[Zen] Is Now Recruiting! (WvW/PvP)[NA]

[Zen] Is Now Recruiting! (WvW/PvP)[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Inverted.7439


The Way Of The Master [Zen] Is in general a PvP/WvW on the server Blackgate! We are focused guild that has just recently dusted out the roster and are now looking for like-minded folk that agree to the following:

We have the best of both worlds! Say you only like sPvP or only like WvW, that’s more than okay with us! We understand people enjoy different game modes for different reasons and wouldn’t dare try to pull you into a game mode you don’t enjoy. We have very PvP-centric members in the guild and others WvW focused leading to a nice mix of the two.

Strive to improve! Improving yourself and your personal skill level is one of the best mindsets you can have in almost anything and this is no exception, you may think that your bearbow ranger suits your playstyle and “works for you” but it doesn’t work for us or most other teams for that matter.

Be mechanically sound! We’re not looking specifically for any top players but we do want you to know the game and how the combat just works in general, it’s a very fun combat system and understanding it makes it all the more fun! We’re very ready to try teaching anyone and everyone but you must refer to the first note and strive to improve!

Get ready to change & Adapt! When we are running around in WvW we want to have builds that benefit our group composition and builds, so if you’re asked to change a specific thing or aspect of your build you should be ready to do so. We’re more than happy to help you get the armor/weapons you need to synergize with us properly.

Lastly, We understand joining a new guild can be intimidating at times, especially if you are hesitant about meeting standards of a guild which is very understandable but there’s no harm done in joining and at least trying something out before you make any decisions.

better to do something and regret it than regret not doing it

(edited by Inverted.7439)

[Zen] Is Now Recruiting! (WvW/PvP)[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Inverted.7439


P.S. Teamspeak 3 is also a requirement

If all of these sound good to you, please feel free to contact by mail or in-game pm’ing any the following officers:

(Leader) chedder.6302
and of course(myself) Inverted.7439

We do bite, just not hard.

(edited by Inverted.7439)

[Zen] Is Now Recruiting! (WvW/PvP)[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Bumping! Still looking for members!

[Zen] Is Now Recruiting! (WvW/PvP)[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Picked up a few but definitely still searching for more in time for season 2!