Brie solo/duo tips

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057


So ive been running arah with my S/O almost everyday now and we get to the lass boss pretty easy but then the problem hits. We can consistently get her down to say 15-20% hp but not beyond that yet. Any tips on this w/o having to kill all the adds? Also when we do try to kill the adds they just seem to keep spawning unless i am missing something obvious. We are def not masters as some of you we just like to play with each other. So we will generally get guildies or lfg for last boss.

Any help/tips would be nice though. Or is there a combo best suited for this. We generally run zerk guard + assassin/zerk thief and sub them for warrior/mesmer too. Elementalist i have not tried yet.

Then for solo too i imagine kills the mobs is the only option?

(edited by GoD Obelisk.3057)

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


Mesmer is hard to fight her, as clones wont do any dmg. Take 66002 and fight until she teleports you – but just before that, spawn portal at the right side of the arena. Then after teleportation use WP to belka boss zone (remember u can’t be in combat!) and open portal. You can now use terminal again and finish her pretty fast with the dmg boost from terminal.
On an unrelated note, the same with necro – just before teleport, you can use spectral walk/spectral recall and do the same (except that you dont have to use wp).
You also need to know your best dps rotations and execute them.
Remember to use time warp after she hits 50% hp.

During the fight you can stack some might (mesmer torch 4, guardian focus 4, guardian fire field) with guardian and you can double his might by using inspiration signet.

(edited by Sublimatio.6981)

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Oo the portal trick sounds like such a hack. Yeah i was gonna say she generally subs for thief on the last boss because helps with the run too. When she runs mesmer its all mantras with sword meele. But we will try the mesmer trick. We do the fire field and might blast etc too but just havent been able to get her down sadly. One thing i can think of is that we dont have ascended armor but that should not make that big of a difference right?

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


Yeah asc armor won’t do any big difference. Asc trinkets will, though.
And no, it’s not a hack :P It’s called utilizing your class fully

(edited by Sublimatio.6981)

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Yesh got the asc trinkets and backpiece etc. But apart from mesmer trick, any other way? or any other combo. I just saw someone posting the 302k fire grab right before she transfers to p2 and that looked promising.

And yeah but just it sounds like such a hack haha.

(edited by GoD Obelisk.3057)

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maha.7902


mesmer phantasms don’t do damage on brie so mesmers are like complete dead weight for that part

if you want to be able to reliably duo it, go like warrior+ele or something. well warrior or ele + anything would be able to duo it.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Yeah, i need to edit the post. She generally switches to thief for the last boss. Mesmer is for the rest of the dungeon. But sublimatio’s trick sounds cool. Also when we have run War+thief we were still not able to get it. We are running our max dps rotations for mot part i think. For warrior i do both banners, precision signet and signet for elite. 6//5/0/0/3.

For guard i do GS zerk 5/5/2/0/2 fire field, bane signet and save yourselves and try to make sure my aegis is up.

Will try ele, but i need to gear her up propely first and see how it goes.

(edited by GoD Obelisk.3057)

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Ugh, I just wrote up a long reply, but lost it when I hit submit and the forums glitched. Yay.

In a nutshell, you can do it without the portal trick, or any other questionable techniques:

Player 1 solos Brie to 50%.

While player 1 is soloing, player 2 runs towards the wooden ramp where the mobs run up. Use stability to counter the technician’s stunlock, and pop the grub carriers here (dodge after a 3-count to avoid damage — you won’t have the out-of-phase buff at this point). This will keep the technicians far away so you can clear the other mobs without them hassling you.

After the carriers pop, return to the terminal area. After Brie is at 50%, both players come to the terminal area and burn down berserkers and deadeyes as they appear, trying to aggro them before they reach the terminal. There are (I think) 3 waves of mobs that appear. After that, you can kill Brie at your leisure. Don’t worry if she resets during this, the mobs won’t respawn when you reactivate the terminal. Also, don’t kill grubs — they’re your friends for rallying and distracting technicians.

