Dragonhunter - Guardian Elite Specialization
I can’t help but feel that it goes directly against some fo the core ideas that made this game great.
Oh, and they started going against it NOW? Have they even followed their core ideas for longer than a month after release?
What were these ideas, even? I don’t remember anymore. I bet they don’t either.
All I see in this specialisation is lots of pvp stuff useless in pve, stupid traps, another phiw weapon for wannabe rangers that want to camp 1200 with 0 effort, a spit in the face to ACTUAL rangers that are left in the dust as usual (want to play a ranger with more damage, more support and without a pet? here) and some damage modifiers.
Maybe it’s the chrono that set the bar high, I don’t even know…
P.S. I also SERIOUSLY doubt they’re gonna buff ranger’s lb to compensate. And the traits are absolutely pathetic, a mishmash of very specific lb/trap enhancing and some 10% here and there. Wow.
I honestly think these are serious buffs for WvW guardian and not that much for sPvP. The ridiculous amount of damage modifiers on that elite trait can bring the guard damage to be on par with the second ele in a speed run. The vuln trap can be placed during might stacking and cutscene time so its ramping is not actually that bad. The reveal bonus is a serious counter against Veil at any choke points. With the roling of a new borderland map which has narrow and vertical access, it can be really useful. The only buff i can see for sPvP are the damage modifiers and additional CC.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
People are reading the tooltip wrong. They think it only lasts 1 second but that’s because it’s a pulsing effect. So it’s 25 whopping stacks.
And particularly 10 seconds of revealed which is gonna get so much thief QQ it’s not even funny.
For PVP I’d imagine players are smart enough to gtfo out of it, so the reveal won’t be too bad. And the 25 stack with current mechanics would only be up 1/2 the time, dropping ever half second. So we’ll see what actually happens with it.
I have heard from unofficial sources that condi duration reduction is being removed with the defiant change. No more unshakeable. I could be wrong about this. But i would not be surprised. This means debuff conditions become slightly better (good change because boons are so dominant atm). And its not an issue for blind because that looks like its going to reduce the break bar instead of applying.
Also i was hyped with the new vuln traits on necro possibly making it an easier vuln stacker than engi. But at this point it looks likely that every class is going to be able to solo 25 vuln stacks AOE. x)
Geez, can’t help but think that’s a terrible idea, but whatever, seems to be that way for most of the HoT stuff. Though i will say “easier than engi”? 1…1…1…1, nope can’t get easier than that
With engi your vuln drops off if you stop attacking. The necros vuln trait is just passive while sitting in DS. Definitely easier.
Dang, didn’t realize that. I guess you can beat 1111 with . . .
Dang, didn’t realize that. I guess you can beat 1111 with . . .
A stick?
Light’s Judgement vs Well of Suffering
Im seeing a trend of godly overpowered skills on the new specs so far. But im willing to bet necro doesnt get anything anywhere near that amazing.
You feel bad for Necros? Guardians have gotten traps, just like Rangers do have, with the slight difference that the Guardian traps will be godly on a fairly long cooldown while the Ranger traps are currently useless in PvE and only really make sense in one specific build in PvP. Guardians have also gotten the LB and their skillrotation seems more powerful than the Ranger LB, from a utility standpoint especially.
I guess we have to wait what the actual damage will look like, but I foresee many PewPewRangers becoming PewPewGuardians.
I just want to run around on my guardian shooting tent pegs at people.
I just want to run around on my guardian shooting tent pegs at people.
This is truly hardcore. :o
And particularly 10 seconds of revealed which is gonna get so much thief QQ it’s not even funny.
All it’s gonna do for stealth thieves is make them avoid standing next to a certain spot for 10 seconds. Even if you set the trap off when you go in for a backstab, you just need to back off, wait for the reveal to end (like you would anyway, just 1 second longer) and re-stealth away from the trap.
At best, you might be forced to use a utility slot to be safe. Honestly, Sic ’Em is much more dangerous to stealth thieves and nobody even cares about that anyway.
