welcome, <Charname>, I’m please to see you’re doing well. I’m also not surprised to run into the Hero of Shaemoor this close to another situation about to develop.
(If non-human)
[Countess Anise]: I take it you have an interest in these matters? I could definitely use fresh eyes on this matter. I can’t promise you rewards for your effort, though.
– What’s going on?
[Countess Anise]: An anonymous informer has told me there is some involvement of the White Mantle in bandit activity out in the Brisban Wildlands. The Shining Blade has to take some interest in the matter.
– Who are the White Mantle?
(If human, with "Unknown Parents)
[Countess Anise]: Did you forget already? I wouldn’t blame you, the White Mantle aren’t quite as active as other threats to Kryta. A long time ago, the White Mantle were a group of fanatics who ruled Kryta. They followed powerful beings called the Mursaat, and were only stopped at great cost to the people of Kryta. Since then they’ve been active now and then but never to the same level of threat as before. Mostly as minor nuisances to travelers.
[Countess Anise]: You’re not from around here, so it’s unsurprising you don’t know who they are. A long time ago, the White Mantle were a group of fanatics who ruled Kryta. They followed powerful beings called the Mursaat, and were only stopped at great cost to the people of Kryta. Since then they’ve been active now and then but never to the same level of threat as before.
– Why are they more a threat now?
[Countess Anise]: Because, for once, I don’t know what they’re up to out there. If they’re solicting aid from potential allies, that means they could put together a considerable threat to Kryta and the Queen. I need someone to look into it, and someone to keep the investigator safe.
– What are the Brisban Wildlands?
[Countess Anise]: It’s a portion of Maguuma west of Fort Salma in the Kessex Hills. Kryta doesn’t have any official presence very far into the Wildlands, but I understand there’s a few asuran laboratories set up in there so maybe they know something more if you ask them about it.
– I’ll get right on that.
[Countess Anise]: I’d be very grateful if you lend a hand. Feel free to go to the Brisban Wildlands near Fort Salma and the Seraph camp there. I’ll mark it on your map so you can find it easier. Be careful, there’s a reason it’s called the Wildlands.

(If human)
[Logan Thackeray]: Hello again, my friend. I wish we could meet under better circumstances, but duty seems to have a way of showing up unwanted and unexpectedly.
(If not human)
[Logan Thackeray]: Welcome, please excuse me. This matter might require further attention. If you need anything, Lieutenant Groban can help you.
– What’s going on?"
[Logan Thackeray]: That’s a good question. Countess Anise is telling me the White Mantle may be involved in bandit activity out west, but I don’t have anyplace to work from past Fort Salma which is secure.
– Who are the White Mantle?
[Logan Thackeray]: A nuisance which continues to be something Kryta has to deal with. If they’re out there, then it’s important we look into it. I can’t spare any more of my Seraph, but if you wouldn’t mind checking it out?
– Why don’t you have any Seraph to spare?
[Logan Thackeray]: Because of recent events, I simply have too much to keep track of in Divinity’s Reach to send a large contingent out to the Wildlands. Hopefully, it’s simple enough to nip in the bud and we won’t have to worry about anything further.
– I’ll look into it for you.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Hypothetical Living Story: Bandits of Brisban

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Middle Scenes: Brisban Hideaway

[Shining Blade Investigator]: Well, this is something. I didn’t think any place like this could be so thoroughly hidden but here we are. The White Mantle have a nice hole here and it’s time to smoke them out. Be careful, I don’t know what’s in there but I’m sure you can handle it.

(The hideaway is a series of caverns, which both rise and descend through tunnels and a canyon where a rope bridge is over the ravine. Falling in is death, naturally. Brambles are found in patches, which will give Cripple and two stacks of Bleeding if you move through them. Standing in them will stack more Bleeding and refresh Cripple.)

(Eventually there is a room where a force field prevents progress, and a side-tunnel will lead to a small Inquest laboratory where Terre has set herself up. Inquest groups patrol this tunnel and protect the entry into Terre’s lab.)

— When confronting Terre.

[Terre]: Hey, you’re not supposed to be in here. This is why you don’t let bookah run security. You’re going to be sorry you intruded on my research.

[Terre]: (Dying) But I almost . . . had it . . .

[Terre’s Console]: An unfamiliar symbol is visible here along with various notes about the fragments having auras which don’t match anything in the Arcane Council database.

(Beyond the force field there are more tunnels and an upwards passage full of brambles and vines. At the end is a cavern with an open ceiling and Nightmare Court patrolling. At the top is an opening into a cavern where brambles coat most of the floor and Othello can be found with a dead human corpse on the floorl)

— When confronting Othello

[Othello]: You know, I was hoping for more practice, and it just walks right in through the door. Thank you for volunteering. Hold still, this won’t take long.

[Othello]: (Dying) Well . . . played . . .

(Down the other path is something of a ruined temple and a few chambers with fallen ceilings and collapsed hallways off in various directions. At the end, there is an altar of sorts with a large purplish stone obelisk in the center, and a human commoner is in a knockdown position at the base of it. In front of it are three White Mantle leaders.)

— When confronting the White Mantle Leaders

[Confessor Piers]: Unseen Ones, we grant you the blood of this sacrifice so that you may show us your presence. Accept our offering, and return to help us cleanse the land of the Unbelievers.

[Inquisitor Garth]: I think they’re here finally. I told you not to trust those asura, or the plant-lovers. They couldn’t stop a wild moa.

[Justicar Dalana]: Do you think you’re playing the hero, intruders? Just you wait, the Unseen will have a special punishment for you when they return.

[Confessor Piers]: If we leave you alive long enough to witness their glorious return, that is. Garth, Dalana, let’s show our intruders how we deal with our enemies.

— After the battle

[Commoner]: Oh thank goodness you came in time. Those people were crazy, talking about unseen things, chosen ones, and worse! If you hadn’t gotten here I don’t know what would have happened. Please take me back home to Shaemoor!

+ [Examine (F)]: You get the sense something is watching you, but you’re not quite sure from where. There is simply an overwhelming sense of malice.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Hypothetical Living Story: Bandits of Brisban

in Community Creations

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

With these types of names I’d assume ANet was taking inspiration from the childrens’ series, The Magic Treehouse!

Hypothetical Living Story: Bandits of Brisban

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

With these types of names I’d assume ANet was taking inspiration from the childrens’ series, The Magic Treehouse!

Placeholders, mostly, but also with an awareness. As far as I can tell asura are named with two consonants and females end in a vowel sound. Sylvari seem to have names sounding like they’re out of old European legends. Krytans used to have somewhat Mediterranean sounding names, I thought, so . . .

Besides, I came up with this in 12 hours without time to sit and polish everything including the dialogue. I also had challenged myself to come up with the rest of the content of it too, with the assumption large amounts of art assets weren’t going to be made available or authorized.

Yes. I know it’s not awesome. I could probably do better given some time but I really don’t have an intention to.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Hypothetical Living Story: Bandits of Brisban

in Community Creations

Posted by: Daigotsu.3258


Bravissimo! Encore! Encore, I say!

“This is the tech support! Step away from the
complex and delicate electronic entertainment
device! NOW!”