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Bumping Again
+1 for cool guild. I’ve played with some of you in pvp matches and was pretty impressed. Always thought Renegatus was a cool name XD. I’d apply but one of my friends who used to/still is? in Ren says its very hardcore so I don’t think i can meet the requirements =\
Bumping this post, keep the applications coming ^^
+1 for cool guild. I’ve played with some of you in pvp matches and was pretty impressed. Always thought Renegatus was a cool name XD. I’d apply but one of my friends who used to/still is? in Ren says its very hardcore so I don’t think i can meet the requirements =\
No harm in applying and trying, as you can always reapply in the future if you fail, plus you will learn exactly what you need to improve on if you fail the trial. =)
also bumping this
Bumping this post, new guildies have been a blast to have so far <3
Bumping this post , watching “The Loft” with guildies this friday
#guildmovienight every friday
bumping this post again
I’m not in this guild but I love to run with them. Very nice group of people.
thank you leap
i’m new in the guild and I have to say that the boys and bubbles are very friendly , always trying to integrate the group and have a good time in the game.
I learned a lot in these last days I’ve been in the guild thanks to Arome and others. And even when i’m shy and do not talk much (and my English stinks ), they treated me really well .
So , if you love the dungeons sign up at this amazing guild ! and give your best effort in the trial!.
(edited by creatormito.2504)
i’m new in the guild and I have to say that the boys and bubbles are very friendly , always trying to integrate the group and have a good time in the game.
I learned a lot in these last days I’ve been in the guild thanks to Arome and others. And even when i’m shy and do not talk much (and my English stinks ), they treated me really well .So , if you love the dungeons sign up at this amazing guild ! and give your best effort in the trial!.
bumpity humpity more arah junkies plz apply.
nuuu slothy poo! not just arah junkies! <3
bumping this post again. had an influx of really amazing members
Really cool people to play with! Bumping this thread!
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
Really cool people to play with! Bumping this thread!
:D thank you leo
Bumping Post, Come enjoy pvp with us! and Dungeon Fungeon with us Goldenpiggielovers xD Leo is no joke a great pvp player ^^
#amazing guild to be in
bumping this post
Need more Lupi kitten apply today!
bumping humping XD #arahfunsun #pvpsexyfun
bumping again.
Recruiting more for the arah fellowship. Click the link in my sig to be taken to a magical place.
Yo a bunch of great new people have come to dark renegatus and you should too
~~~| BUMP |~~~llllllllll
[REN] is looking for more active FRACTAL runners! If you like fractals, grind up on that application ASAP.
freakin slothy<3 Bumping,
still recruiting. not sure for how much longer though.
Have a bump)
Looks like we’re dry on bumps…. here’s one!
my lovely lady bumps. check it out
give us your best bump
a bump for the ages
Bumping with a rumping