CDI- Process Evolution 2

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


Hi All,

In summary we will be doing the following changes to best working practices around the CDI based on this discussion:

1: I will ask collaborators to discuss and propose points succinctly.
2: I will build a ‘suggested’ template for the format of proposals.
3: We will do broader advertising of the CDI topics so more community members are aware.
4: I will post specific dates for the start and end of CDI topics.
5: We will not let topics run and run. (To be honest I am quite disappointed with much of the commentary being way of topic over the last few pages and this is due to me leaving the thread open when it had run its course.)
6: We will reassess Topic determination after the next round of CDI topics.
7: Where possible we will try to run CDI topics concurrently.
8: I will discuss the creation of a sub forum for CDI with the Community team.
9: Posts will be removed moving forward if they are not pertinent to the topic of the CDI.
10: CDI Topics will be less broad in order to ensure a more focused discussion.

Thanks once again for your input and passion toward Guild Wars 2 and in this specific case the CDI.

We now know the topics for the next round of CDIs and I will publish these on Friday.



9: Posts will be removed moving forward if they are not pertinent to the topic of the CDI.



10: CDI Topics will be less broad in order to ensure a more focused discussion.


CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


Just one thing:

don’t make the topics of the CDI too big. Probably start more smaller topics instead of one big one. (if possible)

Thanks Unleashed. I have updated the summary.


CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Are we going down this path again Gidorah?


Nah. By now, nobody actually expects you guys to talk with us about it.

But even if you did, an entire CDI on it would be overkill.

Personally I think a CDI on the BLT would be good to do at some point.


It should be two separate CDI. One for the gem store. One for the part where players are trading stuff with each other. Stuff like the very obvious missing/broken bits in the search function. The two are different enough that they shouldn’t be discussed together.

I somewhat agree. A CDI about the gem shop would likely revolve around definitions of P2W and vertical item progression. We have discussed that amongst ourselves already and the only pertinent information Arenanet could offer is their own definitions. Personally, I think providing those definitions is necessary. Suspense is all well and good in story telling but not in the monetization of storytelling.

Hello Chris Whiteside and thank you for the response. Would you be able to describe the process the dev team used in deciding upon the next topic? I’m not looking for a gotcha moment, just think it would help in the process of mutual emulation. Knowing how the dev team chooses topics would help us choose future topics.

Say what?? You want us to chose topics that ANet wants to talk about instead of topics that we want to talk about. How sycophantic can you be? The whole idea of this thing is for players to be able to bring up topics and idea/complaints/suggestions that are important to us … irrespective of what ANet thinks. Not that any of that has worked, of course, but still …

The CDI group discussed determination of topics in this thread and decided to try having us choose the next topics for this round (previously topics were voted for). We will see how this goes and go from there. I would suggest you read the thread thoroughly before making just broad assumptions in future.

’ Not that any of that has worked, of course, but still ..’

Finally I am sorry you feel this way about the CDI. Should you have been following it closely you would already have seen the massive impact it has had in game.

Regardless thanks for your feedback.


You’re right … I shouldn’t have generalized. I am (or at least was) primarily a WvW player, and I’ve been extremely disappointed in the total lack of response (notice I didn’t say results) to the extensive WvW CDI threads. I think my comments apply perfectly to them. We poured our hearts out in them and believed you when you said we’d get some sort of summary and feedback on the many constructive ideas offered there. We got none of that, hence my “not that any of that worked” comment.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


Are we going down this path again Gidorah?


Nah. By now, nobody actually expects you guys to talk with us about it.

But even if you did, an entire CDI on it would be overkill.

Personally I think a CDI on the BLT would be good to do at some point.


It should be two separate CDI. One for the gem store. One for the part where players are trading stuff with each other. Stuff like the very obvious missing/broken bits in the search function. The two are different enough that they shouldn’t be discussed together.

I somewhat agree. A CDI about the gem shop would likely revolve around definitions of P2W and vertical item progression. We have discussed that amongst ourselves already and the only pertinent information Arenanet could offer is their own definitions. Personally, I think providing those definitions is necessary. Suspense is all well and good in story telling but not in the monetization of storytelling.

Hello Chris Whiteside and thank you for the response. Would you be able to describe the process the dev team used in deciding upon the next topic? I’m not looking for a gotcha moment, just think it would help in the process of mutual emulation. Knowing how the dev team chooses topics would help us choose future topics.

Say what?? You want us to chose topics that ANet wants to talk about instead of topics that we want to talk about. How sycophantic can you be? The whole idea of this thing is for players to be able to bring up topics and idea/complaints/suggestions that are important to us … irrespective of what ANet thinks. Not that any of that has worked, of course, but still …

The CDI group discussed determination of topics in this thread and decided to try having us choose the next topics for this round (previously topics were voted for). We will see how this goes and go from there. I would suggest you read the thread thoroughly before making just broad assumptions in future.

