Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327

Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer


Hey folks, I thought I’d start this thread out with a bit of explanation, mainly regarding the rather nebulous statements made about CoF and CoE.

1. Fixed exploits that allowing players to speed clear paths of this dungeon.
2. Reduced difficulty of the Searing Effigy.

1. Naturally another fix to Magg’s chain so you can’t walk through the door. I also made it so you can’t attack the crystal until after the event has started for you to destroy it.
2. I reduced the toughness of the crystals to make them easier to kill. IO reduced them from a .75 modifier to a .5
I also looked at his PBAOE flame burst attack. There was no warning for it, and no effect tied to it, so I put a red ring on the ground to warn players, reduced it’s attack radius to 600 from 900, and gave it a big purple fire effect. I also made it apply a strike now, instead of just light you on fire. So if anything this was a bit of a buff.
None of his core numbers were changed.

1. Reduced the difficulty of creatures and bosses, particularly health and armor.
1. I reduced kudu’s health, reduced kudu’s golems health, and reduced the Giant’s health. You fight three bosses in a row, and that was a bit arduous for a lot of player.
2.Inquest Insurgents: Nerfed them pretty hard across the board. Lowered their damage, and adjusted their death blossom skill in how it applies the conditions to you, as well as it’s cooldown. That guy was just too brutal for story mode.
3. Inquest Magnetizer (how do they work?!): I gave his tornado a charge-up and a red ring so you could avoid it. I also lowered it’s damage and stun capabilities since it would randomly one-shot people.

There were other minor changes I don’t think are as important, but those above are ones I feel were significant enough to note.

The DR system – I’ll be monitoring the forums today to see the reaction to it. Our tests prove it to be working correctly, but it has in the past as well, and that has shaken confidence. If you see odd behavior with it, please say something.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Could you please explain the DR system as of right now there is a lot of misconception based on various posts by Anet staff spread around the forums.

Some are sayings its a daily DR system now. This means you can only run a path ONCE a day.

The other is there are two ways to be affected.

If you run a dungeon too quickly, say 20 minutes. If you immediately do another dungeon afterwards = DR hit.

If you run a path consecutively, say AC path 1, path 1, etc. The 2nd run will hit the DR limit.
You can however go path 1, path 2, path 1, path 2, etc, and not hit the DR system, as long as you don’t complete the runs too fast.

Please make a final clarification.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer


I’ll talk with the powers that be in making things a bit clear about the DR system. As it stands we are not going to release official numbers on it, due to it being an anti-exploit system.
However I agree that there needs to be some unified information about it. I’ll talk to folks around here to see if we can’t make a sticky thread here in the dungeon forum describing it a bit.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joiry.2504


Keeping the DR system secret is just Security through Obscurity, which really doesn’t work. The people that want to exploit and not enjoy the game are going to test and probe the system and likely figure out a pretty good model of what you’re doing, and figure out an optimal strategy against it anyway, if possible.

Now, I’m not saying detail it in full publicly, but the more informed eyes on your system, the more likely some honest players will report to you a potential loophole, which I guarantee exploiters won’t.

You might want to do something like have a dungeon’s window, which tells you what reward you can expect if you complete a dungeon in the next hour or so.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


I’ve completed all three paths in TA today, received the full 60 tokens (Hooray!).
Then, hours later (maybe 4 – 5 hours) I did one path again for the 2nd time that day, and received 20.

So yes, it seems we can’t do any dungeon twice a day, not even on alts, to receive the full amount.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mistermoo.6720


Just wanted to chime in to say that these are great changes. In particular, the insurgents in CoE story were pretty absurd, and the Searing Effigy was way harder than anything else I’d ever faced.

Was it feedback on these forums that prompted these changes?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


Outstanding patch so far. CoE tweaks were welcome and luckily the challenge is still there. 60 token rewards worked

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


Thanks Robert. I like your approach to giving patch notes updates. You sound more like a player than a developer.

Can you comment on the difficult on defending Magg’s? Basically every group I’ve been in that has done it legitimately just runs around until the timer runs out and we usually die 2-3 times.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I agree that the CoE story-mode felt too hard in some places for a story-mode dungeon, nice to see it being changed.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


I am disappointed that you made the daily bonus per path account bound now since I have 2x level 80s. Hopefully you put some tokens back into chests soon because the daily bonus just feels like an artificial time cap to limit people’s ability to get dungeon gear. It already takes ~1500 tokens for a full armor set + 390 more for a 2-handed weapon.