My buddy and I use this method when we duo and it takes a lot of the pressure off. It takes a bit of time to clear out the mobs, but it’s worth not having to deal with the teleport if we can’t burn her down in time.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Can also place those deployable mortars

This should agro the initial guys so they can pop their grubs and act the same as dlonie’s stability situation for the second guy. At least that’s what I remember seeing a friend do when he was showing me how to do it.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Can also place those deployable mortars

This should agro the initial guys so they can pop their grubs and act the same as dlonie’s stability situation for the second guy. At least that’s what I remember seeing a friend do when he was showing me how to do it.

Oh my kitten, I’mma go grab a stack of those next time I’m on! Good tip! But uggggh….30 minute cd?

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Can also place those deployable mortars

This should agro the initial guys so they can pop their grubs and act the same as dlonie’s stability situation for the second guy. At least that’s what I remember seeing a friend do when he was showing me how to do it.

Wow i love the forums to come across tricks like this, seriously thats genius. I will have to try out all these different ideas.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quin Marino.6384

Quin Marino.6384

I’m glad you liked my fire grab video. Elementalist + warrior is probably the best combo you can use for this boss. General strategy for Brie is to stack a ton of might and focus on getting a really big burst just before 50% that way you can knock her as low as possible with the 10x damage buff. Then just melee her down. If you’re on warrior, you can stack a bunch of vuln with axe/mace and then eviscerate before 50% for a big burst.
Elementalist can use lightning storm (glyph of storms in air) followed by a fire grab before 50%.

Thief can use blinding powder followed by backstab.

Here are some videos you might find helpful:

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Yeah after i saw your video it dawned on me to burst her near 50 for that extra chunk. That was a cool vid, ele is my fav class in game (dont ask why she is not geared propely then :| ) and i need to start hitting some of the more challenging solo content with her. I know i can dodge because i leveld my ele to 80 w/o traits and some lv 60-65 armor since i had no idea tp exitsed till i was lv 70 and therefore 2g was unfathomable amount of gold to me haha. In fact even after 80 i ran some dungeons w/o traits and upgrading my armor lol. I dont ever wanna type /deaths on my ele.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


Can also place those deployable mortars

This should agro the initial guys so they can pop their grubs and act the same as dlonie’s stability situation for the second guy. At least that’s what I remember seeing a friend do when he was showing me how to do it.

Oh my kitten, I’mma go grab a stack of those next time I’m on! Good tip! But uggggh….30 minute cd?

The cooldown can be pretty annoying. It’s just so excessively long. The placement to most reliably detonate all the aboms (~95% of the time all of them, ~99% of the time all but 1) AND get the grubs where you want them to aggro and fight the techs is a bit tricky (if I’m on and available, feel free to whisper and I can show you) and if you fail you can’t rely on the trick anymore unless you want to wait 30 minutes.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maha.7902


on a warrior if you want to be able to solo it reliably just build up bloodlust stacks beforehand. it’s possible without but it’s pretty sketchy. i’m sure there’s some recent videos lying around somewhere, i’ve got one but it’sbefore one of the strength rune damage nerfs so it’s probably not relevant anymore.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

For warrior, it’s like 99% RNG now because our F1 skills are still bugged since Sept 9th.

I’ll explain the rotation:

1. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
2. Swap weapons to GS
3. Hundred blades (gs #2)
4. Rush (gs #5)
5. Whirlwind but interrupt it half way through with a weapon swap
6. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
7. Crushing blow (mace #4)
8. Eviscarate (axe F1)

This is the absolute best way to ensure you are pushing as close to the phase mark before the eviscarate. In order for it to work, you need to be using the traits 65003 and it is absolutely necessary for you to use arms V, because you need good luck on the eviscarate so as much vuln as you can hopefully build.

Start the fight on full adrenaline. If you have failed right beforehand there should be grubs surrounding the terminal. Wait there until they hit you enough to get full adrenaline before starting.

If you have no bloodlust, then the eviscarate must hit an absolute bare minimum of ~160k otherwise you won’t succeed. Almost any time that I succeed my eviscarate hits in the area of 165-175k, highest I have hit since the nerfs was 189k. It’s all luck.

