[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]
Dungeon of the Week: The Ruined City of Arah!!
Once called the city of the Gods, sunk during the Caraclysm, and now risen above the waves as the current lair of Zhaitan..
Bump for Dungeon nights!!
So excited for Guild Missions this evening!! w00t!
Dungeon of the Week: The Ruined City of Arah!!
Once called the city of the Gods, sunk during the Caraclysm, and now risen above the waves as the current lair of Zhaitan..
Bump for Dungeon nights!!
Bump for Fridays!!
Saturday bump!!
Bump for Lowbie nights!!
Bump for WvW nights!!
Dungeon of the Week: Ascalonian Catacombs!!
Bump for Dungeon nights!!
Tonight’s double feature..
Guild Missions!! Bounties, guild puzzles, guild rush and guild trek over Tyria!
Fractal nights!!
Bump for Guild missions and Fractal nights!!!
Tonight’s feature…
Dungeon of the Week: Ascalonian Catacombs!!
Bump for Dungeon nights!!
Bump for Ranked PvP nights!!
I am Aliesha (Aria Rean in game) and I just wanted to say a tid bit here about HOPE. Ever since I found this forum post I was intrigued by the guild. I loved seeing how active they were even though GW2 was so old, it’s nice to see people keeping the gaming community alive for a game such as this!
I originally bought GW2 because a friend said I might enjoy the RP. We were both playing WoW on an RP server after I decided that I no longer wished to Hard-Core raid. It progressively got very boring and the guild we were in lost interest in continuing to keep active events going. Thus, I ended my subscription, no need to pay for a game I rarely play to log on and do nothing. So, I came to GW2 and I’m really glad I found HOPE!
Shortly after I started playing my friend sorta jumped ship and hasn’t logged on (almost at all!) to play with me. I knew if I was going to stay engulfed in the game I had to find a community and fast. I tried a few guilds out a first but none of them seemed to do too much. I came to the forums hoping to find something worth my time and there was HOPE staring me in the face.
My one note to you is YES the process of becoming a member does take time! However, it is 110% worth it. Everyone is so incredibly helpful and nice! You will learn a lot (if you don’t already know a lot) about the game and what you can do to contribute to the community. Another super great thing about HOPE (there are so many!) is that they have multiple gaming communities on their website and forums so it’s always a joy interacting with others and learning about new games as well.
If you’re thinking about applying, just do it! You really won’t regret it!
Saturday bump!!
Bump for lowbie nights!!
Bump for WvW nights!
Bump for our Fractal Daily!
Bump for Guild Missions nights!!
Bump for a good evening
So I just completed my first week as a trial member for HOPE, and they have exceeded expectations in every way possible. I have been met with such a high level of energy and compassion that I had previously only ever felt when I’ve gamed with my close friends.
They’re well organized, have untold amounts of patience for new and returning players alike, and make you feel right at home from day one. Gaming communities don’t get any better than this!
Bump for Spotlight Dungeon night!
Tonight we are going into CM!
Bump for our community meeting tonight!!!
The meeting went well and we are moving on to Ranked PvP night!
Bump for our Lowbie Night, enjoy some leveling and map completion!
Shout out to our WvW Shenanigans tonight!
Tonight is our Dungeon Spotlight! We are going into Twilight Arbor!
Finishing up the Twilight Arbor Dungeon spotlight for the week!
RoH is still keeping busy as we devour the new HoT info being released! We have WvW on Mondays, Dungeons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Guild Missions on Wednesdays, and sPvP on Fridays.
I uploaded some videos of our guild doing Fractals of the Mists as well; check ’em out! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR2FYtFWHTrWtzRskJprUx9X-w4pE9joz
Dungeon of the Week: Sorrow’s Embrace!!!
Bump for Dungeon nights!!
Tonight’s feature: Guild Missions!!
Join us as we..
-Jail up Guild Bounties!
-Shimmy our way through a Guild Puzzle!