Even at 60 tokens a run, it takes roughly 31 dungeon runs to get a gear set. It’s not a crazy amount of runs like before, but still pretty long. But obviously when you get back to the post-bonus of 20 tokens you get back into the pointlessly annoying grind of 90+ runs which I think everyone agreed was insane. So basically we are either forced to endlessly grind again or wait at minimum 11 days doing all 3 paths everyday to get cosmetic stuff. Problem is, many dungeons have 1-2 paths that are significantly harder or more annoying where it’s not even worth the time after you’ve run it once.

This isn’t including any of the other stuff like runes or legendary mats that you may need to run dungeons for.

I feel like overall this daily bonus which is really the only run ever worth doing because 20 tokens is laughable just hurts players. If I don’t have time to play certain days but maybe have 5 hours to play on a lazy sunday, I can’t reliably progress towards dungeon gear after 1 path run and end up just having to wait. Overall this also reduces the amount of people running dungeons and the ease it takes to get a dungeon group. From my experience, it’s easiest to find a group within the first few hours of daily resets, then it gets significantly harder once people have got their 1 run bonus in.

Tuning and token rewards still need to be looked at because they still don’t feel like they are in the right place.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gynxz.4079


Keeping the DR system secret is just Security through Obscurity, which really doesn’t work.

That just means its a flawed system. Scare/secret tactics its just unprofessional and dumb. What are we playing now, the Wizard of Oz and Anet is the man behind the curtain? “Follow my rules but I wont tell you what they are… BUT is u dont, you’ll Pay” WTF is that Anet.

If the system is good, telling the players about it will avoid some unnecessary frustration this “hit and miss” game is getting REALLY OLD.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drizzzle.5847


Thanks Robert. I like your approach to giving patch notes updates. You sound more like a player than a developer.


Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer


Tuning and token rewards still need to be looked at because they still don’t feel like they are in the right place.

We agree and are constantly working on improvements to the system. Next week’s patch will have some more updates to our reward system that we just couldn’t get reliably tested this time around. The DR system improvements should help a lot, but we’ll have some more good stuff happening next week.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Opt.3714


1. Reduced the difficulty of creatures and bosses, particularly health and armor.
1. I reduced kudu’s health, reduced kudu’s golems health, and reduced the Giant’s health. You fight three bosses in a row, and that was a bit arduous for a lot of player.

I haven’t run CoE but this fight sounds very similar to the fight with Kudu in Sorrow’s Embrace story mode. Three golems in a row, and smaller bouts with Kudu himself inbetween. Any chance that the Kudu fight in SE (particularly the fire golem of doom) can get the same treatment?

http://opt.red/about Twitter: http://twitter.com/Opt__
Co-Leader, I Can Outtweet A Centaur! [TWIT] #twitguild
IGN: Optimus Maleficus

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Tuning and token rewards still need to be looked at because they still don’t feel like they are in the right place.

We agree and are constantly working on improvements to the system. Next week’s patch will have some more updates to our reward system that we just couldn’t get reliably tested this time around. The DR system improvements should help a lot, but we’ll have some more good stuff happening next week.

That’s great to hear.

I look forward to it, just hoping it helps with a player’s ability to grind tokens after the daily bonus since obviously 20 tokens isn’t really worth it, since the actual gold and items you get from dungeons isn’t any different then doing mindless DE farming while being significantly harder. The main reason for running dungeons is for tokens for cosmetics, so 20 tokens after the first run does seem pretty… unrewarding.

Thanks for all your work and posts on these forums though.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icarus.1648


Hey Robert,

I appreciate the info, as do we all, but you may want to take another look at the Legendary Searing Effigy in CoF Path 1 because I think if you didn’t change his numbers someone else must have. Whereas a week ago I’d spend around an hour trying to dps through his regen and failing, this morning he went down in around 2 minutes to a similarly geared group. Would be nice if he was a little harder (same numbers as last week but crystals spawn less frequently maybe?) because right now he’s taken over from Magg as the easiest path in CoF.

