[RI]- WvW focused PvX Guild on Crystal Desert

[RI]- WvW focused PvX Guild on Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jeremiah Natusch.4958

Jeremiah Natusch.4958

Full Guild Name: The Progenitors
Guild Tag: [RI]
Guild Leader(s) & GW2ID: Zenten Zurgen (Rexo Glaze.4910); Cybele Ex (Athena.4682); Artemis Ann (MaMA.7612); Jermoo Siegesnuggle (Jeremiah Natusch.4958); Sol Theos (xenos.2961); Lyo Xero (llhm.6150); Sound Mouse (Foocubus.2531), Lecoral/Lecellen (Selya.5039)
Commanders: Jermoo Siegesnuggle (SEA/Oceanic), Cybele Ex(SEA/Oceanic), Artemis Ann(SEA/Oceanic), Sol Theos(SEA/Oceanic), Sound Mouse (NA)… more to join this list in the near future!
Guild Play Style(s): PvX, WvW
Website: http://theprogenitors.co.nr (info here is outdated for now)
Voice Communication Choice & Details: Crystal Desert Teamspeak 3 (ts.crystal-desert.com)
Guild contacts/officers: Jeremiah Natusch.4958 (NA,SEA), Athena.4682(SEA/Oceanic), MaMa.7612(SEA/Oceanic), Rexo Glaze.4910(SEA/Oceanic), xenos.2961(SEA/Oceanic), llhm.6150 (SEA), Foocubus.2531 (NA), Lorien.3950 (SEA/Oceanic), chygnet.3598 (SEA)

About us:
A relatively new addition to CD’s plethora of guilds, [RI] is a 4-month old WvW focused PvX community of intriguing personalities and fun-loving crazies. Originally conceived by a core group of CD’s SEA WvW veterans, [RI] emphasizes team play, camaraderie, and tasteful silliness when tackling all the game has to offer.

Although we have deviated somewhat from our original goal as a WvW guild, [RI] remains invested in building up a guild group capable of dominating within that gametype. We’re currently working on our group composition and cohesion, as well as training upcoming commanders to assist in future matchups.

We have scheduled WvW raids on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9pm GMT+8, as well as on Sundays at 11pm GMT+ 8, though of course our group runs are not exclusive to these times alone.

We are a fully upgraded guild, with the Gathering and Magic Find buffs running permanently, while the Karma Buff runs roughly 4-5 days a week at the moment. We do ALL Guild Missions with the exception of Guild Trek once a week on Sundays, 9pm GMT+8/ 8am EST.

We are recruiting newbie and veteran Crystal Deserters alike to join our 125+ and growing community! Our most active hours are during SEA prime time, where we average about 25 members online, and 35-ish during the weekends. However, we intend to bolster guild activity outside of these times too, and would love more NA players to solidify our NA contingent.

For WvW during SEA primetime specifically, [RI] is looking for roughly 3-4 Guardians, 2-3 Necromancers, and 2 Elementalists that are interested in zergball-oriented play.

Potential members should take note of the following:

1) Getting the guild to work together is important to us. As such, within team-based gametypes such as WvW, we strongly encourage members to find a balance between catering to their own individual play style, and what will improve the overall effectiveness and enjoyment of the group. This consideration toward the group extends to gear, traits, and utilities as well.

2)Keep an open mind, as our guild banter gets a little crazy on a daily basis.

3) Be willing to take constructive criticism and learn.

4) Use of Teamspeak 3 is NOT mandatory, though very strongly encouraged particularly for certain dungeons, guild missions, and our WvW raids for improved coordination and communication. You’d get to know some of us a lot better too! You do not need to have a mic; when it comes to organizing/executing our guild activities, all we need are your ears.

5) [RI] is a semi-representation guild. We do not, and will not, enforce a 100% representation requirement as we feel allowing members freedom of choice, particularly when [RI] is unable to cater to their needs at a particular time for instance, is a better alternative than making them feel chained to us. However, we expect members to take initiative and engage the rest of the guild from time to time, socialize, and to join us for our scheduled raids and missions if able. A guild is more than just a service, it is a community, so please treat it as such.

If our guild interests you, please do not hesitate to drop a whisper/mail to any of [RI]’s contact listed above. Perhaps we could schedule a conversation on our community teamspeak, should you so desire.

Until next time, see you in-game!

The Progenitors [RI]- Crystal Desert Server
Commander Jeremoo Boonsnuggle

(edited by Jeremiah Natusch.4958)

[RI]- WvW focused PvX Guild on Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Necro.6432


one of our best oceanic guilds +1

Daeronz | TDS Leader | WvW Commander

[RI]- WvW focused PvX Guild on Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nikked.7365


[RI] is no non-sense kittenery. They put on a good show. It’s a privilege to work alongside Jeremiah, Cybele, and Rexo.

Jacked Jackal :: Norn Mesmer :: Giant and Fabulous

[RI]- WvW focused PvX Guild on Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: llhm.6150


Bumping for grape justice

Give offerings to Balthazar, Dwayna, Grenth, Lyssa and Melandru. Kick Kormir

[RI]- WvW focused PvX Guild on Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: azizul.8469


great guild… come, join [RI] especially if you’re in SEA…..

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

[RI]- WvW focused PvX Guild on Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: llhm.6150


We are currently looking for more players to join us!

If you’re looking for a community where you can enjoy the game to the fullest, give us a shot.

Contact any of the players below for more information!

Lecoral (Selya.5039)
Artemis Ann (MaMA.7612)
Jermoo Siegesnuggle (Jeremiah Natusch.4958)
Lyo Xero (llhm.6150)
Sound Mouse (Foocubus.2531)
Cybele Ex (Athena.4682)
Sol Theos (xenos.2961)
Boss Koss (Lorien.3950)
Cigalette (chygnet.3598)

Give offerings to Balthazar, Dwayna, Grenth, Lyssa and Melandru. Kick Kormir