Disable LI and MS posting
You can do better!
Pinging gear or tokens doesn’t make people toxic, so removing the ability won’t make the game friendlier. If you make it harder to identify those who only care about the obvious, you make it harder to avoid such groups — that will lead to more miscommunication, which leads to angrier (i.e. more toxic) interactions.
In other words, the OP’s request is more likely to have the opposite effect intended by the OP.
I don’t understand what groups the op’s of these topics are getting into. I’ve tried to raid multiple times, failed all of them, and never had a toxic interaction. Makes me think either the op hasn’t actually tried raiding or is a big contributor to their own toxic encounters.
If “toxic” means “have preferences,” then nothing ANet can do will stop the behavior the OP objects to. All such people would do is find another criteria to make a selection.
I hope you’re joking, while it’s possible that a person with high LIs is a noob, on average this possibility is low. Hence being able to to chose between high or low LIs player is our full right.
Moreover, according to what you wrote, removing only LI or armor stats wouldn’t help at all since there are other means to test a player: precursor/legendary armor, raid minipets and titles.
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
How about no? Instead how about you dont join groups, which requirements you dont fullfill or you dont like and instead of that start your own? You will have a much easier time, same goes to the said groups (who will most likely avoid carrying deadweight on their shoulders.)
Those requirements arent toxic, they are in place to ensure that you dont get people looking for a free ride, who will come in with zero knowledge of the content and probably with very bad gear (yea i’ve seen celestial temps who pulls the aggro from me. Its not pretty…). I dont know about you, but I dont enjoy carrying new (or just lazy) people in raids.