I know you’re never going to please everyone, but that’s just my thoughts.


Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: issacTheMarker.8530


Mr. Hrouda, i saw no mention of the bomb planting event in CoF getting fixed. I will have to do the event again to see if any changes went live. However if there have been no changes then i say again it is very difficult to kite 20+ silver mobs. I die with in about 5- 10 sec with all of them targeting me. It makes me wonder if this encounter was designed for a holy trinity set up.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Holesale.2640


The CoF Bomb Planting needs major rework i understand that we are required to Kill the mobs but that will takes far too long and by the time you down 1 3 more show up at least make the enemy spawn in waves after the first set are defeated give people reason to actually Fight the Monsters.

this being Required to die is counter productive..

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rickets.1386


Just wanted to say dungeons worked perfect for all members in our group last night, we ran 2 CoF paths and 1 AC path and got full rewards.

Thanks for your continued efforts, i look forward to the updates in next weeks patch.

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eileithia.5246


I’ll 3rd the Bomb planting event in CoF. I ran this last night for the first time (Others in the group had done it before) and it’s just not fun. The closest we got was 60% after about 8 attempts. The last one being pulling the mobs out of the room and purposely leashing them (keeping them at the threshold). I can’t imagine this is the desired tactic. The mobs have too much HP/Armor to realistically kill with any normal group (Mix of Rare/Exotics) and their ability to one-shot just about anyone who makes the slightest mistake just isn’t fun. Too much risk for not enough reward.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ryokoalways.3450


I would like to disagree with bomb planting being too difficult. The group I run with did path two yesterday, and we were able to clear that room in one try. This is the first time that we’ve done this path (minus 1 person, who pug the path within last week using suicide train method) since the easy days. I believe that this room is extremely doable and does not require suicide train. This was our first attempt and we were able to get to 73-74% comfortably. It wasn’t until the second smoke lord spawned that we got a couple of people downed. We lost our dps timing so we had to resort to kiting the last 25%. This is because we didn’t notice the bomb he dropped in time. If we were more aware and did control better, i’m confident we would have been able to take them further and fight all the way to the finish.

Regarding the exact difficulty, here would be my feedback. I believe that this particular part is doable. However, how that is achieved will be dependent on equipment/setup/familiarity. I don’t think a pug will be able to do this room through the ‘fight till the end’ means. I also think not having exotics available will make this fairly difficult. That being said, I believe that even without exotics or good coordination, it is very easy to fight to 70%+ and then just kite if you feel your dps is slipping.

It would come down to what dev considers as the correct difficulty for this part. I personally feel that the current standard is just fine; you can fight to the finish if you are prepared for it, but you can just fight into kite if your team is less than ideal. It kind of adds some tension too, which is always nice. Time based conditions should always be made to be near the line of make or break. It’s much more fun that way.

We were able to clear the path within 30 minutes. We did have one wipe, and it was at the escort Magg across lava, primarily because we got careless and let an elite imp go to town on us.


Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShreeK.3964


Now that DR has been wrangled I was wondering if we can’t get a UI widget somewhere that tells us what the timer on the bonus 40 tokens per wing per day is. I’m basically alternating days for wings so that I don’t complete a given wing 23 hours later or something similar. Being able to know which wings are on “cooldown” would be awesome.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zale.9645


Robert, when are you going to address the fact that the bomb planting event is just a kiting/death zerg fest?

I will never play WvW until Map Completion there is removed.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sin.6482


Good day

I haven’t seen anything about this being a recognized issue, or that its being dealt with, so I wanted to post here. I was in a PuG a few nights ago, doing Arah (Story Mode), and received no cut scenes. Only 1 person in our group did, and once the dungeon was complete, none received completetion of their personal story. I was curious if there was a retroactive fix in the works, or will individuals have to complete the entire Dungeon again and hope that it their personal story actually completes?

Thanks in advance

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: serena smith.2734

serena smith.2734

There’s a bug in the story mode of some dungeons where only one player gets to see the cutscenes and the rest doesnt, usually is the first person who enters the dungeon, is there going to be a fix for this soon?

