Far Shiverpeaks Looking for WvW guilds.
Welcome RiOT !! still welcoming more guilds to FS
Bump for far shiverpeaks
As said Riot has joined the ranks of FSP and I have enjoyed every moment when one has been able to talk to them, we are a welcoming community that have worked on how we act towards each other and now have a nice tone towards each other, guilds are trying to work together in WvW. Would like to see more guilds giving FSP a try.
We are rebuilding and the ground is forged, we have an active public TeamSpeak that is used by several guilds for both WvW and other activities. As late of the last couple of weeks we have had new WvW oriented guilds emerge on the server.
If you are interested in moving to FSP give the people in the first post (or any other for that matter) a /w or mail and at least give FSP a thought if your guild (or you yourself) is thinking of moving to a new server.
I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.
It might be worth notifying that transfers to high servers such as FSP are currently on 800 gems, if you want to move here you’ll save some gems and it also cuts down the costs on the guilds helping you funding the movement here.
bump bump bump bump
Professional Mesmer for [PunK]
Gunnars Hold
Shameless bump for my server!
Welcome Vengeance of the Fallen [VoTF] ! Time to pwn some borderlands together
Far Shiverpeaks
Welcome to both RiOT and VoTF, still no queues apart from the odd few mins on EB prime time, so still room for many more guild transfers for any guilds interested please refer to first post.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
2 amazing skilled guilds have joined us thusfar! Welcome to both RiOT and VoTF! enjoy your stay people! and see you on the battlefield!
Thanks for the warm welcome both here, ingame and on TS! Have had two very fun raids during the 2 nights we’ve been here
Can a moderator close this please or delete? We need more NA and Oceanic guilds so I need to make a new one! Thank you for VoTF and RioT joining us!