Sometimes you hit too much damage before the eviscarate, because this rotation is specifically for pushing your luck as far as you can go (otherwise you won’t succeed). You will know if you should reset if your hundred blades hit anything significantly above 330-340k, because that means you won’t get to use your cyclone axe + crushing blow before the eviscarate, which are both very important because you want as much vuln built up as possible.

I know it sounds like a pain in the kitten , but soloing Brie on a warrior is actually annoying as hell now. It used to be fine, but maybe when/if they fix our burst skills with the Berserker’s Power trait it’ll be okay again.

Anyways hope this helps.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


For warrior, it’s like 99% RNG now because our F1 skills are still bugged since Sept 9th.

I’ll explain the rotation:

1. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
2. Swap weapons to GS
3. Hundred blades (gs #2)
4. Rush (gs #5)
5. Whirlwind but interrupt it half way through with a weapon swap
6. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
7. Crushing blow (mace #4)
8. Eviscarate (axe F1)

This is the absolute best way to ensure you are pushing as close to the phase mark before the eviscarate. In order for it to work, you need to be using the traits 65003 and it is absolutely necessary for you to use arms V, because you need good luck on the eviscarate so as much vuln as you can hopefully build.

Start the fight on full adrenaline. If you have failed right beforehand there should be grubs surrounding the terminal. Wait there until they hit you enough to get full adrenaline before starting.

If you have no bloodlust, then the eviscarate must hit an absolute bare minimum of ~160k otherwise you won’t succeed. Almost any time that I succeed my eviscarate hits in the area of 165-175k, highest I have hit since the nerfs was 189k. It’s all luck.

Sometimes you hit too much damage before the eviscarate, because this rotation is specifically for pushing your luck as far as you can go (otherwise you won’t succeed). You will know if you should reset if your hundred blades hit anything significantly above 330-340k, because that means you won’t get to use your cyclone axe + crushing blow before the eviscarate, which are both very important because you want as much vuln built up as possible.

I know it sounds like a pain in the kitten , but soloing Brie on a warrior is actually annoying as hell now. It used to be fine, but maybe when/if they fix our burst skills with the Berserker’s Power trait it’ll be okay again.

Anyways hope this helps.

Hey, what about interrupting 100b when it reaches the 340K :d

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Depends what the second last hit is. It wouldn’t be 340k though, because that would just mean you’re hitting above the 400k mark on the last hit which never happens anymore, trust me. We were nerfed too hard for that.

First phase of Brie you have 10x the damage as normal. Warriors can’t hit 40k 100b on Brie with no vuln in a solo setting without already being at 25 might at the start ;p

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


This is a guard – thief duo, with the guardian bursting the first 50%. I can’t think of anything major that’s changed since october that would prevent you from replicating this.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

For warrior, it’s like 99% RNG now because our F1 skills are still bugged since Sept 9th.

I’ll explain the rotation:

1. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
2. Swap weapons to GS
3. Hundred blades (gs #2)
4. Rush (gs #5)
5. Whirlwind but interrupt it half way through with a weapon swap
6. Cyclone axe (axe #2)
7. Crushing blow (mace #4)
8. Eviscarate (axe F1)

This is the absolute best way to ensure you are pushing as close to the phase mark before the eviscarate. In order for it to work, you need to be using the traits 65003 and it is absolutely necessary for you to use arms V, because you need good luck on the eviscarate so as much vuln as you can hopefully build.

Start the fight on full adrenaline. If you have failed right beforehand there should be grubs surrounding the terminal. Wait there until they hit you enough to get full adrenaline before starting.

If you have no bloodlust, then the eviscarate must hit an absolute bare minimum of ~160k otherwise you won’t succeed. Almost any time that I succeed my eviscarate hits in the area of 165-175k, highest I have hit since the nerfs was 189k. It’s all luck.

Sometimes you hit too much damage before the eviscarate, because this rotation is specifically for pushing your luck as far as you can go (otherwise you won’t succeed). You will know if you should reset if your hundred blades hit anything significantly above 330-340k, because that means you won’t get to use your cyclone axe + crushing blow before the eviscarate, which are both very important because you want as much vuln built up as possible.

