Arah P4
@ Ravenmoon: Just wondering, what exactly is your real-life experience with economic theory? And political theory? I’m guessing it’s not much, since any sophomore econ/poli-sci major could tell you that:
1) Anet would have a difficult time regulating/preventing dungeon sales, even if they were so inclined;
2) Regulating/preventing dungeon sales would be an impractical use of Anet’s limited resources, when so much else in the game needs fixing; and
3) Trying to be “Big Brother” in this matter is morally dubious. We’ve got freedom of contract here in the West – there’s no explicit coercion going on, and I can’t think of any Western legal institution that would find a problem with solo’ing a dungeon and selling the slots.
This is just the little I recall from years ago – I’ve forgotten most of it.
(edited by Anierna.6918)
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
Hm, nah. Stop being a broken radiostation, ok? I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m not trying to tell them how to play they game either. What I am trying to say that all this dungeon sell fiasco is a huge overlooking by ANet to the point that the sellers are in fact abusing the new and/or less experienced players.
And to all of you that feel like repeating “since there are buyers there will be sellers” and stuff like that … tell me how you feel about taxes? Do you pay them because you have to or because you want to? For the sake of argument think about for the most people out there, not just you, its obvious some of you have quite screwed up moral systems.
You know what they say – “There are 2 certain things in life – death and taxes”. I do not consider either of them as fun experience
As most other people do.
I am confused about a couple things.
The first is in the above post; what is the connection between selling dungeon paths and taxes? Taxes are required by the government to live in a certain municipality. Dungeon paths are voluntarily bought by people with more gold than skill.
I am also uncertain about your connection between 4 people talking at once in a dungeon and the commonly owned means of production.
The connection is that people are not giving this gold willingly, they are paying it because they know no other way. They think THIS is the way. It may be caused by the frequent kicks or the aholes that open a dungeon and leave right after the boss is killed before anyone could get to the chest. There are plenty of threads in this forum about that, i suppose they are paying because they want none of that, It’s quite frustrating. As you can see in those topics most people are anxious to start their own LFG, especially since some of them do not know the dungeon mechanics. And that’s just wrong. And that’s what the sellers are “exploting” (Not as in game exploit, thus the quotes)
It is a choice to buy the path; taxes are not a choice. To make a valid comparison you would need to find a good that many people want, but don’t need, and they purchase for more money than it might be worth; it would definitely be a luxury item. Maybe we could compare path sellers to yacht makers.
And I fail to understand your second paragraph. I think I explained myself above on why 4 other people giving out tactics and doing their own thing is bad for the team. Be more specific I guess
You said you were not a communist, and talked about 4 people talking at once. I don’t get the connection.
First paragraph – Apple™ iPhone (pun intended)
And well no. I was implying that for a team to work well there need to be a single person “giving the orders”. And I don’t want to sound like a communist here so thus the words ^^
It just seems to me that Raven wants to be the dungeon leader of all of his dungeons. The idea that anyone else gives opinions in a dungeon makes him uncomfortable. So when he runs dungeons he prefers to teach others (who likely won’t retain the information and will continue to plague our pugs), so that his way of doing the dungeon isn’t challenged, but is graciously accepted and he can feel good about his special snowflake white knight “talent”.
I gave a pretty hefty post in reply to your first one about why your assumption is wrong, I guess you skipped that. So I’ll skip yours after reading just the first sentence.
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
Hm, nah. Stop being a broken radiostation, ok? I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m not trying to tell them how to play they game either. What I am trying to say that all this dungeon sell fiasco is a huge overlooking by ANet to the point that the sellers are in fact abusing the new and/or less experienced players.
And to all of you that feel like repeating “since there are buyers there will be sellers” and stuff like that … tell me how you feel about taxes? Do you pay them because you have to or because you want to? For the sake of argument think about for the most people out there, not just you, its obvious some of you have quite screwed up moral systems.
You know what they say – “There are 2 certain things in life – death and taxes”. I do not consider either of them as fun experience
As most other people do.
I am confused about a couple things.
