Dungeon Forum Format Update

Dungeon Forum Format Update

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Hey folks.

In the near future (see: next patch notes time) there’s going to be a bit of change to how the patch notes are posted, and how you will respond to them.
A problem I am seeing right now, is that we post information in a specific thread, and then allow non-dev people to post in that same thread. Then, when we need to update that thread, our single post is lost in a sea of feedback about the patch. This has made reporting updates to you all very difficult, and has resulted in a lot of incorrect information being spread around, and correct information just not being seen.

So the plan is this.
1. We will have a sticky thread with the most recent patch update pertaining to dungeons. This thread will be LOCKED. That way, when we need to update things or get new information out regarding the patch, there is a place to do it where information is easily found.
2. We will have a second thread specifically for feedback. This will allow people to post on topic.