Ascended weapon drops in Dungeons.

Ascended weapon drops in Dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

My main is a Guardian and I don’t really play around much with other professions. Guardians are one of the most restricted professions in terms of the weapons available to them. I don’t think it would be a good idea to add the low %age chance of getting a useful weapon to our profession to the already low %age chance of getting the ascended drop in the first place.
I do like to play around with builds – as I’m sure many people do – so if I get an ascended weapon with certain stats, chances are I can find a spot for it somewhere in a build as long as its a key weapon for my professions.

Sword, Shield, Focus, Greatsword, Scepter and Staff are all useful weapons on a guardian (although Shield maybe a bit less). Moreover, you sound like a person who likes to ‘play around with builds’, which means that might mean a Mace build even. Add to that Spear and Trident for underwater.

So that means that you have 9/19 = ~47% chance of a useful Ascended drop.

Which is a lot more than I would say about useful stats.

did you leave out hammer by accident or purpose?

Accident… It’s more useful than Mace too..

So, 10/19, that’s little over 50% chance of a useable weapon drop.

Compare that to useful stats…

But then you get a fractal repeat, 15 tridents later you finally get… a warhorn.

Ascended weapon drops in Dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


My main is a Guardian and I don’t really play around much with other professions. Guardians are one of the most restricted professions in terms of the weapons available to them. I don’t think it would be a good idea to add the low %age chance of getting a useful weapon to our profession to the already low %age chance of getting the ascended drop in the first place.
I do like to play around with builds – as I’m sure many people do – so if I get an ascended weapon with certain stats, chances are I can find a spot for it somewhere in a build as long as its a key weapon for my professions.

Sword, Shield, Focus, Greatsword, Scepter and Staff are all useful weapons on a guardian (although Shield maybe a bit less). Moreover, you sound like a person who likes to ‘play around with builds’, which means that might mean a Mace build even. Add to that Spear and Trident for underwater.

So that means that you have 9/19 = ~47% chance of a useful Ascended drop.

Which is a lot more than I would say about useful stats.

did you leave out hammer by accident or purpose?

Accident… It’s more useful than Mace too..

So, 10/19, that’s little over 50% chance of a useable weapon drop.

Compare that to useful stats…

But then you get a fractal repeat, 15 tridents later you finally get… a warhorn.

And 5 Cleric’s boxes later, you get a… Shaman’s Box…

Get the drift? At least when you get random weapons, you can make them zerker’s and stock them on characters that can use them. If you get random stats that you can’t use, you can’t use them on any character, regardless.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Ascended weapon drops in Dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zelyhn.8069


Hey but at least you can use those weapons to go and face word bosses since we can’t crit them anyway, and this helps you to ascend faster!!

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Ascended weapon drops in Dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lamir.6702


I need an ascended crafting panel to refine mithril faster. Gem shop item anet pls.

Ascended weapon drops in Dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

My main is a Guardian and I don’t really play around much with other professions. Guardians are one of the most restricted professions in terms of the weapons available to them. I don’t think it would be a good idea to add the low %age chance of getting a useful weapon to our profession to the already low %age chance of getting the ascended drop in the first place.
I do like to play around with builds – as I’m sure many people do – so if I get an ascended weapon with certain stats, chances are I can find a spot for it somewhere in a build as long as its a key weapon for my professions.

Sword, Shield, Focus, Greatsword, Scepter and Staff are all useful weapons on a guardian (although Shield maybe a bit less). Moreover, you sound like a person who likes to ‘play around with builds’, which means that might mean a Mace build even. Add to that Spear and Trident for underwater.

So that means that you have 9/19 = ~47% chance of a useful Ascended drop.

Which is a lot more than I would say about useful stats.

did you leave out hammer by accident or purpose?

Accident… It’s more useful than Mace too..

So, 10/19, that’s little over 50% chance of a useable weapon drop.

Compare that to useful stats…

But then you get a fractal repeat, 15 tridents later you finally get… a warhorn.

And 5 Cleric’s boxes later, you get a… Shaman’s Box…

Get the drift? At least when you get random weapons, you can make them zerker’s and stock them on characters that can use them. If you get random stats that you can’t use, you can’t use them on any character, regardless.

Well I guess since I play wvw and dungeons I don’t really have that much of an issue with getting pieces that can mostly be fit into builds. Also the teq update shows anet might actually be looking at making content that isn’t just full zerker, or they still don’t know you can’t land crits on those.

(edited by Player Character.9467)