The first is in the above post; what is the connection between selling dungeon paths and taxes? Taxes are required by the government to live in a certain municipality. Dungeon paths are voluntarily bought by people with more gold than skill.
I am also uncertain about your connection between 4 people talking at once in a dungeon and the commonly owned means of production.
The connection is that people are not giving this gold willingly, they are paying it because they know no other way. They think THIS is the way. It may be caused by the frequent kicks or the aholes that open a dungeon and leave right after the boss is killed before anyone could get to the chest. There are plenty of threads in this forum about that, i suppose they are paying because they want none of that, It’s quite frustrating. As you can see in those topics most people are anxious to start their own LFG, especially since some of them do not know the dungeon mechanics. And that’s just wrong. And that’s what the sellers are “exploting” (Not as in game exploit, thus the quotes)
It is a choice to buy the path; taxes are not a choice. To make a valid comparison you would need to find a good that many people want, but don’t need, and they purchase for more money than it might be worth; it would definitely be a luxury item. Maybe we could compare path sellers to yacht makers.
And I fail to understand your second paragraph. I think I explained myself above on why 4 other people giving out tactics and doing their own thing is bad for the team. Be more specific I guess
You said you were not a communist, and talked about 4 people talking at once. I don’t get the connection.
First paragraph – Apple™ iPhone
(pun intended)
And well no. I was implying that for a team to work well there need to be a single person “giving the orders”. And I don’t want to sound like a communist here so thus the words ^^
I still don’t understand the connection between Communism and 1 person being in charge; that makes no sense. A better comparison would be a Monarchy, or a Dictatorship.
Yet another thread about someone who feels the need to force other people to live their lives (and play the game) the exact way they think is best.
I would say that these threads are tiresome, but clearly you have boundless energy.
Hm, nah. Stop being a broken radiostation, ok? I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m not trying to tell them how to play they game either. What I am trying to say that all this dungeon sell fiasco is a huge overlooking by ANet to the point that the sellers are in fact abusing the new and/or less experienced players.
And to all of you that feel like repeating “since there are buyers there will be sellers” and stuff like that … tell me how you feel about taxes? Do you pay them because you have to or because you want to? For the sake of argument think about for the most people out there, not just you, its obvious some of you have quite screwed up moral systems.
You know what they say – “There are 2 certain things in life – death and taxes”. I do not consider either of them as fun experience
As most other people do.
I am confused about a couple things.
The first is in the above post; what is the connection between selling dungeon paths and taxes? Taxes are required by the government to live in a certain municipality. Dungeon paths are voluntarily bought by people with more gold than skill.
I am also uncertain about your connection between 4 people talking at once in a dungeon and the commonly owned means of production.
The connection is that people are not giving this gold willingly, they are paying it because they know no other way. They think THIS is the way. It may be caused by the frequent kicks or the aholes that open a dungeon and leave right after the boss is killed before anyone could get to the chest. There are plenty of threads in this forum about that, i suppose they are paying because they want none of that, It’s quite frustrating. As you can see in those topics most people are anxious to start their own LFG, especially since some of them do not know the dungeon mechanics. And that’s just wrong. And that’s what the sellers are “exploting” (Not as in game exploit, thus the quotes)
It is a choice to buy the path; taxes are not a choice. To make a valid comparison you would need to find a good that many people want, but don’t need, and they purchase for more money than it might be worth; it would definitely be a luxury item. Maybe we could compare path sellers to yacht makers.
And I fail to understand your second paragraph. I think I explained myself above on why 4 other people giving out tactics and doing their own thing is bad for the team. Be more specific I guess
You said you were not a communist, and talked about 4 people talking at once. I don’t get the connection.
First paragraph – Apple™ iPhone
(pun intended)
And well no. I was implying that for a team to work well there need to be a single person “giving the orders”. And I don’t want to sound like a communist here so thus the words ^^
I still don’t understand the connection between Communism and 1 person being in charge; that makes no sense. A better comparison would be a Monarchy, or a Dictatorship.