I know it sounds like a pain in the kitten , but soloing Brie on a warrior is actually annoying as hell now. It used to be fine, but maybe when/if they fix our burst skills with the Berserker’s Power trait it’ll be okay again.

Anyways hope this helps.

Thanks for the in-depth reply, 2 questions though:
1) Except for bloodlust what the other sigil recommendation? Force? Accuracy? Frailty?
2) If not warrior then what do you recommend?

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

This is a guard – thief duo, with the guardian bursting the first 50%. I can’t think of anything major that’s changed since october that would prevent you from replicating this.

Interesting, we have had trouble. My S/o’s build might not be optimized for thief. I will have to check it.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Mesmer is hard to fight her, as clones wont do any dmg. Take 66002 and fight until she teleports you – but just before that, spawn portal at the right side of the arena. Then after teleportation use WP to belka boss zone (remember u can’t be in combat!) and open portal. You can now use terminal again and finish her pretty fast with the dmg boost from terminal.

Tried this with a friend last night, was hard to make it work, friend had to go so we gave up but i think it maybe cuz of bad rng with deadeyes/technicians or we leashed them during the run, not sure which. Although it def looks promising.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Thanks for the in-depth reply, 2 questions though:
1) Except for bloodlust what the other sigil recommendation? Force? Accuracy? Frailty?
2) If not warrior then what do you recommend?

Undead Slaying/Force in your GS, Bloodlust in your axe or mace with Undead or Force in the other. At least that’s what I would do and I assume what Miku did/does.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Thanks for the in-depth reply, 2 questions though:
1) Except for bloodlust what the other sigil recommendation? Force? Accuracy? Frailty?
2) If not warrior then what do you recommend?

Undead Slaying/Force in your GS, Bloodlust in your axe or mace with Undead or Force in the other. At least that’s what I would do and I assume what Miku did/does.

Undead procs for brie? :o

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Hmm, guess Zui didn’t confirm it in his recent run through Arah mob types.

But, according to GW2 Dungeons she is undead.

So I’d assume it’s right, Wethospu is usually right on things unless he slipped in it in there on an assumption and never got around to confirming? /shrug.

From the looks of it, Tar = Elemental, Inquest Techs = Inquest, and Jotun = something else, rest of Arah = undead.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


According to gw2dungeons, she is undead (I checked a few minutes ago because of this thread, actually xD). All of the p2 bosses, including belka, are undead wrt sigils and potions — even through I’d have guessed inquest.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

I think you can still go down and rally from a grub after the terminal is destroyed to avoid the teleport. Not sure if they fixed that though and I don’t really wanna try it either.

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Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

@jerus and dlonie
Yeah we were drinking inquest potions for her…might just make a difference. Such fails..omg lol. kitten u me..etc.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Every single attackable foe in Arah is undead, but I’m not sure if inquest slaying also works on Brie. I think I remember reading long ago that she is both undead and inquest.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Target.6379


Every single attackable foe in Arah is undead, but I’m not sure if inquest slaying also works on Brie. I think I remember reading long ago that she is both undead and inquest.

I think you need to check your facts.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OrionXnAsh.3064


@Purple Miku . Shoggroth is an elemental, Jotun Stargazer is nothing. Brie and Belka are Inquest and Undead both work. After its true, every “boss” are undead

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

@Purple Miku . Shoggroth is an elemental, Jotun Stargazer is nothing. Brie and Belka are Inquest and Undead both work. After its true, every “boss” are undead

If this is true then we can just pull 20% dmg on her with both the sigils o.o

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quin Marino.6384

Quin Marino.6384

Belka is not considered inquest, I just tested it in game. I would assume the same goes for Brie.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I get the impression that you wet yourselves at the chance to correct me on that. Either way, cool. Now we all know.

Brie solo/duo tips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OrionXnAsh.3064


I dont care about you Miku . I’m just trying to help someone . And ty Quin Marino, if you try it well