Another Daily Fractal chest.

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


Does +5 Agony make a noticeable difference?

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Webba.3071


Does +5 Agony make a noticeable difference?

Depends how good you are/your latency is at dodging. It doesn’t hurt, put it that way.

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


No one will complain about RNG until it affects them negatively.

That alone is reason enough to remove it. Besides, nothing in 10+ dailies is not RNG; it’s a bug. I garuntee you it’s a bug. Arenanet can’t admit it so we’ll never really know.

Just like some people never get the bonuses from WvW since launch. They still haven’t fixed that bug. For all we know; there could be a bug in the game that have certain players on permanent loot DR or something similar.

Wow, I would love to chat with you. lmao
I got 1 ring out of 7 so far :/ I feel as though I am on permanent DR I farmed too much when orr was actually good.

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I don’t feel your pain.
You’re perfectly efficient without those rings, if you’re a good player. Why raging so much?

Because there comes a point at which rings/agony resist is a necessity or you die without fail at Jade Maw health checkpoints. And if your entire party is extremely competent but RNG has seen fit to not reward them with any rings….

It becomes impossible to complete Jade Maw at 20 unless everyone has a (default) infused backpiece + slotted infusion.

But then, why are you even doing Fractal 20… to get even more rings or backpiece?

If you’re a good player, you’ll be good even without them. You choose to keep grinding, and you lament you aren’t dropping items that merely make possible for you to … keep grinding more.

I am doing Fractals as i do all other things of this game, as a possibility, not as the ONLY possibility. But maybe it is because i don’t make pugs and only play with friends and guildies. I play to enjoy the game, not to have the xxx-stats-more-than-you.

I probably will stop doing fractals at lvl 10 for this reason. And then move to my long-term goals, building a legendary, a good tPvP team, and a good WvW squadron.

Oh, the last two things don’t drop in dungeons. Nor do skill. And i am glad that in PVP, all your rings and backpieces mean nothing.

I hope this could make you think twice on this insane WoW-style grinding.

But not everyone wants to play like you, He obviously wants to play his way, I do fractals because there are no exotic trinkets with the stats I want only rare and ascended. I suppose thats just having more stats then you.

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lunartic.3647


I got a ring 4/11 daily. 0 on first 7 days and 4 in a row on the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th run. its RNG. I’d have been fine with getting only 1 ring (and hopefully its the stats i need) for that 11 runs. I dont expect a ring to drop every three runs, i mean, what am i gonna do with 10 rings at the end of the month? Prepare myself to whine at the forum next month that the contents are boring cause i am at lv100? If it was a weekly instead of a daily (like another game i played in the past), yeah sure i’d hope for higher rate of the rings dropping. Just my two cents, dont hate.

(edited by lunartic.3647)

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


lunartic I would consider you a lucky person

I have run 15 daily runs consecutive and am yet to see my first ring. So I’d love to see what Anet brings out next to improve this system.

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lunartic.3647


lunartic I would consider you a lucky person

I have run 15 daily runs consecutive and am yet to see my first ring. So I’d love to see what Anet brings out next to improve this system.

The rng system to me is horrible, as i have seen guildies with 20+ runs and no rings =( I’d have prefer a token system instead. I prefer a consistant way to get my gear and choose the stats i want but that’s jsut me. Btw, i got my fifth today so five in a row now and still havent got the one i really want.

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DanH.5879


i am starting to think the game hates me
0/14 !!!
20% ring change ? NO WAY. DROP DEAD !

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThePainTrain.8190


Done 15 daily’s in a row, still no ring.

This has to be a bug right? Or am I that unlucky!

Another Daily Fractal chest.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Even if I have to try a daily run 3x’s, I get my daily in. No matter if it’s from rage quiters or people being booted, I keep at it. Todays was a painful experience too! This one person kept trying to find an exploit or just run past everything. I’m like, “Can we just KILL them now???” Then he rage quits because it’s too hard. Oy… painful….

Anyway, after many similar experiences daily, I still have not received a single ring either. It’s becoming beyond a grind. The whole conspiracy theory that there’s A/B loot tables, I’m definitely on B. It’s really beginning to really ruin the game experience. So, I completely understand where players are coming from.

Here’s to crossing our finger that “Winter Fest” brings relief to all this negativity.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.