’ Not that any of that has worked, of course, but still ..’

Finally I am sorry you feel this way about the CDI. Should you have been following it closely you would already have seen the massive impact it has had in game.

Regardless thanks for your feedback.


You’re right … I shouldn’t have generalized. I am (or at least was) primarily a WvW player, and I’ve been extremely disappointed in the total lack of response (notice I didn’t say results) to the extensive WvW CDI threads. I think my comments apply perfectly to them. We poured our hearts out in them and believed you when you said we’d get some sort of summary and feedback on the many constructive ideas offered there. We got none of that, hence my “not that any of that worked” comment.

Thanks for the clarification Cactus, I understand. I will discuss this with Colin and we can go from there.


CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: timmyf.1490



I might be off here – and Chris, please correct me if I’m wrong – but a lot of your complaints aren’t being addressed by Chris because it’s not really his responsibility. It would not surprise me at all if the Community team (which likely handles moderation) isn’t “below” Chris on the org chart.

And even if they do somehow report up to him, I imagine it’s a small part of his job.

While handling forum moderation may be a high priority for you, the CDI, I thought, was a place for us to talk about the long-term direction of the game. That’s an opportunity that gaming communities are rarely afforded, and I find it a bit concerning that the same topics keep coming up over and over and over again.

If we do a CDI on the gem store, that’s an appropriate time to have a discussion about which “bonuses” are okay and which are not. This thread is not an appropriate place.

Furthermore, I’ve seen players on the WvW forums physically threaten devs. I’ve seen players state that specific devs should be fired. NO manager in his right mind would tell his employees that they must engage and respond to a hostile crowd like that.

In my job, if I had somebody tell me that somebody should punch me in the face for a decision I made, I’d walk out. If my boss told me I had to sit around and deal with them, I’d quit. The expectation for game developers shouldn’t be any different.

If you want to get responses, clean up the threads, and maybe devs will return.

Anyway, looking forward to hearing the topics on Friday, Chris!

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

@Timmy, this is why I think a forum CDI would be extremely beneficial, maybe as CC Danicia running it. Its only relevant to us forumers, but it would be sooo beneficial to actually open up the conversation about moderation. I mentioned this early in the thread, but it might have been ignored because it was in the midst of that infighting that occurred. But nevertheless I think it would be super beneficial to us forumers. As we know, PvF is very important to us.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: timmyf.1490


@Timmy, this is why I think a forum CDI would be extremely beneficial, maybe as CC Danicia running it. Its only relevant to us forumers, but it would be sooo beneficial to actually open up the conversation about moderation. I mentioned this early in the thread, but it might have been ignored because it was in the midst of that infighting that occurred. But nevertheless I think it would be super beneficial to us forumers. As we know, PvF is very important to us.

Absolutely. Or they could put together a quick 30- minute “communicating on forums” training for Arena employees and players alike. :-)

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: stale.9785


Timmy, what you’re seeing, in the posts that are over-the-top, are people who love the game, or the potential of it, who are frustrated beyond civility through either 1) actions that have no readily understood rationale (and nobody ever bothers to explain them) or 2) concerns that are seemingly being ignored.

It doesn’t make the posters right – certainly threatening someone is never right. What it makes them is understandable and human.

Part of a job that requires dealing with the public is dealing with people who get over-emotional about things.

I work in a very specialized form of customer service. I see people at their absolute worst. Taking the bad, the threats, the physical harassment (which happens in person, not through anonymous internet postings) is indeed part of the job. Not a pleasant one, but it is certainly something I am actually paid to do.

It is no different for the few Anet employees who’s very jobs are to be in contact with those on the forums. Sometimes people will be less than rational. They are still your paying customers. People whom, indeed, Anet wouldn’t exist without.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Zypher.7609




9: Posts will be removed moving forward if they are not pertinent to the topic of the CDI.


Yes this is a great idea, I know it may take a bit of work to keep it on track but some of the back and forth childish banter that happens between some can really clog up the CDI.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Romo.3709


Should I just give up on the whole thing about fractals and move on with the rest of the players that gave up any hope months ago?

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Pifil.5193


’ Not that any of that has worked, of course, but still ..’

Finally I am sorry you feel this way about the CDI. Should you have been following it closely you would already have seen the massive impact it has had in game.

Hi Chris,

Can you (or someone else) tell us what impact the CDI has had in game? Is there some public tracker available or anything like that?

I must be missing something and I admit that I haven’t had time to follow the process super closely but I haven’t seen much changing in game at all in the last while.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

Should I just give up on the whole thing about fractals and move on with the rest of the players that gave up any hope months ago?

No, we might have this next cdi. Buck up, champ!