You need no look further than China
~repost this if you’re a dungeon selling dark warrior~
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
It just seems to me that Raven wants to be the dungeon leader of all of his dungeons. The idea that anyone else gives opinions in a dungeon makes him uncomfortable. So when he runs dungeons he prefers to teach others (who likely won’t retain the information and will continue to plague our pugs), so that his way of doing the dungeon isn’t challenged, but is graciously accepted and he can feel good about his special snowflake white knight “talent”.
I gave a pretty hefty post in reply to your first one about why your assumption is wrong, I guess you skipped that. So I’ll skip yours after reading just the first sentence.
As nothing you say is at all relevant to anything (least if all this thread, I might add) I don’t normally feel the need to feed the silly troll.
But let’s discuss the ridiculousness of this.
Not really. People love doing dungeons with me. I’m quick and efficient and I’m joking all the way so its fun atmosphere. And I always take good ideas especially if we wipe. I’m just not okay with 4 other people all saying different things. Its confusing to say the least. I’m not a communist BUT when it comes to tactics and procedures there should be one at a time no?
My thoughts
I’m glad you think people love doing dungeons with you. Great. People love doing dungeons with me too. And not because I’m a care bear.
I teach the paths I know. I appreciate it when another dungeon veteran interjects opinions. When teaching, say, one newbie, it makes sense to have the 4 others discussing the best way to do things, if say, my way isn’t the best way for every situation. See, because, I’m okay with being wrong about things.
4 people talking is not confusing. It is called a conversation. A discussion. If we all disagree (which isn’t really likely as there is usually at most 2 options) we choose at random. Adults compromise.
There is no need for a leader in the dungeons. It should be 5 equal heroes working together to reach a common goal.
And I think by communism, you mean “I’m not a fan of tyranny, but in dungeons I want to be the leader and have no one question me. Then I want them all to graciously appreciate my squashing of their personal choice, freedom, and thinking.”
That will be all. The rest of my responses will be talking about you and not to you. Because you have nothing you can offer me.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Um, It’s not like you have much options in Gw2’s dungeons o.o"
It’s either you exploit, or you do it how its meant to be done, and skipping :U. The tricky part is to find the “how its meant to be done” and I’m confident that I’ve find out the right way of all PvE dungeon content including fractals without looking into guides. Although I haven’t done that alone, my experience with many pugs taught me that. I partied with some amazing players (for free, lol) when being a complete rookie even though I play since headstart (I started dungeoning a little late).
TLDR; Yes, I do listen to people, only if their suggestion seem better than mine and it’s not exploiting (hello ac p3 column stack). And if they want to exploit so badly, I just make it living hell to them ^^ Proud of it too
So do you do the giant event on arah path4?
I want my warrior to be a holy knight so i have to sell arah paths to buy a sunrise.
I want my warrior to be a holy knight so i have to sell arah paths to buy a sunrise.
You want to be like this?
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Hmm… To me using the column in AC P3 isn’t exploiting. You still get hit by all the attacks, except the falling rocks. And if you stand in Grast’s bubble you don’t get hit either. It’s just meant to make meleeing easier, with less useless movement.
Your argument is invalid.
I discovered how to do dungeons on my own. Then I read the whole dungeon subforums. Then I watched the vids of the greatest guilds. Then I saw what I could do to be better at dungeons. And I put what I learned into practice, and keep on sharing the knowledge.
Oh and I partied with great players for free. Still doing it pretty much everyday. I feel so happy everytime I get a pm from them, because I know I’ll be able to learn new things or at least I’ll have a smooth run with some funny talk
If I were to run with you on the contrary, I’d have a bad time. Because I don’t like people not backing their opinion with facts. And I don’t like people being full of themselves all the while being proven wrong. And while I’m at it, I don’t like people trying to be little kings when they should just read and remain silent.
Edit reasoning : corrected misstyped sentences.
Stacking is an exploit, pls nerf. Dungeon tactics is an exploit pls nerf.
Forum white knights OP no flood control, pls nerf.
And dear lord that picture is amazing, Emanuel!
Also, on the topic of Arah p4, when I finally beat it, and got my little title, I found that of the 8 hours I had wasted pugging it prior to that and the 3 hours it took my group to complete I could have easily farmed the gold to buy the path. I didn’t, no, but it occurred to me that I’d rather be doing trivia giveaways in LA making people smile. I’ve never run the path again, and won’t until a. I learn how to melee Lupi, and b. get an invite to one of these amazing poster’s parties. (A of course has to happen first).
