[NA] Guardian/Engi/Thief for Tourny

[NA] Guardian/Engi/Thief for Tourny

in Looking for...

Posted by: dagne.8542


Hello Pvpers

I’m looking for a group with experience to do tournaments with on the weekends. I’m currently rank 54. I’m sure with the changes to rank points that will be higher soon enough.

*I play bunker guardian-staff and mace/shield sword/shield depending on map. Build is a condi cleanse build.

*I play engineer as nades condi spam.

*I play thief mostly as s/d decap.

Prefer Guardian or Engi play.

Please message me in game, thanks for replies. My name is Aethaer

[NA] Guardian/Engi/Thief for Tourny

in Looking for...

Posted by: dagne.8542


the response here is overwhelming let me tell you, I have had to delete like so many messages. This community is rediculous.