And particularly 10 seconds of revealed which is gonna get so much thief QQ it’s not even funny.
All it’s gonna do for stealth thieves is make them avoid standing next to a certain spot for 10 seconds. Even if you set the trap off when you go in for a backstab, you just need to back off, wait for the reveal to end (like you would anyway, just 1 second longer) and re-stealth away from the trap.
At best, you might be forced to use a utility slot to be safe. Honestly, Sic ’Em is much more dangerous to stealth thieves and nobody even cares about that anyway.
Well, yeah, if it’s comboed with nothing. Now plant the dragon maw trap on top if it that pulls opponents or ring of warding or the other skill that lays a tether boundary and you’ve suddenly forced the thief to blow his shadowstep to get out of the trap and delayed his backstab combo in the process.
It will be a really powerful tool in conquest PvP or even in the new format since stealthing champions/etc is a powerful strat and now a guardian can foil those strats. Also no more shadow refuge rezzing people or stealth stomps.
Also unlike ranger sic em this is multi target and doesn’t need to be preemptively used as it doesn’t require a target, it just requires someone to trigger it. And it’s supremely better than a crappy shout for 40% more damage on a pet that does 500-700 measly autoattacks. 25 stacks of vulnerability is virtually a death zone.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Light’s Judgement vs Well of Suffering
Im seeing a trend of godly overpowered skills on the new specs so far. But im willing to bet necro doesnt get anything anywhere near that amazing.
You feel bad for Necros? Guardians have gotten traps, just like Rangers do have, with the slight difference that the Guardian traps will be godly on a fairly long cooldown while the Ranger traps are currently useless in PvE and only really make sense in one specific build in PvP. Guardians have also gotten the LB and their skillrotation seems more powerful than the Ranger LB, from a utility standpoint especially.
I guess we have to wait what the actual damage will look like, but I foresee many PewPewRangers becoming PewPewGuardians.
In all seriousness. Ranger traps might be awful. But the class itself is in a far better position than necro. And in response to what you said. Guards are getting better traps than rangers. Mesmers are getting better wells than necros. :P
(edited by spoj.9672)
Light’s Judgement vs Well of Suffering
Im seeing a trend of godly overpowered skills on the new specs so far. But im willing to bet necro doesnt get anything anywhere near that amazing.
You feel bad for Necros? Guardians have gotten traps, just like Rangers do have, with the slight difference that the Guardian traps will be godly on a fairly long cooldown while the Ranger traps are currently useless in PvE and only really make sense in one specific build in PvP. Guardians have also gotten the LB and their skillrotation seems more powerful than the Ranger LB, from a utility standpoint especially.
I guess we have to wait what the actual damage will look like, but I foresee many PewPewRangers becoming PewPewGuardians.In all seriousness. Ranger traps might be awful. But the class itself is in a far better position than necro. And in response to what you said. Guards are getting better traps than rangers. Mesmers are getting better wells than necros. :P
Next step, Necros get better shouts then Guard and Warriors! Support Necro incoming
Personally I’m enjoying watching the sea of randoms squabbling over how the name is ruining their immersion and needs to be renamed to some other generic/cringeworthy name/idea that they think is amazing and needs championing for pages.
Personally I’m enjoying watching the sea of randoms squabbling over how the name is ruining their immersion and needs to be renamed to some other generic/cringeworthy name/idea that they think is amazing and needs championing for pages.
I started to respond and ask what it would matter after the 1st week? But then I was like naw not worth it
Well, Dragonhunter is a pretty lame name for a Guardian specialization. Something as obvious as sentinel or warden matches the guardian motif better.
Dragonhunter sounds more….warrior-ish.
Pretty sure they were going for the “vampire hunter” type thing, envisioning it more as a Van Helsing type option. Not a huge fan of it, but don’t see how it matters much.
Im not a fan of the name either but i can get over it. The whole Dragonhunter instead of Dragon Hunter kind of annoys me though.
I’m glad they didn’t go even more fantasy Cliche’ with the name myself.