[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leon Mendice.3024

Leon Mendice.3024

Cryptotic’s Thoughts on NA Hardcore Dungeon Guilds:

This guild was created at the realization that there are no quality PvE guilds to join on the NA servers(my opinion). Current NA Hardcore PvE guilds either don’t play with each other or don’t have a skilled enough player base(based off my standards). Current NA Hardcore PvE guilds have some good qualities, but not all. The creation of this guild will hopefully start a whole new breed of Hardcore PvE guilds among the NA player base, by bringing all good qualities to a guild.

Cryptotic’s View on Player Quality:

All this being said, all of Cryptotic’s members will mesh together, all of Cryp’s members will be consistent, all of Cryp’s members will be running the right gear, all of Cryp’s members will know their DPS rotations, all of Cryp’s members will be expected to use TS and all of Cryp’s members will be able to run on multiple classes efficiently. Of course every hardcore dungeon guild has their own tactics they use and that being said, every member with be expected to use the same tactics so everyone is on the same page on every run/path. This guild will never be larger then 30-40 members for said purposes above.

Cryptotic’s Trial:

Considering such requirements stated above, initiate abilities need to be tested, and the first thing that comes to mind is a trial. Trials will be a week long period of just casually playing with the guild to make sure you mesh well with the group and have the potential skill or poses the skill already to become a member. As of now, because the guild is just starting up, current Cryptotic members do not mind helping players that do not have much experience in organized groups but you better have a very solid skill base to work with otherwise you’re not going to last long in this guild.

Applying to Cryptotic:

If you are interested in being apart of a guild with the stated characteristics above, toss me a mail in game, Leon Mendice.3024. In this mail, explain to me your player background, history and gear you use, aswell as how many classes you think you can proficiently play. Not expecting an essay but be generous in the amount of effort you put into this mail.

Limited Initiates:

Because the guild needs to be acquainted with each other well, the guild will only accept 5 initiates at a time.

Representing Cryptotic:

Currently the guild is not a 100% rep guild just because the lack of a player base. Cryptotic still expects its player base to rep most of the time though, and when asked to do something you better have a good reason for saying no. This being said, while doing something with the guild you are expected to rep. When the player base becomes much stronger this policy will change to 100% rep.


If you have any questions concerning anything message the same account I posted above in the “Applying” section.

(edited by Leon Mendice.3024)

[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leon Mendice.3024

Leon Mendice.3024

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[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leon Mendice.3024

Leon Mendice.3024

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[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leon Mendice.3024

Leon Mendice.3024

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[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leon Mendice.3024

Leon Mendice.3024

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[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leon Mendice.3024

Leon Mendice.3024

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[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: AmbrosialK.2653


o/ bump. Looking forward to seeing some new faces

[NA][PvE] Cryptotic [Cryp]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leon Mendice.3024

Leon Mendice.3024

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