When the wind is so strong that you almost can hear a whisper calling your name..
This is your calling, to The battle of your life.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alxa.6527


> There’s a bug in the story mode of some dungeons where only one player gets to see the cutscenes and the rest doesnt, usually is the first person who enters the dungeon, is there going to be a fix for this soon?

This can be avoided if the 1st person in doesn’t run ahead and trigger the CS, if every one comes in at the same time or the first person waits then it works fine in my experience.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Recently.1043


Can you please explain what we should be getting for Non-DR also?

For example, Yesterday around 7-8pm PST i ran AC routes 1 and 2. Today at 3pm PST i ran AC route 2 again. First time i got 60, second time i got 20. I wasn’t expecting to get 60 against since it wasn’t 24 hours, but i was kind of expecting a little bit more than 20.

In this same example, if i run AC route 2 again after the “daily” reset, will i get 60 again? or by running it again just now for 20 “reset the 24 hour timer”. Its a bit confusing.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Thanks Robert!
Appreciate the communication!

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

(edited by kKagari.6804)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gunzwei.5417


I got 180 Tokens off CoE (all paths) and 60 tokens off Arah (Warden). The fix was very welcome. Here’s some feedback regarding CoE/Arah exp.

- Tone the length down or up the rewards. This place is way longer than it needs to be.
- Nerf Slime Boss in Jotun route. This boss is the very definition of tedious.
- Lupicus needs a grace period between his AoE—→ShadowStep to prevent resets.
- Lupicus needs to change targets more often in phase 3 to prevent double bubbles which generally result in a guaranteed death.
- Grubs should all die at phase 1—→2 transition. Routinely someone will get “grubbed” right as the phase switches resulting in Lupicus getting a buff stack.
- Some Risen after Lupicus (Warden) have innate stability that is not listed on their Buffs.

- The lack of a proper zoom out on the Camera can make Subject Alpha’s ice attack impossible to see. (the shard floats above your head barely out of sight)
- Stun Golems need to stun and not do 4k+ damage channeled attacks.
- Laser Puzzle should not damage armor.
- Subject Alpha needs to change his crystal target more often.
- Bjarl needs to be looked at due to his buggy nature and lousy ai pathing.
- The Butcher Golem needs different mechanics.
- Evolved Destroyer needs a longer period of shield downtime.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overunity.4273


Thank you for giving a little more explanation .
I have run all 3 paths of COE and got 180 tokens .
Previously 30 then 15 and so on .
I also did 3 paths of HOTW and also got 180 tokens .

I also did some dynamic events on Orr That were previously stuck and completed them ,so now I can collect karma and tokens as you originally intended ,thanks so much .

We just want to have fun

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wahaha.7938


It takes 3 runs a day for 10 days to get a full set + weapon of “prestigious” dungeon gear. PLEASE DO NOT make it any easier than this. It’s already way too easy. 9 paths per day for 10 days = 3 complete dungeon sets. Hope the expansions will have sets that are actually hard to get. The only sets that indicate any sort of effort on the players part are Arah and WvW.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeadlyStormZ.2370


More than one waypoints in Arah EM are bugged

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

This is your opinion, Wahaha, getting armor+weapon after 10 days.
It’s still not clear if the reset timer trigger every server reset, every 24 hours, randomly, triggered doing a certain sequence like CoE all paths then arah all path THEN just when you complete all arah paths, CoE is resetted giving you 60 tokens again per path.
Now people is happy, we are getting 60 tokens for the first attempt per path.
Still, looking the Hrouda post on this page, seems devs are again playing the game of who find the exploit getting 60 tokens per run not triggering the DR.
Do you remember his post here?

Correct. People can speculate about the timing involved and how it works – we will not be divulging this information since it opens the system up to people finding ways around it. While we are confident in the system, we are doubly confident that people are amazing at finding holes in systems and breaking them.

I would like to remember to devs CoE story central poi (the one available killing the last boss) still doesn’t trigger, remains undiscovered

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Timze.7980


Has there been any discussion with devs about adding casting bars or something similar to dungeons bosses? It is currently quite hard to see when the boss is using some of the skills…

Or has there been anything about adding dungeon group finder. It is really needed. Currently people can in worst case use as much time to find good group than it would take to complete the specific dungeon already.

