A Byte of Fame [BoF]|PvE|small guild

A Byte of Fame [BoF]|PvE|small guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fruit.6751


Hello, my name is Fruit, the leader of the guild. We do not expect much as of now because we (two other players and I) revived the guild, cleaned it up,, and now looking to progress.

Server: (does not matter what server because it is PvE only since…. MegaServers)
Main Focus: We look to be a PvE guild with friendly, casual, and pro-active players.
Purpose: We decided to run a guild of our own, meet new people, and to have fun, I want to consider doing guild missions in the future for when we get a decent amount of people.
I look forward to working with others and plan bigger things in the future!
If interested, Please PM or message me or the other guild leaders on/at:

Amaya Hiruko (Fruit.6751)
Taric Chan (Rising.1786)
Ezureal (Parfum Force.1206)