This thread is about Arah p4, not about feeding the troll.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
So do you do the giant event on arah path4?
Sadly only with friends, by the time I get there it took me a good hour or more if I’m doing it with first timers.
Stacking is an exploit, pls nerf. Dungeon tactics is an
When the boss has no way of damaging because of wall glitching, yes, that is an exploit. Blind?
Ha. Nice quoting there.
Stacking is an exploit, pls nerf. Dungeon tactics is an
When the boss has no way of damaging because of wall glitching, yes, that is an exploit. Blind?
Guys, he has spoken. The anet employee dubbed “forum white knight” has deemed stacking exploitation. Stop stacking and put on your clerics gear, time for bear bows!
Arah p4 topic.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
Stacking is an exploit, pls nerf. Dungeon tactics is an
When the boss has no way of damaging because of wall glitching, yes, that is an exploit. Blind?
Unshakeable ?
By the way, even if you stack against the spider in AC, you get hit, it’s about how fast you kill it. Same for the pillar in P3, you get hit. I’ve seen PuGs giving it a go and dying miserably because they lacked deeps.
Your argument is once more invalid. Care to continue ?
Edit : more misstyping. Hate the laptop’s keyboard as much as whiteknights.
I can’t believe people would sell a dungeon path. With all the lucrative champ farming going on, why wouldn’t people just do that for gold? Selling paths ruins the community because it desensitizes people to the idea of selling services.
TL;DR; Path selling is wrong because it ruins my immersion. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
I want my warrior to be a holy knight so i have to sell arah paths to buy a sunrise.
You want to be like this?
Like her. She still needs to sell more paths to buy her own sunrise though :/
Soloing is not easier unless its a specific fight where newbies can make it harder for one experienced player by triggering certain attacks (lupi). Everything else is easier in a bad group because you essentially get 4 meat shields and aggro is shared.
Why are you so against people challenging themselves by soloing content? I think it would be a pretty good showcase of skill if you could 4-man a 50-man raid. And I like the idea of it being possible if the players are skilled enough. Restrictions like the cof p1 gate are just stupid.
I’m against people selling dungeon paths. Whether you do it solo or not is fine by me as long as you don’t rip users off. Have you ever considered that some of your “customers” do not feel confident and thus think that the only way to pass arah would be to pay someone off, not because they have gold in excess?
In this thread I’m obviously ranting against soloing dungeons, I’m not denying that but it’s only because it is the only thing that I consider would “fix” this issue.
And yeah, screw your marketing tips please, I’m selling my products well enough to have huge profits in real life. I don’t need that in my games. I play games to relax not to make a living of.
And btw, TP prices are not buffed enough. An exotic weapon weapon costs 2g while armors get more reasonable prices, so, Gw2 economy is cool and besides, you can go and farm just about anything.
P.S: How long before people start charging for world events and just about anything else, as it is in real life?
Edited by moderator
Now now there are good reasons why the exotic armor prices are so low, currently many people have or are in the process of leveling up their armor crafting for ascended armor, to do that they have to make exotic armor, many choose to go farther in their crafting discipline by selling off all of this new armor that they don’t need or want to get more gold to continue their higher level crafting, with so many people doing this it brings down the whole exotic armor market cause why would I buy an exotic berserker chest piece for 5 gold when I could get (an uglier crafted one in my opinion) for only say 50 silver. This makes it a good investment because you can see that the market has crashed but it is a market that won’t disappear, so it is bound to rebound. Hopefully this makes sense to you.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Soloing is not easier unless its a specific fight where newbies can make it harder for one experienced player by triggering certain attacks (lupi). Everything else is easier in a bad group because you essentially get 4 meat shields and aggro is shared.
Why are you so against people challenging themselves by soloing content? I think it would be a pretty good showcase of skill if you could 4-man a 50-man raid. And I like the idea of it being possible if the players are skilled enough. Restrictions like the cof p1 gate are just stupid.