Anything been talked about these devs?

If you are reading this, you are only waisting your time!
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’

(edited by Timze.7980)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


There is actually a little gem that nobody seems to use to find dungeon groups.

In game while by the dungeon (not sure if you just have to be in map or not), type /lfg. This will place you in a different status altogether. Now people looking for more to join their party just need to hit Y, click Looking For Group tab, viola!

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ender.3508


“I haven’t run CoE but this fight sounds very similar to the fight with Kudu in Sorrow’s Embrace story mode. Three golems in a row, and smaller bouts with Kudu himself inbetween. Any chance that the Kudu fight in SE (particularly the fire golem of doom) can get the same treatment?”

I liked the golem fight. Probably too hard for story mode, but that was another battle that made my team think and rely on one another. I was a magnetic reflection rezzer and would pop reflection as I went to revive someone so we wouldn’t get hit by the laval fonts. That fight required good prediction and timing, if only we had a guardian or another ele with us :/

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Steven.8027


This is your opinion, Wahaha, getting armor+weapon after 10 days.
It’s still not clear if the reset timer trigger every server reset, every 24 hours, randomly, triggered doing a certain sequence like CoE all paths then arah all path THEN just when you complete all arah paths, CoE is resetted giving you 60 tokens again per path.
Now people is happy, we are getting 60 tokens for the first attempt per path.
Still, looking the Hrouda post on this page, seems devs are again playing the game of who find the exploit getting 60 tokens per run not triggering the DR.
Do you remember his post here?

Correct. People can speculate about the timing involved and how it works – we will not be divulging this information since it opens the system up to people finding ways around it. While we are confident in the system, we are doubly confident that people are amazing at finding holes in systems and breaking them.

I would like to remember to devs CoE story central poi (the one available killing the last boss) still doesn’t trigger, remains undiscovered

In my experience it resets at the same time as the servers – 12 or 1 AM UTC for European servers.

I did 2 paths of TA 2 days ago, finishing at either 11 or 11:30 PM UTC, then again today, finishing at 10:30 PM UTC, and got full rewards the second time.

X Of Arnor

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Opt.3714


“I haven’t run CoE but this fight sounds very similar to the fight with Kudu in Sorrow’s Embrace story mode. Three golems in a row, and smaller bouts with Kudu himself inbetween. Any chance that the Kudu fight in SE (particularly the fire golem of doom) can get the same treatment?”

I liked the golem fight. Probably too hard for story mode, but that was another battle that made my team think and rely on one another. I was a magnetic reflection rezzer and would pop reflection as I went to revive someone so we wouldn’t get hit by the laval fonts. That fight required good prediction and timing, if only we had a guardian or another ele with us :/

Yeah it requires a specific technique and it’s long because he heals by purging conditions. As you alluded, it seems like you shouldn’t find yourself wanting a specific profession in your party for a story mode encounter.

http://opt.red/about Twitter: http://twitter.com/Opt__
Co-Leader, I Can Outtweet A Centaur! [TWIT] #twitguild
IGN: Optimus Maleficus

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wild Longshot.3258

Wild Longshot.3258

Hey thanks for the patch guys. I’m finally getting the correct amount of tokens for each run and it’s greatly appreciated.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ryokoalways.3450


One more sample:

Twilight Arbor- Up path- Clear time: ~30 minutes (slightly under)
Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 22.XX Silver (character 2, lvl 73)
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

1 minutes between clear and start

Twilgiht Arbor- Forward-up path- Clear time: ~30 minutes (may have been under)
Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 22.XX Silver (character 2, lv73)
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

10 minutes between clear and start.

Citadel of Flames- Path 1- Clear time: Under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver (switched to character 1, lvl80)
Member 2- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Unknown
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

10 minutes between clear and start.

Citadel of Flames- Path 2- Clear time: Well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver (character 1, lvl80)
Member 2- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 3- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 4- Cleared within 24 hours
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver
Member 5- Unknown
Reward: 60 Tokens, 26 Silver

10 minutes between clear and start.