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Cactus.2710



I might be off here – and Chris, please correct me if I’m wrong – but a lot of your complaints aren’t being addressed by Chris because it’s not really his responsibility. It would not surprise me at all if the Community team (which likely handles moderation) isn’t “below” Chris on the org chart.

And even if they do somehow report up to him, I imagine it’s a small part of his job.

While handling forum moderation may be a high priority for you, the CDI, I thought, was a place for us to talk about the long-term direction of the game. That’s an opportunity that gaming communities are rarely afforded, and I find it a bit concerning that the same topics keep coming up over and over and over again.

If we do a CDI on the gem store, that’s an appropriate time to have a discussion about which “bonuses” are okay and which are not. This thread is not an appropriate place.

Furthermore, I’ve seen players on the WvW forums physically threaten devs. I’ve seen players state that specific devs should be fired. NO manager in his right mind would tell his employees that they must engage and respond to a hostile crowd like that.

In my job, if I had somebody tell me that somebody should punch me in the face for a decision I made, I’d walk out. If my boss told me I had to sit around and deal with them, I’d quit. The expectation for game developers shouldn’t be any different.

If you want to get responses, clean up the threads, and maybe devs will return.

Anyway, looking forward to hearing the topics on Friday, Chris!

Agree on the fact that a few … a few … posts in the WvW CDIs crossed over the line. But there were 1,150 posts in the WvW Population Imbalance CDI and it is a total cop out to justify ignoring all the good ones because of a couple of bad ones. You don’t empty a basketball arena during a game just because one idiot throws a bag of popcorn out onto the court, and the refs don’t walk off just because one fan calls them idiots. I agree with the other posts here … just delete the abusive posts and get on with the process.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: videoboy.4162


Timmy, what you’re seeing, in the posts that are over-the-top, are people who love the game, or the potential of it, who are frustrated beyond civility through either 1) actions that have no readily understood rationale (and nobody ever bothers to explain them) or 2) concerns that are seemingly being ignored.

It doesn’t make the posters right – certainly threatening someone is never right. What it makes them is understandable and human.

Part of a job that requires dealing with the public is dealing with people who get over-emotional about things.

I work in a very specialized form of customer service. I see people at their absolute worst. Taking the bad, the threats, the physical harassment (which happens in person, not through anonymous internet postings) is indeed part of the job. Not a pleasant one, but it is certainly something I am actually paid to do.

It is no different for the few Anet employees who’s very jobs are to be in contact with those on the forums. Sometimes people will be less than rational. They are still your paying customers. People whom, indeed, Anet wouldn’t exist without.

I don’t know where you work, but their stance on the bolded part is completely wrong. Most states actually have laws that place your examples under harassment and could place your Employer in serious trouble for trying to tell/force you to deal with them. My knowledge of this comes both from an extensive background in customer service and having a Minor in Human Resources.

Back to the Topic:

I’m glad you’ve agreed to choose the CDI topics for the foreseeable future. I may be wrong, but I will like if you are the ones choosing the topics, then we are more likely to address things that your staff is currently looking into and perhaps give them news ways to approach their goals.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: xXxOrcaxXx.9328


Personally I think a CDI on the BLT would be good to do at some point.


You would earn my respect for now and forever if you would start a threat like “You don’t want us to put too much stuff into the BLT but we’re a company, we have to make money, so help us develop things you would buy”

Ranger - Guardian - Warrior - Elementalist - Necromancer - Mesmer
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director

Hi All,

In summary we will be doing the following changes to best working practices around the CDI based on this discussion:

1: I will ask collaborators to discuss and propose points succinctly.
2: I will build a ‘suggested’ template for the format of proposals.
3: We will do broader advertising of the CDI topics so more community members are aware.
4: I will post specific dates for the start and end of CDI topics.
5: We will not let topics run and run. (To be honest I am quite disappointed with much of the commentary being way of topic over the last few pages and this is due to me leaving the thread open when it had run its course.)
6: We will reassess Topic determination after the next round of CDI topics.
7: Where possible we will try to run CDI topics concurrently.
8: I will discuss the creation of a sub forum for CDI with the Community team.
9: Posts will be removed moving forward if they are not pertinent to the topic of the CDI.
10: CDI Topics will be less broad in order to ensure a more focused discussion.
11: I will (when I get some time) update our existing CDI threads with details about impact on the live game in the summary/proposal section.

Thanks once again for your input and passion toward Guild Wars 2 and in this specific case the CDI.

We now know the topics for the next round of CDIs and I will publish these on Friday.



9: Posts will be removed moving forward if they are not pertinent to the topic of the CDI.



10: CDI Topics will be less broad in order to ensure a more focused discussion.



11: I will (when I get some time) update our existing CDI threads with details about impact on the live game in the summary/proposal section.

I will be closing and stickying the thread shortly. Thanks for all your support and commitment to making the game better.

I will announce the new topics tomorrow!