I’m against people selling dungeon paths. Whether you do it solo or not is fine by me as long as you don’t rip users off. Have you ever considered that some of your “customers” do not feel confident and thus think that the only way to pass arah would be to pay someone off, not because they have gold in excess?
In this thread I’m obviously ranting against soloing dungeons, I’m not denying that but it’s only because it is the only thing that I consider would “fix” this issue.
And yeah, screw your marketing tips please, I’m selling my products well enough to have huge profits in real life. I don’t need that in my games. I play games to relax not to make a living of.
And btw, TP prices are not buffed enough. An exotic weapon weapon costs 2g while armors get more reasonable prices, so, Gw2 economy is cool and besides, you can go and farm just about anything.
P.S: How long before people start charging for world events and just about anything else, as it is in real life?
Edited by moderator
Now now there are good reasons why the exotic armor prices are so low, currently many people have or are in the process of leveling up their armor crafting for ascended armor, to do that they have to make exotic armor, many choose to go farther in their crafting discipline by selling off all of this new armor that they don’t need or want to get more gold to continue their higher level crafting, with so many people doing this it brings down the whole exotic armor market cause why would I buy an exotic berserker chest piece for 5 gold when I could get (an uglier crafted one in my opinion) for only say 50 silver. This makes it a good investment because you can see that the market has crashed but it is a market that won’t disappear, so it is bound to rebound. Hopefully this makes sense to you.
Weapons costing next to nothing and armors being costier is not a trend from yesterday. Hopefully this makes sense to you.
P.S: I’m using info from before the last patch. Frankly I haven’t checked the TP in a week or so (armors section at least) so I really have no clue how it is atm.
(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)
I’ll just add that the debate is shifting towards economics.
This reminds me of my old math teacher who used to say : “It’s when you don’t have any means to win the current argument that you start looking for another topic in which you may have the upper hand”.
It sounds way better in french though.
I’ll just add that the debate is shifting towards economics.
Yep, and I’m still wondering whether or not the troll is qualified to speak on the subject. Come on, Raven, this is your chance to talk about yourself – why haven’t you jumped on it yet?
Because the topic has nothing to do with economics. And I fail to understand how am I the troll here You are the ones obviously exploiting less skilled players in a twitch based action style game. (y) And FYI I don’t usually talk about myself, I’m answering your silly questions, standing behind my opinion, while you guys spill bunch of nonsense and talk about economics textbook in a game o.O when the problem is about exploiting weaker players. I think you’ve lost the track of the topic. I just expressed opinion i did not try to change the topic. You guys ran out of things to say. Things that you repeat all over this board. To which only the likes of you agree.
(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)
You’re talking Trading Post prices and item selling.
This is economics.
By the way, dungeon selling is a mean for people to be able to survive in an economy where traders are the richest and champ farmers come second. Happy ?
And I don’t see how we exploit less skilled people. They buy willingly. There ARE runs that are not about selling but about pugging. It’s just that they fill quite quickly, and as such you may not see them.
Try again.
It was in a response to @spoj though.
Btw, there are other ways to turn profit in this game. Such an economist like yourself should know them :O
They buy willingly because some of them know no other way. However I agree with your next statement. Thing is … I stopped playing for about few months (personal reasons), at the time I stopped NOBODY sold dungeon. Now I came back and well I do not look at the LFG tool anymore because I choose to ignore that. True at the time there was no IG LFG tool, however had no dungeon selling paths. Now its full of it :|
Because the topic has nothing to do with economics. … You are the ones obviously exploiting less skilled players in a twitch based action style game. (y)
The funniest type of troll is the one who doesn’t even realize what it is he’s talking about, because he’s not even trolling: he’s just ignorant. Trolling is intentionally voicing an opinion you know to be crazy to provoke a violent response, but he’s not educated enough in economic/political theory to realize that what he’s saying is absurd. He actually believes what he’s saying, which makes it even more hilarious.
He’s formed a political opinion based on a perverted sense of “justice,” and is attempting to apply it to the economic system of a video game (focusing on the sale of dungeon paths), yet believes it has “nothing to do with economics.” Anyone else see the irony here?
