Looking for New Members - [STC] is recruiting

Looking for New Members - [STC] is recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmosis.4783


Yo! Welcome to Subject to Change [STC]!

Now centered out of Lost Precipice, North of Verdant Brink, we are proud to announce that we are recruiting (Again! (Still!)) Now bolstering slightly more members than before, and a brand new guild hall, we’re excited to welcome all players to the guild — New or Experienced. We don’t care who you are, as long as you’re a cool person.

We do so much PvE it hurts. Also, we are very much mediocre PvPers (rek dem n00bs). As far as WvW goes, our current members don’t play very often, but we do still love it!

We like to use VoIP (Discord) and we do our absolute bestest to keep the chat mature, fun, respectful, exciting, buzzword, active, responsive, etc., etc. Of course, VoIP is absolutely not required, though it is encouraged (Luckily Discord can be used through browser, but you get extra features if you download — not to mention smart phone apps for offline chat)

No repping required! Just participate in our super cool missions and junk!

Anyway.. There’s no interview either! Our guild is better than your current/last/grandmother’s guild! I promise. Trust me on this. Join us today!

Oh, also— I’ll ask you fill out this quick survey.. I know I said no interviews, but it’s just so our guild recruiters can all see who has applied. (A question about character name, display name, when you’re online etc.) It only takes like… 2 minutes tops. I’m sure. Answers don’t matter, (except for the username ones) but please respond accurately.


Can’t wait to see everyone in game!