(edited by Rez.8016)
"Sell on Trading Post" profit from ignorance.
Yarr, when I see Meet Lowest Seller, I check how many are listed. If there are a few of an item that won’t sell a lot, I’ll list it a few copper or silvers higher. If there are a ton of an item that won’t sell a lot, I’ll it a few copper or silvers lower. If there are a an item that will sell but the price won’t fluctuate, I’ll just list with the bulk. But I almost always research the other sellers when I sell.
There may be no “listing fee risk,” but there are still listing and sales fees on every transaction, which aren’t even clearly noted. I’d really love to know where this “projected profit” number comes from. Am I to believe the game is looking at my original cost for the items? If not, it’s pure BS.
IIRC, “Projected Profit” is just the amount you would receive on the sale, minus the 10% cut the TP takes. It’s what you will actually get once you go to pick up your payment. So it isn’t a “profit” in the normal sense of the word, since it doesn’t factor in how you acquired the item. It also doesn’t account for the listing fee. But the listing fee is posted on the same screen as the “Projected Profit” so you can subtract the first from the second and figure out how much you’re making on the sale (again, disregarding any cost you may have incurred getting the item in the first place).
“Projected Profit” should really be renamed to “Projected Return” or something similar to avoid this sort of confusion.
Since Eve Online’s market is similar enough to the trading post that you could accuse ANET of copying it, lets compare how much data each gives:
– Here is the market details window in Eve. It shows all orders for that region. Ignore all the columns apart from price and quantity, as location doesn’t matter in GW2 and orders don’t expire.
Now lets blank out the bits you don’t see at various points in the trading post.
– This is what you see on the buy now screen.
– This is what you see when placing a buy order.
– This is what you see on the selling screen.
So if you want the full amount of information to sell an item, you need to look the item up on both the buy screens. Sometimes you’ll want to look at historical trends, which means pulling up gw2spidy. Eve Online has the historical data graphed in game. Even worse, GW2spidy only tracks the orders and can’t tell the difference between filled and canceled orders, while the data on Eve’s graph are calculated from the sales that took place.
Those green bars at the bottom ?
Those are the number of trades that happened for that item. The trading post doesn’t show us any data on trading volume.
There may be no “listing fee risk,” but there are still listing and sales fees on every transaction, which aren’t even clearly noted. I’d really love to know where this “projected profit” number comes from. Am I to believe the game is looking at my original cost for the items? If not, it’s pure BS.
Projected profit is the selling price you set, minus the 10% listing fee. But completely ignoring the 5% listing fee.
(edited by Snoring Sleepwalker.9073)
This would be really convenient. I bop back and forth between the buy and sell screens all the time, and I have to admit, I’d love it if they simply combined the two screens and gave us all the information on that one screen.