And btw, TP prices are not buffed enough. An exotic weapon weapon costs 2g while armors get more reasonable prices, so, Gw2 economy is cool and besides, you can go and farm just about anything.
Edited by moderatorNow now there are good reasons why the exotic armor prices are so low, currently many people have or are in the process of leveling up their armor crafting for ascended armor, to do that they have to make exotic armor, many choose to go farther in their crafting discipline by selling off all of this new armor that they don’t need or want to get more gold to continue their higher level crafting, with so many people doing this it brings down the whole exotic armor market cause why would I buy an exotic berserker chest piece for 5 gold when I could get (an uglier crafted one in my opinion) for only say 50 silver. This makes it a good investment because you can see that the market has crashed but it is a market that won’t disappear, so it is bound to rebound. Hopefully this makes sense to you.
Weapons costing next to nothing and armors being costier is not a trend from yesterday. Hopefully this makes sense to you.
P.S: I’m using info from before the last patch. Frankly I haven’t checked the TP in a week or so (armors section at least) so I really have no clue how it is atm. [/quote]
I expected that you were saying in your first point there, that “TP prices aren’t buffed enough” was sarcasm. second if it wasn’t sarcasm then you are completely off on the current market of the game for example this is the lowest buy order for a lvl 80 chest piece vs the lowest buy order for a lvl 80 great sword.
and if I was to argue your point where it would have been before is that the opposite was true people were preparing for ascended crafting and stockpiling ingredients for exotic armors, or still leveling their weapon crafting professions putting more weapons into the economy at that time while far fewer armor pieces were being produced through crafting.
also Weapons costing next to nothing and armors being costier is not a trend from yesterday. Hopefully this makes sense to you. comes off as very insulting in a situation where I’m attempting to assist you in understanding the current market while you are providing information from what the market was in the past without noting it as such.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Last summer I started using the LFG website. There were runs being sold. You must have stopped playing for a year :p
And yeah I know about the means of making money, but I don’t approve of it, for logical reasons. The difference between you and me, is that while I won’t resort to using those, I won’t try to stop people from doing it, because they are free to do so, and I can adapt.
You should try it too.
In conclusion for me I play dungeons and do long term trading on the TP I find both activities enjoyable, but I don’t understand your dislike for dungeon selling, as they are providing a service for which payment is due, you are saying the people who are buying are being exploited, but they are willingly making this payment and in addition if someone was selling say path 2 arah at 3.26g per person would you still see this as wrong, as the person buying the path is essentially spending nothing but getting free token. So I guess what I’m asking is selling dungeons what you have a problem with or the price that they are being sold at or both?
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Ya’ll guys wasting your time. This guy is a brickwall.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Last summer I started using the LFG website. There were runs being sold. You must have stopped playing for a year :p
And yeah I know about the means of making money, but I don’t approve of it, for logical reasons. The difference between you and me, is that while I won’t resort to using those, I won’t try to stop people from doing it, because they are free to do so, and I can adapt.
You should try it too.
I stopped around at April or May, and there was NO dungeon selling at the time. People were busy farming fractals ^^, myself included. And somehow I believe that playing the market is less intrusive than dungeon selling. I find it the same as playing with stocks IRL.
There was arah selling back in 2012 already…
You should seriously stop posting here now.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
There was arah selling back in 2012 already…
You should seriously stop posting here now.
You should seriously stop making things up.
Even if there was dungeon selling at the time, it wasn’t a thing! And it’s so nasty today that even in guild chat I see guildies asking gold from other guildies for a dungeon run >_<
There was arah selling back in 2012 already…
You should seriously stop posting here now.
You should seriously stop making things up.
Even if there was dungeon selling at the time, it wasn’t a thing! And it’s so nasty today that even in guild chat I see guildies asking gold from other guildies for a dungeon run >_<
The only reason you see it now is because of the implementation of the new lfg system….
But I remember several Arah selling and buying threads on here and on gw2lfg.
Edit: then you should get new guildies, too.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
As this thread is not inviting to a constructive and healthy discussion, it is now closed.
Thank you for your understanding.