Catacomb- Howling King- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 18.XX Silver (Switched to character 2, lvl74)
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver

0 minutes between clear and start

Catacomb- Ghost Eater- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 18.XX Silver (character 2, lvl75)
Member 2- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 24 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 5- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver

5 minutes between clear and start

Catacomb- Collosus Rumbus- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 18.XX Silver (character 2, lvl75)
Member 2- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 3- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 4- Cleared path within 48 hours
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver
Member 5- Unknown.
Reward: 45 Tokens, 19.5 Silver

5 minutes between clear and start

Catacomb- Howling King- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 6.XX Silver (Character 2, lv75)
Member 2- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 3- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 4- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 5- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver

5 minutes between clear and start

Catacomb- Ghost Eater- Clear time: well under 30 minutes
Member 1- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 6.XX Silver (Character 2, lv76)
Member 2- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 3- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 4- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver
Member 5- Second clear of day
Reward: 15 Tokens, 8 Silver

As far as I can tell, everything seems to be working properly. First repeat penalty is 1/3 of original amount, and speed clear penalty is 3/4 of original amount.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I guess the rage doesn’t grow until the damage is not high enough.
Seriously guys, it’s pathetic. It’s from last patch we ask devs to fix the group mess, even now with new patch and minifix, it’s messed up.
I completely wasted my health on arah, more than 3 hours, arah path 4.
I explained to the group to read my explanation how to deal with dwayna.
Even showing them it was working, following my explanation, 2 of the group just left thinking (like the most of you reading my post) that boss is bugged.
So, i just went outside, attempting to find 2 more to finish the dungeon.
Guess what happened? Logging out and relogging, i was outside and on a total different istance, no more able to join MY PARTY. I found 2 more guys, we went inside, we was on a total new istance.
It’s pathetic.
Relog, leave and rejoin, map, useless. We had to forget our waste of time, who didn’t worth a kitten and 0 tokens obiouvsly not killing last boss.
This means play with the spectre of lose electricity or the connection, and be ready to waste even 4 hours for nothing, no more able to join YOUR PARTY.
Didn’t devs promised us they was going to fix this idiot bug on monday patch?
Thanks for make me waste my time, Anet.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Graywolves.8023


I’m extremely dissapointed with the changes made to the Legendary Searing Effigy. First time I fought him yeah he was extremely hard, in fact my friends and I submitted a bug report because it was crazy. But then we figured out and it was a really fun fight.

I loved having that high tense feeling of avoiding getting hit at all because he would pretty much follow it up and hit you again, knocking you across the cavern floor and put your group behind on the fight due to his constant regen.

Now I can literally just stand there, let him hit me, use my stunbreaker, and keep hitting him again. It’s so lame now. His regen is almost negligible, summons maybe 2 crystals at a time.

You took a boss that filled players with a sense of achievment for beating and turned him into another one of those fights with negligible mechanics. No where close to a remote challenge.

Just revert it, change it back. I thought there was a pretty strong policy of providing challenging content but now you’ve pretty much turned a boss into a trash mob with a giant health pool and I don’t know why you would reduce CoE difficulty.

CoE was pretty easy as was. Changes that should be made to that is the suicide golem reliability, they like to run wherever they want in teleporter route. In Submarine you can have 4 people hack at once after the first wave while one person covers and skip fighting the vets in all 4 waves. In Front Door route the destroyer fight is a lot of doing the exact same thing until he’s dead, either put less lava on the floor or make the run back to the lazers faster somehow.

And the Golem fight with the support turrets in all routes is just bland. My group’s literally ignored the turrets and just DPS’d him down before. Even if the turrets were significant that fight’s pretty boring for something that’s in every route, needs to be more dynamic.

I like how subject alpha changes abilities each route though.

tl;dr – reverse the nerfs, provide more challenges and more diversity without what feels like a time sink and don’t give anything negligible mechanics.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Invertation.4293


I’d just like to throw in my kudos for the Flame Effigy from CoF route 1.
Pre update, my attempts at this route got the boss down to ~90% health before it rocketed back up. Post update, he proves killable.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: issacTheMarker.8530


Two things i wanted to mention 1) One of points this game had coming in was you didn’t need a healer or a tank or w/e to do dungeons. However, I have already seen plenty of posts that the only way to do exp modes is with quite the opposite and have a holy trinity set up. Melee tank or healers or various of other class to get buffs. Frankittenhat seems to me it is no different that other games with a holy trinity set up. Maybe the best way to handle it is to incorporate holy trinity in this game or at least have the option for it.