-Burn our way through a Guild Rush!
-Explore Tyria in a Guild Trek!
Bump for Guild Mission nights!!
Dungeon of the Week: Sorrow’s Embrace!!
Bump for Dungeon nights!!!
Tonight’s Double Feature
Living World Season 2, Episode 1: Gates of Maguuma!!!
followed by
sPvP Tutorial and Shenanigans!!!
Bump for sPvP nights!!
Tonight is our RP Meet’n’Greet along with Lowbie Leveling Night (map completion) to follow!
The forum site just underwent a complete overhaul, and it’s still being refined into an even newer experience. On top of that, we’ve got some fun stuff planned for Heart of Thorns as well!
The website is starting to take shape since they re-vamped it! Stop on by and apply today!!! We LOVE new recruits and we promise there won’t be too much hazing…unless you decide to play with Seventh (that is at your own discretion and we can’t be responsible for any permanent damage he does on your subconscious).
Bump for Guild Missions nights!!!
Dungeon of the Week: Citadel of Flame!!!
Bump for Dungeon nights!!
Tonight’s Double feature:
Tyria RP!!
Join us in Tyria for an evening of adventure; This week we will be in Divinity’s Reach! All are welcome, no RP experience necessary!
followed by
Ranked PVP!!
Tonight we join the ranked queues and instill fear in all of the PvP prowess of [HOPE]
Bump for RP and PVP nights!!
Bump for sPvP Tutorial and Shenanigans nights!!!
Tonight’s Feature
Dungeon of the Week: Honor of the Waves!!
Bump for Dungeon nights!!!
(edited by Droghan.4830)
Bump for Dungeon nights!!!
Bump for Ranked PvP nights!!
Bump for Open RP and Lowbie nights!!!
(edited by Droghan.4830)
Bump for WvW nights!!!
A little less than a year ago I joined Remnants of Hope, and it has been the best gaming experience of my life. Since joining I have had the pleasure to serve as the PVE Officer, as well as the Recruitment Officer for the GW2 Division. I have met many wonderful people, and although I have not been as active as usual for the last 2 months or so, I always know I can visit the web-site or chat-rooms and keep up with what is happening in the guild.
The GW2 Division is great, with lots of friendly folks playing. There are usually events being run in prime-time hours and lots of late-night pick-up events too. I really can’t recommend the guild enough, if you are looking for a casual community with lots of great folks who get along and enjoy the game together, then you should really join.
Bump for Guild missions nights!!!
Tonight’s Double Feature…
sPvP 101
follower by
Dungeon of the week: Crucible of Eternity
Bump for sPvP and Dungeon nights!!!
Tonight’s Double Feature…
Social nights!!
Come join us in Postern Ward, Lion’s Arch for a night of fun and games!!!
Defend the Lowbie Race, The Great Alt Race, Jumping Puzzle Madness, Fugitive (Cops & Robbers), Sardines, Scavenger Hunt, Capture the Flag, & many more!
followed by
Ranked PvP!!
Tonight we join the ranked queues and instill fear in all of the PvP prowess of [HOPE] :ph34r:
Bump for Social and Ranker PvP nights!!!
Saturday’s Double Feature!!
Social Nights!
Another night for you to come join us in Postern Ward, Lion’s Arch for a night of fun and games!!!
Defend the Lowbie Race, The Great Alt Race, Jumping Puzzle Madness, Fugitive (Cops & Robbers), Sardines, Scavenger Hunt, Capture the Flag, & many more!
followed by
sPvP Tutorial and Shenanigans!!
bump for Social and sPvP nights!!!
Sunday’s Double Feature!!!
Open RP!!
Come join us, in-character, for an evening of shenanigans! All are welcome, no experience necessary!
followed by
Level Up! – Lowbie Night / Map Completion
Join us on your level 79 and under characters for some map completion that’ll get you closer to level 80!
Bump for Open RP and Lowbie nights!!!