2.) There is a serious problem with explorable modes overall. Whether it is because they can not be pugged or they are to difficult, the point is in the beginning we used to farm shards because it was easier to do that little amount than do the entire dungeon. It should tell you something.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wahaha.7938


Anyone attempting a holy trinity is being very inefficient and a bad group. I would really hate to be in a group with people who think that’s a good idea.
“farming shards instead of doing dungeon should tell us something”
It tells us that the first boss is early in the dungeon.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flameseeker.1367


I’ve done all 3 paths in CoF these last 2 days and I’m so glad I finally get the full reward for finishing them. 180 tokens a day is, for me at least, the perfect amount.

Yes, the Searing Effigy felt a little dumbed down in comparison to pre-patch. Since you lowered the amount of health crystals have, maybe let him spawn more?

Also, we’re still kiting the mobs while Magg sets his bomb. I normally die only once or twice with my ranger (I have no vitality or toughness on my gear), which isn’t an issue since I get 26s at the end.

So far, my favorite path is the 3rd one. Getting the torches to light at the same time gives me and my party that “we’re awesome” feeling every time. Which reminds me, I really do love these puzzle kind of things! Completing them feels much more rewarding than killing a boss with insane health and skills.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Andicus.3081


Hi Robert.

First off I’d like to take the chance to say thanks for posting some more in depth updates.

Secondly, I’d just like to provide feedback for CoE (specifically Kudu).

We ran this as a guild last night, and all of us agreed that all 3 parts of the Kudu fight still have FAR to much health. Once you have a boss figured out its just not fun to pound on him for 15 mins.
You could cut his health by 50% from where it is now, have no impact on the difficulty and double the enjoyment.

We also found his pewpew one shot mode to be a bit of a problem.
We identified that the skill had a charging animation and that dodging worked against it. The two problems were that A) he (and the animation) are too small and easily obscured by combat effects. And we perceived (could be wrong) that the animation had a variable charge up length which leads to an abnormal number of mistimed dodges.
If you are going to have a one shot mechanism, it needs to be glaringly obvious and have consistent dodge timing (the guy with the pull in AC explorable is a good example)

Moving slightly away from responding to these particular patch notes, we have in general enjoyed all the dungeons (that we have done so far) and think the difficulty is about right. However in 90% of cases we feel that most bosses and silver mobs have to much health and they become a mundane dps’ing chore rather than a challenge.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coredusk.3156


I’m not sure, but to me, if you just say out loud what happened ‘All paths, but once per day’, it doesn’t seem anti-farm, it’s just a big limit to dungeons.

I do get faster tokens by just doing each path once a day, so the set progress is smoothly.

But! When you really like doing dungeons, and run one path a few times to, for example, test tactics, but you still perform well & coordinated, the reward could be just as well zero, it’s not inviting at all to do this.

I do think this needs to be looked into.

I like the new rewards, but it did make me play less dungeons and therefor overall play less.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wintermute.4096


If you feel you have to put a timer on the rewards, do so, but give us numbers. There really is no reason not to give us numbers, because dedicated players will find out what they are. So instead of forcing us to keep track of the counter externally, please just let us view it.

I just don’t want to run a dungeon on my limited time only to find out that I would have gotten 3x the reward had I waited an hour, thats all.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 10/1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Darklimbo.1476


Speed clears were awesome in Gw1 and I dont understand why skills and organized teams must be penalized.

What i would like to add also is that dungeon armors and weapons are only good for their skin. So dungeons should have that grinding feeling because the runs for the armors are skin based and not about stats.

Not all players in Gw2 are custom ones.Some have more time to spend in the game and want a good reward for their efforts.(even if its skin only).

Please consider all the aspects of the matter.If a dungeon is small the players cant be blamed for their speed clears.

A lot of people does not read the forums and they are getting confused when they get lower rewards at the end.

Maybe the gameplay of the dungeons can change or the dungeons become larger.

I hope i am in the right topic to post this.Thanks for reading

The River Dragon has come